
Is it Pythonic for a function to return an iterable or non-iterable depending on its input?

(Title and contents updated after reading Alex's answer) In general I believe that it's considered bad form (un-Pythonic) for a function to sometimes return an iterable and sometimes a single item depending on its parameters. For example struct.unpack always returns a tuple even if it contains only one item. I'm trying to finalise the...

Generic return value (java)

This works nicely: // Return all objects with code 'code'. static List<? extends ICode> getObjects(String code, List<? extends ICode> list) { <ICode> retValue = new ArrayList<ICode>(); for (ICode item : list) { if (item.getCode().equals(code)) { retValue.add(item); } } return retValue; } The 'singular' v...

How do you return two values from a single method?

When your in a situation where you need to return two things in a single method, what is the best approach? I understand the philosophy that a method should do one thing only, but say you have a method that runs a database select and you need to pull two columns. I'm assuming you only want to traverse through the database result set onc...

how to get rel value of clicked element

hi im trying to get the rel value of a button that is click: function forwardStep() { $("#forwardStep").bind("click", function(){ var page = $(this).attr('rel'); thats pretty much the basis but is return "undifined". Do you know why? Regards Phil Jackson ...

PHP MySQL INSERT return value with one query execution

Is there anything returned from MySQL/PHP on a INSERT query being executed? Here is my function which I have in a CLASS. function mysqlQuery($query) { // Gets the results from the query $results = mysql_query($query, $this->connection); // Loops through the queried results as an multi-dimensional array while($rows = mysql_f...

When is it advisable to use a ret_val variable?

I have seen conflicting advice on whether the following code is better def function(): ret_val = 0 if some_condition(): ret_val = 2 else: ret_val = 3 return ret_val or whether this is better: def function(): if some_condition(): return 2 else: return 3 This is a simple example...

Languages that allow named tuples

I was wondering if there are any languages that allow for named tuples. Ie: an object with multiple variables of different type and configurable name. Eg: public NamedTuple<double:Speed, int:Distance> CalculateStuff(int arg1, int arg2) var result = CalculateStuffTuple(1,2); Console.WriteLine("Speed is: " + result.Speed.ToString()) Co...

Running an executable with parameters in C++ and get the return value;

How do you run an executable with parameters passed on it from a C++ program and how do you get the return value from it? Something like this: c:\myprogram.exe -v ...

VB.NET How do I add a return attribute?

I am converting C# code to VB.Net and the C code has this above the function: [return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Name", IsNullable=true)] ...

C# - How to indicate when purposely ignoring a return value.

In some situations using C/C++, I can syntactically indicate to the compiler that a returnvalue is purposely ignored: int SomeOperation() { // Do the operation return report_id; } int main() { // We execute the operation, but in this particular context we // have no use of the report id returned. (void)SomeOperatio...

WCF returning a custom object with a collection of custom objects containing streams

Hi! I don't know if this could be done, but I have a WCF service that should return a custom object, the object has a collection of another custom object that contains a stream. when I try to return this object I get System.Runtime.Serialization.InvalidDataContractException: Type 'System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.StreamFormatter+Message...

ajax call fails to return true or false to the submit event

Hello, I will just come right to it. I need to know how I can return false or true to a submitbutton. I read some other post here, that says it cannot be done from within a ajax success function because it wil return to the ajax context and not the submit event. Maybe someone has a workaround for this?? also in the context that I am...

tableView:viewForHeaderInSection: default value??

I want to have a single custom section header, with the rest being the default header. - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section { return ???; } What do I return to just give the default header view? ...

Scheme How To Return Multiple Values?

I notice that almost all scheme functions can only return one list as output. In the following, I would like to return multiple values of all the adjacent nodes of neighbors. (define (neighbors l w) (if (and (= 1 l) (= 1 w)) (list (and (l (+ 1 w))) (and (+ 1 l) w)))) ; how to output 2 or more values? In this case I'm first t...

How to Assign Mulitpule Caulated Value Into List in Scheme

Okay this is my 4th question today on Scheme, still pretty new to Scheme, as I needed for one of my sub-function I asked earlier in the day. Basically this will return me the difference of 2 lists. Say you've got (1,5) and (5,1) this function should return me 8. As that's the distance between l to w Here is what I have. Note: if I cha...

Should functions return null or an empty object?

What is the best practice when returning data from functions. Is it better to return a Null or an empty object? And why should one do one over the other? Consider this: public UserEntity GetUserById(Guid userId) { //Imagine some code here to access database..... //Check if data was returned and return a null if none found ...

Return value from ajax call?

Hi, I'm making a basic ajax function in jquery which echoes the number of rows found in a MySQL Query. function checkEventIDClass(id) { var params = 'method=checkEventIDClash&table=test&id=' + id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ajax.php", data: params, ...

which sqlite statement can produce a result to indicate duplicate entries? Android

For my application, I am trying to add entries without having a duplicate entry, and if there are a duplicate notify the user and have him try again. Using SQLite, which I know very very little about, I have tried these two ways and want to know which one is better, more efficient or a better way to develop it? First way: db.execSQL("I...

Function pointer doubt

Please tell me what will the call to given function return and how? The code: typedef struct { int size; ptrdiff_t index; void (*inlet) (); int argsize; ptrdiff_t argindex; } CilkProcInfo; /* * Returns a pointer to the slow version for a procedure * whose signature is p. */ /* the function definition is - */ st...

How can I capture the return value of shutil.copy() in Python ( on DOS )?

Hi, I am trying to record the success or failure of a number of copy commands, into a log file. I'm using shutil.copy() - e.g. `str_list.append(getbitmapsfrom) game.bigbitmap = "i doubt this is there.bmp" str_list.append(game.bigbitmap) source = '\\'.join(str_list) shutil.copy (source, newbi...