
How to reverse items in WPF Datagrid?

If i have DataGrid which looks like: Col 1 Col 2 ------- ------- 1 a 2 b 3 c ... ... n n Can the order be reversed easily without sorting? So that n is first, and 1 is last. I have custom sort implemented from this article, but sorting the same column twice in a row calls sorting function twice (which is ...

c++ creating ambigram from string

I have a task to implement "void makeAmbigram(char*)" that will print on screen ambigram of latin string or return something like 'ambigram not possible'. Guess it's just about checking if string contains only of SNOXZHI and printing string backwards. Or am I wrong ? I'm a complete noob when dealing with cpp so that's what I've created ...

Rewrite content served by apache

Hi guys, I have an internal app (Jira) that i want to use internally and externally, now there might be another way of doing this in which case i'm open to it, but this is what i have so far: URL one: - external domain name for it URL two: https://domainname.local/jira - internal network name for it. I a...

Reversing page navigation on PHP

Can anyone help me with reversing this PHP page navigation? Current script setting shows this format: [0] | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ... 14 • Forward > • End >>> But I really need it to reverse for this format: [14] | 13 | 12 | 11| 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 ... 0 • Back > • Start >>> Here is the PHP code: <? $onpage = 10; // on page f...

How to reverse bitwise AND (&) in C?

How to reverse bitwise AND (&) in C? For example I have an operation in C like this: ((unsigned int)ptr & 0xff000000)) The result is 0xbf000000. What I need at this moment is how to reverse the above, i.e. determine ptr by using the result from the operation and of course 0xff000000. Is there any simple way to implement this in C? ...

Rerversing AND Bitwise.

Hey all, Here's the following algorithm: int encryption(int a, int b) { short int c, c2; uint8_t d; c = a ^ b; c2 = c; d = 0; while(c) { c &= c - 1; d++; } return d; } How can I find which variable a and b I should send in that function to decide of the output value of d? In other w...

Java: I want to print reverse of any String without using any predefine function?

how to print reverse of String "java is object orientated language" without using any predefine function like reverse() in java? any idea. ...

php page navigation by serial number

Can anyone help in this php page navigation script switch on counting normal serial number? In this script there is a var called "page_id" - I want this var to store the real page link by order like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... <? $onpage = 10; // on page /* $pagerecord - display records per page $activepage - current page $records - total ...

How to reverse childnodes of a XML nodes using C#

I want to set reverse order of child nodes of given XML nodes. How to do this??? <Parent> <Child1> </Child1> <Child2> </Child2> </Parent> OUTPUT: <Parent> <Child2> </Child2> <Child1> </Child1> </Parent> EDIT: I have simple XML file like above. XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(value); XmlElement docE...

VB.NET: I Cant find the index of an array

This is the code for my array (which is working) Public numUsers As Integer Public fNameUsers As String = ("..\..\..\users.txt") Public UserRecords As Usersclass() 'note... this line is in a module ' reader = New System.IO.StreamReader(fNameUsers) numUsers = 0 'Split the array up at each delimiter of "," and add new objects ' ...

Software Reverse Engineering

I am an Master's Student and i am learning Software Reverse Engineering. I am looking for softwares which can be legally reverse engineered. i looked on the net, but i am unable to find any..:( Do you any softwares which can be legally reverse engineered. I am not allowed to use Open source softwares. ...

Copy an array backwards? Array.Copy?

I have a List<T> that I want to be able to copy to an array backwards, meaning start from List.Count and copy maybe 5 items starting at the end of the list and working its way backwards. I could do this with a simple reverse for loop; however there is probably a faster/more efficient way of doing this so I thought I should ask. Can I use...

Reverse massive text file in Java

What would be the best approach to reverse a large text file that is uploaded asynchronously to a servlet that reverses this file in a scalable and efficient way? text file can be massive (gigabytes long) can assume mulitple server/clustered environment to do this in a distributed manner. open source libraries are encouraged to conside...

How do I construct a Django reverse/url using query args?

I have URLs like;width=200&amp;height=200 (and with several other optional arguments) My contains: urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^$', 'cansmi.index'), (r'^cansmi$', 'cansmi.cansmi'), url(r'^depict$', cyclops.django.depict, name="cyclops-depict"), I can go to that URL and get...

Can I get hg log to print the history in reverse order?

If not, is this a feature that git has? ...

Can I get git log to print the history in reverse order?

I recently learned that I can get hg log to print the history in reverse order with: hg log -r : So of course I tried: git log -r : Well, it didn't work. So what is the command to do the same thing in git? ...

Event-source in Opera - how to avoid reconnect?

Opera supports server-side events via event-source element. W3C specification says that the connection with the serwer is being auto-reconnect. Server can maitenance the connection by sending "retry: num_of_ms". It is possible in Opera to avoid reconnect? I can not find any documentation about this tag in Opera. May be there is somethin...

How to reverse a dictionary that it has repeated values (python)

Hi guys! So, I have a dictionary with almost 100,000 (key, values) pairs and the majority of the keys map to the same values. For example imagine something like that: mydict = {'a': 1, 'c': 2, 'b': 1, 'e': 2, 'd': 3, 'h': 1, 'j': 3} What I want to do, is to reverse the dictionary so that each value in mydict is going to be a key at ...

Why does this program segfault

Upon compiling and running this small program to reverse a string, I get a Segmentation Fault before any output occurs. Forgive me if this is an obvious question, I'm still very new to C. #include <stdio.h> int reverse(char string[], int length); int main() { char string[] = "reversed"; printf("String at start of main = %s", stri...

reverse a linked list?

Hi there, Im trying to reverse the order of the following linked list, I've done so, But the reversed list does not seem to print out. Where have I gone wrong? //reverse the linked list #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node{ int number; node *next; }; node *A; void addNode(nod...