
How do I form complete URLs from incomplete URLs found in a web page?

I can retrieve the text of a web page, let's say with some real and made up links: /questions /tags /questions?sort=votes /questions?sort=active randompage.aspx ../coolhomepage.aspx Knowing my originating page was is there a way in .Net to ...

In C#, how do I resolve the IP address of a host?

How can you dynamically get the IP address of the server (PC which you want to connect to)? ...

Subversion resolve all conflicts quickly

When I have several conflicts, is there a way to resolve them all by just telling SVN to keep the version that is in the repository? Unfortunately, we're still using 1.4. ...

Resolve Windows drive letter to a path (subst and network)

I wonder if there is a universal way of resolving a path using a drive letter (such as X:\foo\bar.txt) into its equivalent UNC path, which might be one of the following: X:\foo\bar.txt if X: is a real drive (i.e. hard disk, USB stick, etc.) \\server\share\foo\bar.txt if X: is a network drive mounted on \\server\share C:\xyz\foo\bar.txt...

attributes.someParam cannot be evaluated in coldfusion

I have in my cfm something like this <CFModule name="MyModule" someParam_one="" someParam_two="#something.two#" someParam_etc="etc_etc_etc"/> And inside my module, I have an <CFSet param_name = "someParam_one"> ... evaluate("attributes." & param_name) On most of our servers, this work. But on one of our s...

Castle Windsor ResolveAll that throws when any of registered services cannot be resolved

It seems that current behaviour of Castle Windsor (2.0) method container.ResolveAll(Type type) is to ignore all services that cannot be resolved due to missing dependencies. What is recommened way to resolve all services + throwing exception when any of services cannot be resolved? ...

resolving incidents (closing cases) in CRM4 through webservices?

Hello everybody, I'm trying to resolve/close Dynamics CRM4 cases/incidents through webservices. A single SetStateIncidentRequest is not enough and returns a Server was unable to process request error message. I think it has something to do with active workflows that trigger on case's attribute changes. I don't know if there's anything ...

How to resolve local DTDs without System.Xml.Utils.Dll(XmlPreloadedResolver)?

I use an external DTD to validate my xml files. Since the XmlReader seem to look for the DTD only in the folder where the xml file is, I need to somehow tell the reader to look into a specific folder where my dtd's are. I though of XmlPreloadedResolver to solve this but I cannot find System.Xml.Utils.Dll in the GAC. Isn't this a standa...

How to speedup perforce auto resolve?

I would like to know how to speedup the perforce auto resolve when doing integration (merge yours and theirs if no conflicts exists). Currently is taking hours for ~5000 files when running it using a proxy server even if the proxy server has the files pre-cached. Also p4v interface doesn't give you any hint regarding the progress of th...

Perforce auto resolve (on a pending changelist) from the command line?

I want to safe resolve all the files in a pending changelist. Currently, the only way I know to do this is to pass p4 a list of files. SET CHANGE_NUMBER=default SET CHANGE_FILES=files.txt DEL %CHANGE_FILES% for /f "tokens=1 delims=#" %%a in ('p4 opened -c %CHANGE_NUMBER%') DO ECHO %%a>>%CHANGE_FILES% p4 -x %CHANGE_FILES% resolve -as ...

C# - How to retreive the target of a Junction or Symlink with a standard user

Hi I am trying to get the target of a junction in my program, but the only way I managed do it is: Requesting Backup privileges p-invoke CreateFile with special parameters to get a handle to the file/dir. DeviceIoControl call to the get the target. The 1st step will not work with normal user accounts, because they have no Backup ...

How to know full paths to DLL's from .csproj file?

Hi, I wonder if there is some way to know full paths to the dll's that are listed in .csproj file. The most interesting for me is to resolve paths to default dll's like System.Xml.dll, System.Data.dll and etc. In the .csproj file there are only lines with short names: <Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq"> <RequiredTargetFramework>3....

Is there any tool that will resolve and hardcode every included file of a PHP script?

Hi! I would need a tool, if it exists or if you can write in under 5 mins (don't want to waste anyone's time). The tool in question would resolve the includes, requires, include_once and require_once in a PHP script and actually harcode the contents of then, recursively. This would be needed to ship PHP scripts in one big file that ac...

How to merge using Meld on Linux

Hi, I want to resolve some conflicts of an SVN file using Meld. I'm using the Head version and my version to resolve the conflicts. I am unable to find how to do the merge operation and resolve the conflicts. When i'm right clicking on the line, i just see copy, paste, cut, create patch copy to right, copy to left options. Is there any...

Is it possible to set Android apps to connect to dev servers?

When building desktop or web apps, its easy to add fake hosts file entries so apps will connect to dev servers instead of production ones - is something similar possible for Android apps? ...

Resolve Hostname Error When Accessing Subversion

I get the an error when attempting to do the following commands in Subversion: update, commit, log, list, blame etc. However, diff and info work. The error is the following when using any desktop client, e.g. CollabNet, TortoiseSVN, Intellij, Visual Studio's AnkhSVN: "http://xxx01/comm/JavaService/trunk/: Could not resolve hostname `h...

How does Unity.Resolve know which constructor to use?

Given a class with several constructors - how can I tell Resolve which constructor to use? Consider the following example class: public class Foo { public Foo() { } public Foo(IBar bar) { Bar = bar; } public Foo(string name, IBar bar) { Bar = bar; Name = name; } public IBar Bar ...

Java URI.resolve

I'm trying to resolve two URIs, but it's not as straightforward as I'd like it to be. URI a = new URI(""); URI b = new URI("bar.html"); The trouble is that a.resolve(b).toString() is now "". How can I get away with that? ...

django cross-site reverse a url

I have a similar question than django cross-site reverse. But i think I can't apply the same solution. I'm creating an app that lets the users create their own site. After completing the signup form the user should be redirected to his site's new post form. Something along this lines: new_post_url = 'http://%s.domain:9292/mana...

.NET substitute dependent assemblies without recompiling?

I have a question about how the .NET framework (2.0) resolves dependent assemblies. We're currently involved in a bit of a rewrite of a large ASP.NET application and various satellite executables. There are also some nagging problems with our foundation classes that we developed a new API to solve. So far this is a normal, albeit wide...