OK - Im getting really piss3d off here!!! Every tutorial or explanation of REST just goes too complicated too quickly - the learning curve rises so fast after the initial explanation of CRUD and the supposed simplicity over SOAP. Why can't people write decent tutorials anymore!
I'm looking at Restlet - and its not the best, there are things missing in the tutorial and the language/grammar is a bit confusing and unclear. It has took me hours to untangle their First Steps tutorial (with the help of another Java programmer!)
RESTlet Tutorial Comments
Overall I'm not sure exactly who the tutorial was aimed at - because there is a fair degree of assumed knowledge all round, so coming into REST and Restlet framework cold leaves you with a lot of 'catchup work' to do, and re-reading paragraphs over and over again.
We had difficulty working out that the jars had to be in copied into the correct lib folder.
Problems with web.xml creating a HTTP Status 500 error -
The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request
, the tutorial says:
"Create a new Servlet Web application as usual, add a "com.firstStepsServlet" package and put the resource and application classes in."
This means that your fully qualified name for your class FirstStepsApplication is com.firstStepsServlet.FirstStepsApplication, so we had to alter web.xml to refer to the correct class e.g:
should be:
I was under the impression that the concepts of REST were supposed to be much simpler than SOAP - but it seems just as bad if not more complicated - don't get it at all! grrrr
Any good links - much appreciated.