
Linq Query Expression reuse

Post Edited Would this be possible ? Have a query expression that is precompiled i.e private static Func<SmwrDataContext, int, IQueryable<Xyz>> _validXyzs = CompiledQuery.Compile((Context context, int Id) => from xyz in _db.XYZs join abc in _db.ABCs on xyz.Id equa...

flex how can i use an image multiple times

i want to reuse an image multiple times within an item renderer, is it possible to embed the image and then reuse multiple times without having to go back to the server for the image? Is this the most performant solution? ...

UITableView reuseIdentifier

i m new to iPhone corner... hii.....i am adding a new cell when in editing mode.. and using reuseCell Identifier but when i am inserting a new row the last row contect overlap the new row added content.. plz tell me what's the prob - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ...

Are RESTful Web services right way for re-using infrastructure?

There is one controversy I see in using Web APIs (RESTful service) to access remote infrastracture. I would be grateful, if you could comment it. The recommendation coming from the article "RESTful Web Services vs. "Big" Web Services: Making the Right Architectural Decision" [1] is to use Web APIs rather for ad hoc integration (a la' mas...

Static images in drawRect or in reuse cell method?

Hi, I was testing adding a static image in an reused cell vs drawing it in the cell with drawrect method. I tested both methods and it seems drawing the image every time the cell gets in display is faster then adding the image to an reused cell. Anyone knows, how this is possible? i have two more static images, should i draw these in d...

Objective C /iPhone : Is it possible to re initialize an NSArray?

I read that non mutable data types can't be modified once created.(eg NSString or NSArray). But can they be re-initialized to point to a different set of objects? If so, do I use release to free any alloc from first time round in between uses? eg: myArray declared as NSArray *myArray in interface, and as nonatomic/retain property.myA...

Android: ViewHolder pattern and different types of rows?

ViewHolder pattern improves ListView scrolling framerate, as seen in following example: Is it possible to keep this pattern while using different kind of Views for different rows? In other words, is it possible to do something ...

Execution Plan reuse

Consider the following "code" define stmt1 = 'insert into T(a, b) values(1, 1); define stmt2 = 'select * from T'; MSSqlCommand.Execute( stmt1;stmt2 ); MSSqlCommand.Execute( stmt2 ); Investigating the cached query-plans using: SELECT [cp].[refcounts] , [cp].[usecounts] , [cp].[objtype] , [st].[dbid] , [st].[objectid] , [st].[tex...

Reusing NSMutableArray

I'm getting some leaks (obvserved by Instruments) when trying to reuse an existing NSMutableArray (in order to save memory). Basically I'm creating an NSMutableArray, filling it with objects (UIImages) and passing it onto another object which retains it. However, I now need to use an NSMutableArray again. I figured I would release all ...

Any way to reuse Bindings in WPF?

I'm getting to the point in a WPF application where all of the bindings on my controls are getting quite repetitive and also a little too verbose. Also if I want to change this binding I would have to change it in various places instead of just one. Is there any way to write the source part of the binding once such as in a resource and...

Factors that improve code reusability

Which principles, code qualities, practices, aproaches, language or framework features help you to reuse effectively functions, classes etc in wider range of cases. All of the situations are interesting: either you can modify both implementation and interface of the code to enable/improve reuse, or only implementation, or nothing at all....

Silverlight custom control inheritance. Reusing the template?

Hi, i have the following scenario: [TemplatePart(Name = GoToEditModeButtonPart, Type = typeof(DoubleClickButton))] public class ValueBoxWithLabel : ContentControl { public const string GoToEditModeButtonPart = "GoToEditModeButtonPart"; #region LabelText Dependency Property ... #region IsInEditMode Dependency Property ... ...

Re-use previous activities?

I have activities that are create and launched from menu options. However Ive noticed that this may mean that sometimes there are two or more copies of the same activity. So Im wondering if there's a way to see if another activity is already instantiated and then have the application switch to it or create a new one if its not instantiat...

Multiple WCF services referencing the same data contracts

I am building a set of WCF services that share common data contracts (or entities if you prefer). These are simple data transfer objects that are decorated with DataContract and DataMember attributes. I am explicitly specifying the name and namespace. In trying to follow the principles of IDesign's recommendation of averaging 12 members ...

Re-using DataSets in .net

Is it a good idea to re-use a dataset in .net? What I mean is...I have the following code which loops a gridview For Each row in GridView ds = New DataSet ds.ReadXML(GetStream(row.Field)) ... export the dataset Next What I am doing in the loop is creating a new instance of the DataSet. Can't I just call ds.Clear() and then reuse...

reuse div container to load images

Hi All; What I would like to do: use a single container to load images. As it is now: I have eleven (11) containers in HTML mark-up each with its own div. each container holds 4 images (2 images side by side top and bottom) when link in anchor tag is clicked div with images fades in. jQquery accordion is used for navigation typical ex...

iPhone grouped table view cell reuse

My iPhone programs frequently contain grouped table views. A typical use might be for settings. The number of rows in these table views can run anywhere from roughly 2 to 20. The cells typically don't have a lot of uniformity. Should I be trying to reuse the cells? If so, how much commonality do cells need to have to get a shared id...

Reuse ASP.NET Control Multiple Times on Page

I feel somewhat foolish asking such a simple question, but I can't seem to find an answer. I'm new to ASP.NET (C#), but I'm learning by building a simple set of web pages that display a report. I have a variable that represents a company name. I need to output this variable in multiple places on the web page. The only way I have found to...

Jquery Basic Beginner Question: How do i make my function reusable?

I have spent the last few hours attempting to do this on my own, and using Google to find a solution but to no avail. So if you can help out i would super appreciate it! Basically I have a page which has 3 separate biographies in 'preview mode', which shows only the first paragraph of each bio. When you click on 'read more' for one bi...

Reuse vs. maintainability and ease of testing

Everyone likes to talk about reusability. Where I work, whenever some new idea is being tossed around or tested out, the question of reusability always comes up. "We want to maximize our investment in this, let's make it reusable." "Reusability will bring higher quality with less work." And so on and so on. What I've found is that when ...