
Bulk Collection Manipulation through a REST (RESTful) API

I'd like some advice on designing a REST API which will allow clients to add/remove large numbers of objects to a collection efficiently. Via the API, clients need to be able to add items to the collection and remove items from it, as well as manipulating existing items. In many cases the client will want to make bulk updates to the col...

RESTful 'miscellaneous' pages in an ASP.NET MVC site?

Hi folks, Imagine we were doing this StackOverflow site in ASP.NET MVC (funny that, 'cause it is...). We have to develop the views: About this site Faq Privacy policy 404 page Error page etc... Now, because we want to keep this RESTful because we're trying to grow our RESTafarian Geek-fro's, do we throw them into one controller .. c...

Adding REST to Django -- Poll

I've got a Django application that works nicely. I'm adding REST services. I'm looking for some additional input on my REST strategy. Here are some examples of things I'm wringing my hands over. Right now, I'm using the Django-REST API with a pile of patches. I'm thinking of falling back to simply writing view functions in Djang...

What is the recommended/effective request payload for a REST PUT method?

I see two types of examples in various places. One uses form fields like curl -X PUT -d "phone=123.456.7890" "" and the other uses an XML content like (some variation of) this echo "<user><id>123</id><phone>123.456.7890</phone></user>" | curl -X PUT -d @- "

Python Screenscraping

I'm wanting to create a REST API for TV listings in my country. While online aggregations of TV listings do exist they're too tied to the presentation to be of any use to software developers. In order to get hold of this information I'm thinking of going to each source and scraping the relevant information. While I've obtained similar i...

Jquery Rest communication with WCF 3.5

I'm testing the basics for exchanging rest messages between a mvc site and a WCF 3.5 service. The service is built using the template found in the WCF REST Starter Kit found on codeplex. I would like to exchange json messages using jquery. The REST Singleton service is working properly and it also provide examples of all the poss...

RESTful Authentication

What does RESTful Authentication mean and how does it work. I can't find a good overview on google. My only understanding is that you pass the session key (remeberal) in the URL, but this could be horribly wrong. Thanks for your input! ...

Which free web services are useful as application building blocks?

I used to be a skeptic regarding web services, because I often found the examples given too complex or unconvincing. Stackoverflow, with its use of reCAPTCHA, OpenID, and gravatar, has changed my view. Their use is a showcase of web services that can simplify the deployment of an application by handling part of the required functionali...

HTTP POST XML to REST Singleton Service throws NotSupportedException

I have the following REST Host in a silverlight application. I'm getting a NotSupportedException on the EndGetResponse() call of the Save Method. In this sample I'm using the default config for a REST Singleton Service from the WCF REST Starter Kit, with the exception of some changes to the OnAddItem method to accept updates via a POST...

REST web services and .NET

What's the best way to consume REST web services from .NET? ...

Any easy REST tutorials for Java?

OK - Im getting really piss3d off here!!! Every tutorial or explanation of REST just goes too complicated too quickly - the learning curve rises so fast after the initial explanation of CRUD and the supposed simplicity over SOAP. Why can't people write decent tutorials anymore! I'm looking at Restlet - and its not the best, there are t...

WCF REST vs. ADO.NET Data Services

Hi there, Could someone compare and contrast on WCF Rest services vs. ADO.NET Data Services? What is the difference and when to use which? Thanks, Ray. Edit: thanks to the first answer, just to give a bit background on what I'm looking to do: I have a web app I plan to put in the cloud (someday), the DAL is built with ADO.NET Entity...

Which HTTP status codes do you actually use when developing web applications?

The HTTP/1.1 specification (RFC2616) defines a number of status codes that can be returned by HTTP server to signal certain conditions. Some of those codes can be utilized by web applications (and frameworks). Which of those codes are the most useful in practice in both classic and asynchronous (XHR) responses, in what situations you use...

Functional testing of a RESTful POST in Ruby on Rails

I'd like to write a functional test of a RESTful web service I'm working on in a Ruby on Rails app. The test is of a POST request where the body of the request is a plain XML doc and not a form. Any pointers on how to do this? The problem I'm encountering is how to specify the body XML in the call to the post method. ...

Rails RESTful controller and rendering after custom action.

How can I render after executing an action in a restful controller instead of redirecting. I have a controller with standard actions, and I added a special action that adds data to the resource in question, via a form on the #show page (Think comments on a post). I am validating the input from the form and want to re-render the show act...

What am I not understanding about REST?

I'm building a framework and want developers who build with it to have the ability to allow parts of it to both share data with other sites and allow other sites to add/edit/delete data. For example, if someone makes a site that has book reviews, authors, quotes, code examples, comments, etc. the developer could make e.g. "book reviews"...

restful rails model validation

I am working on a rails application (I have some experience with rails). But, this time I am using RESTful to build it. I am wondering how do I validate my models in a RESTful fashion? What I mean by that is when a user enters data into a form, but the model validations prevent the model from being created what is a RESTful way to red...


How would I handle something like the below uri using ASP.NET MVC's routing capability: http://localhost/users/{username}/bookmarks/ - GET http://localhost/users/{username}/bookmark/{bookmarkid} - PUT Which lists the bookmarks for the user in {username}. Thanks ...

ASP.NET MVC Url Routing

Do I need a separate controller for the below? http://localhost/bookmarks --> bookmarks controller http://localhost/bookmark/{bookmarkid} --> bookmark controller Is there any way I can combine them both into one controller? I want to keep the uri's the same i.e. bookmark singular indicating fetch a single bookmark. Thanks ...

Which to choose: ASP.NET MVC or RESTful WCF?

With ASP.NET MVC, it is common to have AJAX code(e.g. jQuery) to invoke web service from server to without page refreshing. It's natural to make web service RESTful. It seems that there are two ways to go. First, the ASP.NET MVC URI's are RESTful, it is very easy to make some Controller/Action to act as web service method. Second, WCF ca...