
JSF2 Design query on ManagedBean

I am new to JSF2 and would like to know something from a design perspective. For e.g. if we have multiple multiple usecases based on various actor types, which is better way in terms of design by considering below two scenarios? e.g In a module having total usecases count say 10, (Scenario 1) in this scenario for 1st & 5th usecase(UC)...

No component found to process as 'ajaxSingle'

Hi! Found strange problem, possibly bug. I have 2 identical web-pages with Richfaces:suggestionbox. On the first one my suggestionBox is doing well, everything works fine, but on another one i have some problems. SuggestionBox doesn't show my suggestions. In logs i have something like this: WARNING: No component found to process as '...

Refresh table on render

I have a rich:extendedDataTable inside a rich:tab. I want to refresh the table dataSource everytime that the table is rendered. It is rendered everytime that the tab is selected. In a nut: View: <rich:tab> <rich:extendedDataTable data="#{}"/> </rich:tab> Bean: public class MyData{ List data; public MyData(){ data = t...

Richfaces calendar - how to disable popup of calendar after page is loaded

<rich:calendar id="orderpickDate" oninputfocus="check(#{myForm.packingListId})" When creating a calendar you get an input field and an img that popups the calendar. In the js function I can disable the input field: function check(packId) { var canEditThisDate = true; // canEditThisDate = true/false <-- checked using jQuery.ajax...

How to get radio button group functionality for each row in a table using jsf

How to get layout like the following using h:selectOneRadio encapsulated within a rich:dataTable row1 col1 col2 col3 row2 radio1 radio1 radio1 row3 radio2 radio2 radio2 ...

How to refresh entire JSF page from the backing bean

We have a rich:comboBox on a JSF page which has a valueChangeListener that calls a backing bean function: <rich:comboBox id="cbmodel" defaultLabel="${accessUtils.activeRole}" value="${accessUtils.activeRole}" style="float: right;" valueChangeListener="${accessUtils.valueChangeListener}" > <c:forEach var="role" items="${accessUtils....

How to surpress escaping in rich fileupload?

Using richfaces fileUpload component has some issues when displaying custom labels containing chars like ö, ä, ü ... DO_ADD=Hinzufügen <rich:fileUpload id="upload" fileUploadListener="#{controller.upload}" maxFilesQuantity="1" immediateUpload="true" allowFlash="false" acceptedTypes="csv" addControlLabel="#{msgs.DO_AD...

How to dynamically display a status update?

Hi, Here is the situation I'm at right now. I have a list of requests on my bean such as public void processUpdates { for (MyRequest req: requests) { facade.process(req); } } Currently, in the front-end, I have a showing each request and its process status in 2 columns. I can display the status after all requests have been p...

how can I dynamically create html components in Jsf2

how can I dynamically create html components in Jsf2. I have to make a dynamic form which is to be filled by user, so I am not getting how can I manage, I have to use JavaScript or what?? I am using richfaces too. ...

Using rich:dataTable how do i store current sorting and current page in a managed bean variable

Using richfaces 3.3.0 we have a rich:dataTable with sortyBy's in the rich:column components and with a rich:dataScrolling component. These allow the user to sort the table in any way they want and go through the pages, all in client memory. Usually our users spend a long time looking for a certain row by sorting and browsing the pages,...

Render blocks of page async with JSF + RichFaces

I want to render 6 blocks on a page asynchronously using richfaces a4j support. To accomplish this I have defined 6 a4j:region components and an a4j:commandLink for manual refreshing of the components. Here is the relevant code: <ui:define name="body"> <h:form id="dashboardform"> <div class="table_container" style="width:99%">...

How do I exclude the 'Please Select One' option in this rich data column?

I have a back-end method that ADDS the 'Please Select One' for another part of the application. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<SelectItem> getEcometryItemStatusCodes() { List<SelectItem> retVal = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); try { retVal.add(new SelectItem(null, "Please Select One")); List<Ecomet...

How do I know which version of RichFaces I am running?

Can you tell me how to find out which version of Richfaces I am running? I need to know if I have jQuery already installed so perhaps a way to test that would help as an answer as well. I am using Version: 2.1.0.GA of JBOSS Developer Studio.. if that helps. ...

Expand/Collapse Subtable in Datatable

Is it possible to expand/collapse a subtable in a datatable? My subtable contains info relating to the row above it and I would like to show/hide onclick of an image. Just wondering how I'd go about it? This is what I'm currently using: <rich:dataTable value="#{accountsBean.musicboxes}" var="currentMusicBox"> ...

RichFaces ExtendedTableDataModel: sorting columns retrieves all rows

We use the ExtendedTableDataModel for paging. This is done to retrieve a set of results with Hibernate and load the next set when another page is requested. All works fine, but if we sort columns by using rich:column sortBy within the rich:dataTable then RichFaces tries to load all rows. We can see this while debugging the getItemsByRa...

Page loading bar in JSF?

Is there a way to make a progess/loading bar while a JSF page is loading (something like the thing google has when you're loggin into gmail, the thin bar in the top left hand corner)? ...

Rendering Problem in IE8 with richFaces and JSF empty text node

I have a form of the following type: <rich:dataList var="var" value="#{bean}" styleClass="styleClass"><h:form> <h:commandLink value="#{var.prop}" action="#{bean.action}"> <a4j:actionparam name="var" value="#{}" assignTo="#{bea.sel}" /> </h:commandLink> Now, this is all fine in Firefox and IE 7. However, in IE 8 it cre...

Problem passing boolean value from rich:ComponentControl in order to render rich:menuItems

We have the following rich:ComponentControl: <rich:componentControl event="onRowClick" for="ctxMenu" operation="show"> <f:param value="#{item.hasDocuments}" name="hasDocuments" /> </rich:componentControl> The value of #{item.hasDocuments} is being successfully passed from the bean as either true or false. Here's the contextMenu which...

Rerendering show/hide trick with AJAX (JSF+richfaces) only work for first record in a4j:repeat

Hi! For a while now, I've been working on a JAVA-based web project, and have found this website to be very helpful on numerous occasions. So, 'got some problems of my own now - and would appreciate if you help out! Ok, so Here's the thing - I'm trying to render a list of messages, each of which consists of a message title and a message...

Evaluating expression of Facelets components in Richfaces sort

Hello guys, I have some problem evaluating expression in a Facelets component defined in a .taglib.xml SortField2.getExpression() gives me the value "#{sortBy}" instead of evaluating the value. My component (a simple column) is defined as: <ui:composition> <rich:column sortBy="#{sortBy}" width="#{width}" styleClass="#{style...