
Show "passed" image or text after validating an (req. field)validator

I have the following code: <asp:TextBox CssClass="mf" runat="server" ID="mail1" Width="270" /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfv1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="mail1" Display="Dynamic" /> Now I want to show an image (or text) if the v...

Render a RequiredFieldValidator to an HtmlTextWriter

Hi, I am creating a custom server control in which I place a RequiredFieldValidator. In the the Render method and I want to dynamically create a RequiredFieldValidator and render it to the HtmlTextWriter. The problem is, when I call RenderControl on the RequiredFieldValidator, it only generates a span for me with no javascript or client...

.net Validating a range of controls

Hello all. I have the following scenario. I have a search page which is split into two divs. In the first, a user can create query parameters using a range of drop down menus. In the second div a user can enter text to source the query parameter and narrow the search further. On the drop down selectedindex change event, a radio butt...

Password custom validation ain't working

I have a form for registration. I'm checking if the password has 6 characters like this : <input type="password" runat="server" name="password" size="41" maxlength="64" id="txtpassword" /><span>*</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator8" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Fill in a password." Cont...

what if i do not set error message in required field validator?

If i do not set error message in required field validator, will it display msg pop up box or not? my code- <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" SetFocusOnError="true" ValidationGroup="Search" ID="RFV_ddlTimeSlot" Display="None" ControlToValidate="ddlTimeSlot" InitialValue="--Select Time Slot--" ErrorMessage=""></asp:Requir...

Multiple RequiredFieldValidators on page but they need to apply to different button clicks

Hi, I'm working on a page and I have the following scenario: I have 2 fields that have requiredfieldvalidators which need to "fire" their validation when button1 is clicked but NOT when button2 is clicked and another field which is validated by another requiredfieldvalidator with the opposite scenario. (requiredfieldvalidator f...

Programmatically show asp:RequiredFieldValidator.

I have a form. I am validating user input on client side and server side in case if any naughty user bypasses client side validation. I am using's RequiredFieldValidators. I have set them to dynamic. They display fine on client side if form fails validation. But if I try to bypass client side validation, they never show up, even ...

Required field validator for multiple dropdown lists in an aspx page

I have an aspx page which has 18 (yes 18) dropdown lists and 18 text boxes. Each dropdown needs to be selected and each textbox needs to be filled. Dragging and dropping required field validators on these 36 controls and maintaining them is a painful task and does not seem to be the logical option as all I need is for the user to select ...