
How do I pre-determine the length of the resultant cipher text produced in an encryption operation?

Hi all, I have an application which stores some information in an encrypted state, both on file and in a database. How can I calculate what the length of the resultant cipher text will be based on the plain text input? The encryption operation consists of using the .NET RijndaelManaged class/algorithm and then a conversion to a Base64...

Encrypt in Java and Decrypt in C# with Rijndael

Using the Rijndael algorithm is it possible to encrypt a config file (or section(s) in a config file) and then decrypt that file in Java? Assumptions can be made such as: Pass in IV (not Autogenerated idea :: GenerateIV(); ) Pass in Key BlockSize is 128 (standard) Assuming this can be done, my next question on this would be: Can th...

Calculate maximum size for encypted data

Is there any way to calculate the largest outcome from an Rijndael encryption with a fixed array lenght? Encryption method: RijndaelManaged Padding: PKCS7 CipherMode: CBC BlockSize 128 KeySize: 128 I need this as im converting a database where all string are going to be encrypted so i need to change the size of all string fields. ...

How many characters to create a byte array for my AES method?

Hi, I am using the AES methods here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.rijndaelmanaged.aspx I want to have a string value that I will convert to byte array and pass it to the AES encrypt method. How many characters should the string be to produce the correct byte array size that the method expects? ...

AES 256 encryption

Hi, I am using AES 256 to encrypt/decrypt some plain text. But the algorith uses only PKCS7 for padding, but I need to use PKCS5 to make it compitable to other platforms. How can I acheive this? My source code is: public string Encrypt(byte[] PlainTextBytes, byte[] KeyBytes, string InitialVector) { byte[] InitialVectorBytes = Encoding...

C# AES-256 Encryption

I am using RijndaelManaged to make a simple encryption/decryption utility. This is working fine, but I am trying to get it integrated with another program which is created in Unix (Oracle). My problem is, for all smaller input string, i am getting the exact same encrypted hex as the Unix code is generation, but for longer strings, half o...

Encryption/decryption gives Invalid character in a Base-64 string

Hi, I have been working with encryption/decryption RijndaelManaged alogorithm. While encrypting a GUID we get "%" symbol in the middle of the encrypted algorithm. When I decrypt the same encrypted GUI i get a " Invalid character in a Base-64 string" error. This occurs due to the presence of % symbol in the encrypted token. Here is the...

Getting SlowAES and RijndaelManaged class in .NET to play together

Hi, I'm trying to setup AES encryption / decryption using the javascript library SlowAES and the RijndaelManaged class in .NET. I chose this method after reading this post, where Cheeso has managed to get these two encryption methods to play together "In my tests of the COM-wrapped-SlowAEs, I used CBC mode, and the encryption...

When would I choose AesCryptoServiceProvider over AesManaged or RijndaelManaged?

I think the distinguishing factors are AesCryptoServiceProvider is FIPS compliant AesManaged is cross-platform, requires .NET 3.0 RijndaelManaged runs on .NET 2.0, requires restricting the blocksize is that about right? ...

How would you generate repeateable encryption key?

I am looking to encrypt data. I want to generate encryption keys based on a password, and some moving value, like time. The goal is to have the key change, but have anyone that knows the password be able to decrypt. This is happening in C#. I am using the following code to hash the password. private static string GetPasswordHash(string ...

Convert vb.net byte to php

I have the following code in VB.net Dim bytIV() As Byte = {121, 241, 10, 1, 132, 74, 11, 39, 255, 91, 45, 78, 14, 211, 22, 62} I'm trying to convert it to php. $iv = array(121, 241, 10, 1, 132, 74, 11, 39, 255, 91, 45, 78, 14, 211, 22, 62); That doesn't work. The complete php code below: <?php $key = "lvvxmzmfrqeephxwmifw...

Any way to unencrypt pkcs7 padded aes 256 cbc from ruby?

Im constantly getting "bad decrypt" whilst trying to unencrypt a string from a c# program using the same iv on both sides. This is getting a bit annoying and I cant really figure out the problem. This is the ruby code def unencrypt(message) c = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new("aes-256-cbc") c.padding = 1 c.decrypt c.key = key = Dig...

Rijndael Decryption error - Length of the data to decrypt is invalid

I am able to encrypt a zip file using rijndeal but when i decrypt I get an error that says "Length of the data to decrypt is invalid" Im getting the byte array to decrypt from a file. Here is how i get the byte array. Dim FStream As FileStream = File.OpenRead("<Filepath>") EncData = New Byte(FStream.Length) {} FStream.Read(EncData, 0, ...

RijndaelManaged Key generation

I need to encrypt data and store it in a file and later be able to decrypt it back. For this I am using RijndaelManaged class. Now I do not want to keep the key hardcoded in the code. After some googling I found this method - Here the key is generated but then all other values like passphrase, salt and IV are hardcoded. I do not have th...

Encrypt in C# decrypt in JavaScript

I am looking for way to encrypt string in C# and to decrypt it using JavaScript. JavaScript in this case is a scripting language for internal system, so I should not worry about people accessing private key/password which will be required for decryption. Searching online for solution it seems that AES encryption should do the trick. I’...

Predicting the length of an encrypted string

I am using this for encryption: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.rijndaelmanaged.aspx Is there a way I can predict what the encrypted text will look like? I am converting the encrypted output to text so I can store it in the db. I just want to make sure the size of the database column is large enou...

Decryption with AES and CryptoAPI? When you know the KEY/SALT

Okay so i have a packed a proprietary binary format. That is basically a loose packing of several different raster datasets. Anyways in the past just reading this and unpacking was an easy task. But now in the next version the raster xml data is now to be encrypted using AES-256(Not my choice nor do we have a choice). Now we basically ...

Does Rijndael always throw an exception if the password isn't correct?

I'm using Rijndael to encrypt/decrypt some sensitive images that will be used on some documents. I'm trying to be absolutely sure that the password provided works and that, by some quirk of fate, an incorrect password will result in a corrupted image that ends up on the document. If I don't catch it before this point, lots of documents...

ASP.net rijndael decrypt - Length of data to decrypt

A lot of items I've found so far have been a bit vague or ... unspecific so I'm hoping to get an answer. I've got two little methods - easy ones that look as such... private const string initVector = "1234567890123456"; private const string SaltValue = "ThisIsMySaltValue"; private const int KeySize = 256; public static...

Password encryption/decryption between classic asp and ASP.NET

I have 2 websites: one written in classic asp and another written in ASP.NET (1.1 framework). Both applications use a login mechanism to validate user credentials based on a shared database table. Up to now passwords are stored in a 1-way MD5 hash, meaning people must be given a new generated password if they lose the old one. I now want...