
How do you handle unsolicited responses (like incoming calls) when handling sms with a gsm modem

I have tried to develop a gsm modem library for handling sms built around it does not handle unsolicited responses very well, in particular incomming calls. i resort to sending AT hangup commands for each incoming call, however the unsolicited responses can popup even while you are doing other processing. this...

Why does my Ajax request go directly from state 1 to 4?

Hello, I am making a request to a CGI program using AJAX. The response sends me content-length. My purpose is to dynamically exhibit the response progress. For that I need to start a function on onreadystate value of XHR object to be 3. But the request doesn't seems to acquire that status number. Instead it goes directly from state 1 to ...

Handling asynchronous responses

I'm building an FTP client from scratch and I've noticed that the response codes aren't immediate (which is no surprise). What would be a good approach for getting the corresponding code to a command? Below is an example of the output of Filezilla server. The response code is the three digits near the end of each line. (000057) 23/05/...

How do you correctly handle 404 errors in ASP.NET?

In the web.config you can add this code to handle 404 errors: <customErrors mode="Off" defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.aspx"> <error statusCode="404" redirect="/Site-Map"/> </customErrors> And this works well as you can see by this URL However, according to this website

Calculating Frequency response from a set of input and a set of output obtained from a test

Hai, here is the scenario, i have a set of input values say 2000, and the corresponding out put values, the sampling rate was 2000 samples/sec, and a sinusoidal wave of 50hz was used, so how do I calculate the frequency response from this varaiables, what i did in matlab was, i called all the input values and t...