
Google App Engine (Java) web service authentication/authorization/security.

I currently have a Google App Engine app consisting of two parts: A website using old school JSPs A RESTful service implemented in Jersey I've been trying to figure out how to shoehorn authentication into the web service but am rather lost since I've never used Spring before, and it sounds like that's the way to go. Must I use Spring,...

WCF REST: ReadAsDataContract using classes "WITHOUT" decoration attributes DataContract and DataMember

Hi there, I have just done some tests and i have manged to get ReadAsDataContract working on the Response.Content method... The thing that really is confusing is that i thought it shouldn't work yet! As my classes are NOT decorated with the DataContact or DataMember Attributes. I am confused, reading the various tutorials around the ...

Accessing All Sharepoint 2010 User Profiles

I'm attempting to iterate through all User Profiles in SharePoint 2010 from a Silverlight application that will be added to a SharePoint page. Based on what I've learned, the User Profile Service is different than the SharePoint Website's store of a list of users who are "members" of the site or have ever visited it. To get that list of ...

What is the best way to implement restful routing in ASP.NET MVC 2?

Missing my Rails map.resources and wondering how I can implement something similar in ASP.NET MVC 2. Thanks ...

RESTful request to Rails app using curl ignores AuthenticityToken

Is there any reason that AuthenticityToken would be ignored when executing a REST HTTP request using curl? curl http://localhost:3000/Asset/9f3cb180-e410-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66.xml -X DELETE The above will execute remove an Asset of the given ID from the database with no regards to what the AuthenticityToken is (usually nil). class ...

REST web service available out there to use?

I was just wondering what other cool web service API out there that we can use besides the following: 1. Foursquare 2. Facebook 3. Twitter 4. Google & Bing Map 5. NetFlix 6. LinkedIn What other ones can you find? ...

PHP REST variables missing

Hi there! In this tutorial's processRequest method: ... switch ($request_method){ case 'get': $data = $_GET; break; case 'post': $data = $_POST; break; ... looks like $_GET variables are ignored when $_POST happens (at least this happening in my test setup - not the same script but idea is similar). ...

Stress-testing using Cucumber

I'm currently writing integration tests for a RoR REST API using cucumber. I'd also like to stress-test the API and was wondering how I might be able to re-use my cucumber scenarios to do this. I've used JMeter and httperf before for stress-tests, and of course with both tools had to write or record the tests that I wanted to include...

REST and JSF: Library to use? How to solve it?

The problem: When the user clicks on I need to display the item with id=1 which is in the database. To do that I need to execute bean methods. (Ideally the user would have to login first if not in cookies and then redirect but that's another problem). I'm using Richfaces 3.3.3 with JSF 2.0 (So VDL is d...

Managing restful resources in Rails 3

I am trying to convert my Rails 2 app to Rails 3, but I can't delete any resources using my old Rails 2 code. To be precise I am trying to delete a resource, using this link: <%= link_to image_tag("misc/delete.png"), @book, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %> And yet it doesn't work at all! It just behaves as if the :co...

One WCF Service to Rule them All? (SOAP w https, oData, JSON, POX, etc...)

I've been playing around with WCF and I have managed to a WCF service to generate both SOAP, POX, and JSON formats pretty easily based on this example (I added the soap config). And I see that if you add a timestamp field to your data base tables you can actuall...

Testing Applications built on top of RESTful web services

Lets say; I am developing a Web Application which talks to a RESTful web service for certain things. The RESTful web service isn't third party, but is being developed parallely with main application (A good example would be, E commerce application and payment processor; or Social network and SSO system). In such a system, acceptance(c...

Using ORDER By with DataNucleus Rest API and GAE Datastore

I'm successfully pulling back my objects however, I would like for them to already be sorted by a field in the object. I have this working: new Ajax.Request("/dn/com.emooney.meeting.beans.Meeting?groupName=='"+name+"'" But I want to do something like this: new Ajax.Request("/dn/com.emooney.meeting.beans.Meeting?groupName=='"+name+"...

About your post "Consume WCF Web Service using Objective C on iPhone"

Hello, I have readed your post about SoapMessage. I don't know if you can help me but i have a REST Service POST call that I must consming from my app on IPhone and using your code receive always same error : "The server encountered an error processing the request". If I use GET calling all is right but with POST data I receive this err...

Browser-based REST api authentication

I'm working on a REST webservice, and in particular authentication methods for browser-based requests. (using JsonP or Cross-domain XHR requests/XDomainRequest). I've done some research in OAuth, and also Amazon's AWS. The big drawbacks of both is that I need to do either of the following: Store secret tokens in the browser Let a ser...

JSF2 and JSR 311 (aka REST specification)

In the drafts of JSF2 one of the goals was to implement JSR 311 (aka REST features). But there is no documentation about it or if it's already implemented in JSF2 or how to use it. Any more info about this? Thanks. Update I've found this artice from Andy Schwartz about what's new in JSF2 with some examples. I think that JSF2 does n...

How do I get JSON data from my RESTful service using JEE 5?

I have a simple RESTful web service written in JEE 5. It works fine but I've decided to output JSON from the GET method. As an initial step I've only add one line of code: ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); That one line results in this error: 48d5-9878-2ef7c0a948c4;|StandardWrapperValve[Jersey Web Application]: PWC1406: Servl...

Deploy WCF REST 4.0 to XP IIS 5 ?

I am trying to deploy a simple "Hello World" .NET 4.0 REST-style WCF service on WinXP (IIS5). It works fine in Cassini. I tried to adapt the info here to me: but something is not clicking. Can anyone lend ideas or comments? Yes, I must stay with WinXP. Thanks...

jersey rest web services multiple format

how to return the correct representation based on URI example /text.json should return json /text.xml should return xml /text should return plain text All these are mapped to the same method @GET public Contact getContacts() { } ...

Web-API for shazam or a similar service?

Shazam on my Android phone works great. Now I'm looking for an api for Shazam or a similar service. This service should take a small part of a song and should return the metadata of the song. (title, artist) ...