
htaccess: Redirect a Dynamic URL - Show only Static URL - Double Content

Hi, I have a rewrite rule to get clean urls.. the only problem is, google shows some dynamic url and i dont want to serve dynamic urls. What I want: if a user types in the dynamic url, he gets redirected to the clean url.. example: (if someone types that in, he gets redirect to the url ab...

Mod Rewrite Hide Folder

I think this is a pretty simple question. How do you an apache rewrite to hide a folder. EX: to or to The folder needs to alway be hidden. thanks ...

Rewrite URL in IIS7 .NET MVC

Hi, I'm trying to rewrite the url: https://mydomain/phone-append to https://mydomain/Service/PhoneAppend using the following rule: <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="Phone Append"> <match url="phone-append" /> <action type="Rewrite" url="/Services/Index" appendQueryString="true" /> ...

ISAPI Url Rewrite - from http to https

I have to url redirect a link which is an HTTP link, but it should redirect to an HTTPS form. How do I do that using ISAPI rewrites? ...

jQuery rewrite href

I have an onclick function that I want to add an anchor to the href value. I do not want to change the URL's, because I need the site to still function for people without javascript / for SEO purposes. so here is what I have tried using (amoung other things): jQuery('a[rel=ajax]').click(function () { jQuery(this).attr('href', '/#' ...

How can I rewrite the history of a published git branch in multiple steps?

I've got a git repository with two branches, master and amazing_new_feature. The latter branch contains the work on, well, an amazing new feature. A colleague and me are both working on the same repository, and the two of us commit to both branches. Now the work on the amazing new feature finished, and a bit more than 100 commits were a...

Writing a unique identifier to script?

I'd like to write a subscript that adds a unique identifier (machine time) to a script everytime that it runs. However, each time I edit the script (in IDLE) the indetifiers are over-written. Is there a elegant way of doing this. The script that I wrote appears below. import os, time f = open('','r') lines = f.readlin...

Getting rewrite to work with SSL in a MVC Zend Framework app

I am following the Zend Framework quickstart document and got stuck on the .htaccess rewrite rules. I am using this: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L] RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L] This works find when I acce...

Dealing with multiple parameters in Nginx rewrite

I have a rewrite that nginx calls like so: location ~* (css)$ { rewrite ^(.*),(.*)$ /min/index.php?f=$1,/min/$2 last; } And it's used on pages like this:,dropdown.css Works all fine and dandy, but it's not scalable. Adding another element to the URL means I have to directly edit t...

IIS7 rewrite acts as redirect

I add a rewrite rule to IIS 7 rewrite, I want a user to enter and that to stay in the address bar, but serving But what I get instead is a 301 redirect to This is my setup: What is wrong?? ...

IIS7 Re-Write a .axd extension to different extension

I have an e-commerce application that using a .axd handler for the page extensions. I simply want to use IIS7 to create a rule that says .shop = .axd Can this be done? If so how should I go about it? Thanks ...

Lighttpd rewriting files and directories

I'm trying to do url rewriting with Lighttpd. I have what I need partially working. Right now I have this: which rewrites to I do this with this rewrite-once rule: "^/name/a/([^/]+)"=> "/name/a.php?pid=$1" That php page has external resources that are not getting rewritt...

[Apache] How to rewrite url to multiple query parameters?

How to rewrite a url like: to;m=method&amp;p1=parameter1&amp;...&amp;pN=parameterN The main idea is to create the possibility of using unlimited number of query parameters. Thanks. ...

Rewrite css images to other host

I want to speed up my website using subdomains for image and javascript requests. This is the entry of my htaccess file for images: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*\.(gif|jpg|png))$$1 [QSA,L] This works fine, only the images in my css file are still loaded from the www.mywebsi...

.htaccess ModREwrite

This is a totally new area for me so please be patient. I want to create "permalinks" for a dynamic site I am working on. At the moment all the pages (not the index) are referenced using an ID variable thus: (etc) I want to create a suitable rewrite rule so that a useable URL would be more l...

How to rewrite URL to include subdirectory?

The following set of rewrite rules rewrite any URLs formatted as to This all works fine except if I have a subdirectory named 'blah' in the original URL such as, then it will rewrite it as (without the blah...

How to rewrite to a virtual directory with a different application

Hi, I have a CMS application that manages multiple websites, today whenever i change the codebehind of one of these websites - i have to rebuild the dll for all websites, deploy it - this disconnects all current sessions and is really bad. The iis is configured to listen to all domain requests, if the request is to one of the websites'...

.net URL Rewriting with IIS ignoring a specific url

I have a site which recently went live. At present all requests for the staging site are caught by the rewrite rules and 301d to the live site, however I now need to allow the homepage only to bit hit, with all other requests redirecting as before to their equivalent page on live. The first part was straightforward enough: <rule name=...

IIS7 and Enforce lowercase URLs

I tried to use option in iis7 Enforce lowercase URLs, but when i enabled it all images that had *.JPG extension (uppercase) stopped server. in prev version of iis it was ok when using upper and lower cases, it returned same source may i fix it? or should i create rule for each extension like (jpeg, jpg, gif...) ...

url rewrite & redirect question

Say currently I have url like : Now I want to make it prettier : I'm using apache rewrite which grabs segment '123' and put the url back to OK. Here is the problem. I want to redirect the original non-pretty urls which ...