
responsibility based modeling versus class reasons to change

In this text I read Be alert for a component that is just a glorified responsibility. A component is supposed to capture an abstraction that has a purpose in the system. It may happen that what appears at one moment as a meaningful component is really just a single responsibility left on its own. That responsibility c...

Who owns documentation?

At my company we are currently re-assessing which team will take on the responsibility of external documentation (end user, training and support documentation). We don't have a dedicated technical writer on staff and, like most development teams, our developers struggle with writing high quality, consistent end user docs. Who should ow...

who should instantiate and assign runtime strategy implementations?

When implementing the strategy pattern, how do you determine which class is responsible for: Selecting the specific concrete strategy implementation to pass to the Context class (assuming that the selection is based on some complex business logic and not a static flag) Instantiating the aforementioned concrete implementation and actual...

Properly design a code editor application

I'm working on personal project which is basically a code editor. Imagine standard File menu with menu items New, Open, Save, Save As, Save All, Close, Close All. I'm stuck with proper design. Currently I have: A Document class which represents a document - code editing control, respective tab in tab bar and various properties such a...

MVVM what part of pattern responsible for grouping of datagrid

I've been tinkering around with the MVVM pattern and now I'm trying to implement a little application based on it. This application has a datagrid in which, surprisingly enough, some data is presented. Now I'm trying to add some grouping ability to it. I know how to write this in code (C# and XAML), but I'm wondering in what layer I sho...