
CodeIgniter only allow access to certain controllers when logged in

Hi I have some CodeIgniter controllers which should only be accessed by users who have logged in (i.e. where $this->session->userdata('username') is not null). If a non-authenticated person attempts to access said controllers they should receive: header('location: /auth/login'); There has got to be a better way to do this than to put...

Restricted optimization of custom functions in R

I have a complicated combined model for which I can define a likelihood in a function, and I need to optimize the parameters. Problem is, the parameters go all directions if not restricted. Hence, I need to implement a restriction on the parameters, and the one proposed by the professor is that the sum of squared parameter values should ...

Would 401 Error be a good choice?

Hello, On one of my sites have a lot of restricted pages which is only available to logged-in users, and for everyone else it outputs a default "you have to be logged in ... " view. The problem is; a lot of these pages are listed on Google with the not-logged-in-view, and it looks pretty bad when 80% of the pages in the list have the s...