
Restlet-1.1 example\book\rest\ch2\Example2_1a returns empty NodeSet

This is a question to Restlet team. I am building/running example\book\rest\ch2\Example2_1a using Restlet-1.1 distribution. The Example2_1a is Restlet equivalent of O'Reilly "RESTfull Web Services" book's Example2-1. I added xercesImpl.jar and xalan.jar to runtime classpath. When I pass term=jellyfish as page 24 of the book suggests to...

Restlet-1.1 example\book\rest\ch2\Example2_5 no client connectors for HTTPS

Example2_5 creates a client for HTTPS to handle request final Response response = new Client(Protocol.HTTPS).handle(request); The only related jar in Restlet-1.1 is org.mortbay.jetty.https.jar, which I added to my runtime classpath. Nevertheless, I am getting at runtime [java] WARNING: No available client connector supports the req...

How can I implement Session-Per-Request ("Open-Session-In-View") pattern using JAX-RS?

I'm using JDO on AppEngine with Restlet + JAX-RS extensions. In my sub-resource locator class I load the entity in the constructor. Then for the various methods I used the data. If I close the PersistenceManager before returning from the Constructor, collections of one-to-many fields are not initialized and remain null. I read about "d...

Integrating Apache and Restlet server like Apache and Tomcat

Hello, I have my Apache http server running on localhost:80 and restlet server on localhost:8182, but I want to configure above combination just like Apache http server and Apache tomcat servlet container can be configured with mod_jk library. Is it possible? Do I have to modify code of mod_jk for this purpose. Please advice!!! Than...

http connector for Restlet and Apache http server

Hello, I have figured out that to integrate calls between Apache HTTP server and Restlet, I need to write my own HTTP connector using the Restlet provided API's. Is my assumption correct? If I am wrong reply back with possible solutions. I need suitable references that can guide me to write plugins for my above mentioned requirement. ...

Easiest frameworks to implement Java REST web services

What are the best frameworks for implementing both client and server REST frameworks in Java? I've been struggling a little to find an easy to use solution. Update: Both Jersey and Restlet seem like good options. We'll probably use Restlet but we'll experiment with both. ...

Serve dynamic generated images using restlet

I have searched online for a while and almost all the questions regarding image serving using restlet are about static images. What I want to do is to serve dynamic generated image from restlet. I have tried serving static images using restlet, it's working. Also, I can successfully generate a dynamic image and store them in a local fo...

Send file with REST?

Do Java REST frameworks like Restlet and Jersey allow one to send a file as input to a web service? This would encompass the client sending the file and the server then receiving and processing the file. ...

Helloworld webservice using RESTLet

Can any one please provide the required setup and steps to develop a sample web service program using RESTLet. ...

Which is the best Java REST API - Restlet or Jersey?

Which REST API do you prefer - Jersey or Restlet? This would encompass both the client and server API-s. We really need to just pick one and kick the tires around but I was curious what the community thinks. Restlet seems simpler and better documented to me. I've had a hard time even finding decent documentation about the Jersey clie...

Is it ok by REST to return content after POST?

I am using RESTlet and I have created a resource. I handle POST by overriding acceptRepresentation method. Client should send me some data, then I store it to DB, set response to 201 (SUCCESS_CREATED) and I need to return some data to client, but return type of acceptRepresentation is void. In my case I need to return some identificato...

Restlet ClientResource Post Chunked Encoding - WCF Unsuported

Hello All, I'm developing a product that will use extensively of Restlet for consume WCF Rest Services. I had created a method to post a XML of a class containing 2 attributes. Restlet post my xml with Transfer-Encoding: chunked, and my WCF service, can't to interpret posted content, unfortunately WCF continues can't to deserialize my ...

Why is restlet running under tomcat under JBoss 5.1 returning my index.html page as type "application/octet-stream" instead of "text/html"?

I have a home page home.html inside a war file named "webapp-1.0.war". When the browser requests "http://domain/myapp" I want the home.html served up, but I want the browswer address bar to continue to display "http://domain/myapp". I DO NOT want "http://domain/myapp/home.html" in the address bar. So I put this into the web.xml: <wel...

Restlet POST using JSON

Hi, How do I implement Restlet function which accepts JSON post? And how do I test this using curl? Thanks ...

Provide API for my website

Hi, I'd like for anybody to be able to register to use my website's API (like facebook apps registration, to get the application key and secret) What 3rd party library can I use? (to be integrated into CakePHP and Restlet(java) preferably)? Thanks ...

Restlet: Log Stack Trace for All 500 Errors

I'd like my Restlet application to log the stack trace for any Resource that generates a 500-series HTTP error (using the Context's Logger). As far as I can tell, this is not the default behavior. In other words, I don't want my Resource classes to have any logger code at all in the represent and acceptRepresentation methods - they just...

How do I create an Atom representation with Restlet?

I want to create atom xml representations for my REST resources using Restlet. Should I (can I?) use ROME or just use the Atom extension for Restlet? What's the best way to go about this? Thanks in advance. ...

How can I test an atom feed on localhost?

When I try and view an atom feed on localhost, instead of displaying the feed, firefox gives me a choice to add the feed to google reader or my google home page, but I don't think google reader can display feeds from localhost, not sure though. If I use Chrome it will display the raw xml, but it doesn't attempt to parse it. What can I ...

In Restlet, what's the difference between a Restlet class and a Resource class?

I've gone through the firstResource bit of the Restlet 1.1 tutorial and put together a web service that handles GET, POST, DELETE, PUT by subclassing the Resource class and overriding the appropriate methods and using a Router to attach the subclassed Resource classes. So I'm left thinking - what's the point of a Restlet? I can attac...

java client program to send digest authentication request using HttpClient API

I have restlet sample client program which sends the digest request. Similar to this I need java client program which sends a digest request using HttpClient api. Can anybody send me sample code. Thanks in advance. Reference reference = new Reference("http://localhost:8092/authenticate"); Client client = new Client(Proto...