
GET is not working for firstResource Rest example

Hi, I am newbie to rest. I am using the following code example to understand the RESTlet. I am using RESTClient addon to firefox for testing. When i do GET on http://localhost/rest, i get a response "ok". But when i do GET on http://localhost/items, I get an error "404 Not found...

Restlet vs Spring MVC for Restful web service

I'm researching how best to create a Restful web service on Google app engine. My end goal is to have an Android application call a web service on GAE to post and get data. At this point I not sure what the best approach is. What I know at this point is Spring MVC 3 provide the ability to create web service but it does not provide a ...

Deploying my flex application

Hi, I am doing some trial testing awith Amazon ec2 boxes, deploying flex apps running on top of restlet powered webservices. I have this problem - Everytime i deploy the app to the cloud, I'm having to hardcode the IP address of the server into the ActionScript/MXML files ( and for certain reasons, i am f...

GAE JCache NumberFormatException, will I need to write Java to avoid?

The code below produces a NumberFormatException in this line: val cache = cf.createCache(Collections.emptyMap()) Do you see any errors? Will I need to write a Java version to avoid this, or is there a Scala way? ... import java.util.Collections import net.sf.jsr107cache._ object QueryGenerator extends ServerResource { private val ...

Does Restlet support parsing URLs into calling methods with parameters?

Take the following example. I have a resource public class HelloWorldResource extends ServerResource { @Get public String represent(String arg) { return "hello, world (from the cloud!)" + arg; } } That is mapped by router.attach("/hi/{message}", HelloWorldResource.class); Is it possible to configure the rout...

JAX-WS vs Restlet Framework for Web Services

Which is the better options? Pros and cons of each? The web services are meant to be internal-facing and are all going to be roughly in the same datacenter (3-4km apart at most). Any ideas? Some criteria that would make one better than the other include: ease of setup, maintainable code, stable API and ability to be implemented in legac...

org.restlet.ext.crypto not in Restlet Maven Repo

I cannot find the org.restlet.ext.crypto package in the Restlet maven repo Strange that the examples use it though its nowhere to be found in the maven repo. Anyone know why this is or have a similar experience. I am trying to fit Restlet into an existing GWT project using maven. ...

How to get GWT 2.0 and Restlet 2.0 to play nice

Hello, I am having trouble getting Restlet to play nice with GWT in the same project. I have been trying the examples from Restlets website to no avail I am using Eclipse, Maven2 plugin, GWT, and Restlet GWT. I have never used server side code in this GWT project before and I know there is some custom setup involved. I am deploying loc...

Howto specify format of Restlet-response in browser?

Hello everybody, i've started to introduce myself into REST. I use as REST-framework Restlet. I have defined a resource with methods for the GET with several response formats like @Get("xml") @Get("json") I now want to test my defined response-formats with my browser, but I don't know which parameter I have to specify in my URL to ge...

Getting Path (context root) to the Application in Restlet

I am needing to get the application root within a Restlet resource class (it extends ServerResource). My end goal is trying to return a full explicit path to another Resource. I am currently using getRequest().getResourceRef().getPath() and this almost gets me what I need. This does not return the full URL (like,...

SmartGWT with Rest Data Source Error

I am getting the following error when retrieving data from a rest data source 00:00:52.439 [ERROR] 01:46:57.001:RDQ1:WARN:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_1 (created by: isc_CustomerDocGrid_0):get: invalid index -1 com.smartgwt.client.core.JsObject$SGWT_WARN: 01:46:57.001:RDQ1:WARN:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_1 (created by: isc_CustomerDocGrid_0):ge...

Get HTTP Get parameters from Restlet Request

I am trying to figure out how to get the parameters from a Restlet request object. my request comes in as /customer?userId=1 and I want to grab the parameter to pass to my DAO for the query. public class CustomerResource extends ServerResource { @Get("xml") public Representation toXml() throws ResourceException, Exception { ...

Creating a global custom session validator in restlet

I want to create a global custom session validator for my restlet. One sessionkey will be passed through the header and using that the session is validated . IS there any way to do that globally instead of putting the same code in every resource class ? ...

Reslet with GWT and Tomcat Error

I am getting this error on startup I am using GWT 2.0.3 and Reslet RC3 type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet adapter threw exception

RESTful interface for C++/Qt ?

I want to integrate the RESTful-API in my Qt-Project. I already read the example on this page, but this is only for receiving data from a RESTful-interface, not for sending new data to the server. In Java, I can use RESTlet for example, is there any possibility to use something like that for Qt, too? Or is there even a simple way to send...

REST/ROA Architecture - Send database search/querying/filter/sorting parameters in URL? (>, <, IN, etc...)

I'm building a REST interface to my application using ROA (Resource Oriented Architecture). I'd like to give the client the ability to specify search parameters in URL. So a client could say "Give me all people who's: "first_name" is equal to "BOB" "age" is greater than "30" sort by "last_name" I was thinking something like: GET /...

Android compatibility with Restlet/JSON/Jackson

I'm currently working on a webservice-client for Android. I'm using a Java client library which provides an abstraction for interaction with the service. The client library works on normal machines. However, when I use the classes in my Android project, some calls don't return a result on Android, the background-service stops working at ...

RESTlet startup initialization deprecated?

I'm trying to use the library to build a RESTful web interface, and I've noticed that unlike it's servlet counterpart, it has no complement to GenericServlet.init(). Short of building another servlet to do my startup logic, is there any built-in way to avoid building my database factories and the like on the first request ...

Restlet - Access elements of the request URL

I'm unsure what the proper way is to access parts of the requested URL. In this case, I want to get the requested path without the query variables. This is the only way I found to do it: String path = getRequest().getResourceRef().getHostIdentifier() + getRequest().getResourceRef().getPath(); The result would be the bold part ...

Set Content/Media type - Restlet

How do you set the content type in Restlet (version 2.0 for google app engine)? In this case, I'd like to set the content type to ""text/xml". I have: public class SubResource extends ServerResource { @Get public Representation get(Representation representation){ setStatus(Status.SUCCESS_OK); StringRepresentation sr = n...