
Python App Engine projects with sophisticated user-role-permission structures

In followup to an earlier question, I'd be interested to know whether anyone can recommend some open-source Python-based Google App Engine projects with complex user-role-permission models to consult as a reference. A link to the code would be nice. In my own project, I'd like to add a layer of organizations in addition to the usual ro...

SQL Permissions / Securables - Can I give permissions to a "Select" from a View that uses another View that doesn't have permission granted?

Here's my scenario... SQL Role Staff_User Scheme People Tables People.Persons People.PhoneNumbers Views People.vtPersons - The vtPersons view filters the data from the Persons table showing only that which belongs to the currently logged in user. People.vtPhoneNumbers - The vtPhoneNumbers view filters the data from the P...

Evaluating user management options.

I am working on a web application (C#, VS2008 with Entity modelling) and within about a year from now, they will ask me to add some login/authentication/authorization options to this site that can be managed through the site. Which is fine by me but I would like to know some good ways to implement such functionality. Visitors for this s...

Can an SQL Server application role issue DBCC DBREINDEX?

I have an application that uses a SQL Server application role on the database side. During one of the application’s processes, I need it to reindex a table, however, I run into problems because apparently the application role doesn’t have permissions to run the DBCC DBREINDEX command. Do you know of a way to enable that? Here’s the erro...

Websphere 6.1 ejb3 authenticating user and mapping to role

I'm upgrading an application from an old ejb2 setup to use ejb3's using the ejb3 feature pack on websphere 6.1 I've got a ServletContextListener which does some initialisation when the servlet context starts, part of this initialisation involves calling ejb's. The server is set up to use FileRegistrySample for its custom user registry,...

ASP.NET Roles and Profiles: best way to query for collection of users who match custom profile property?

ASP.NET 2.0 membership, roles, and profiles is the cat's meow. The API for roles supports handy methods like GetAllUsersInRole("MyNewsletterSubscriber"), which will return a collection of people in the "MyNewsletterSubscriber" role. I am wondering what the best way to return a collection of people with custom ASP.NET Profile propertie...

SharePoint forms authentication (FBA) roles

Can anybody help me... Is it possible to target audiences in SharePoint using FBA roles instead of using SharePoint groups? Or is there an alternative solution available? ...

SharePoint FBA Roles Audience Targeting

Can anybody help me... Is it possible to target audiences in SharePoint using FBA roles instead of using SharePoint groups? I've tried creating a group in SharePoint and adding the FBA role to that group. This didn't seem to work. Is there another alternative solution available? Thanks Kash ...

Define custom roles

I am developing a content management Site and define custom roles. Can anyone tell me the way how to get defined custom roles for my members and subsequent Menus for these roles and how to manage all these? Please note: We are not using Membership Provider, we have to apply our custom roles. ...

ASP.NET MVC multiple distinct groups of users - authorization/authentication

I have done a lot of research on trying to accomplish this, but I have not really found a clear cut "best way" to accomplish this. I am working on an application that has many distinct groups of users, essentially it allows multiple companies to use the same application - very much like Google apps. Here is an example of what I mean: ...

Set Property Value on Master Page from Content Page

I need to pass data to a variable in my master page each time a page is loaded. I have a string[] of RequiredRoles that I set on each content page defining what roles are required to access that page. On my master page, I have a method that takes this array, and checks to see if the current user is in one or more of those roles. How w...

CreateUserWizard Roles

OK, so I am having trouble with adding roles with the CreateUserWizard. <asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1" runat="server" Font-Size="Medium" ContinueDestinationPageUrl="Default.aspx" LoginCreatedUser="False" DisableCreateUser="False" CompleteSucc...

ASP.NET Problem Caching Roles In Cookie

I'm using ASP.NET Roles with a special role "Must Change Password". If a user has not changed their password for more than 90 days, they are automatically added to this role. This happens during the user login process. Authorization rules then deny that role access to all of the application except the "change password" page. Generally t... mvc decorate [Authorize()] with multiple enums

I have a controller and I want two roles to be able to access it. 1-admin OR 2-moderator I know you can do [Authorize(Roles="admin, moderators")] but I have my roles in an enum. With the enum I can only authorize ONE role. I can't figure out how to authorize two. I have tried something like [Authorize(Roles=MyEnum.Admin, MyEnum.Moderat...

Doing something new?

G'day, When was the last time you did something new? And what was it? Language - Erlang?, Haskell?, C++ instead of C?, Ruby?, C# from Java?, etc. Platform - Linux from Unix?, ASP.NET from .NET?, Unix from Windows?, etc. IDE - Eclipse from VS?, Netbeans?, etc. Approach - OO from functional decomposition, etc. Role - Architect from deve...

Is it possible to view Oracle users roles without having DBA Privilege?

Is it possible to view the roles of the user without having DBA Privilege? If so, how? SELECT * FROM DBA_TAB_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE = 'USER_NAME'; The above query needs the "SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE" role. I need to get the result of the above query without (DBA and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE) Privileges. ...

Asp.Net Conditional URL Role Authentication

I want to restrict access to a particular url unless the user is a member of 2 different roles. In this case I only want to grant access to this url if the user is in both the Reporting AND Archiving role. Is there a way to do this in <location path="testpage.aspx"> <system.web> <authorization> <allow roles="Reporting, ...

Can't get example for ASP.NET AuthorizationStoreRoleProvider to work

I was following this example but seem to be messing something. I keep getting the parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) Line throwing the error: Line 30: if (Roles.IsUserInRole("TestRole")) Stack Trace: [ArgumentException:... MVC: Getting Required Roles for Login?

Hi, is there any generic way to get the role which is required for some particular action? In Detail my problem is, that I have e.g. 2 roles "User" and "Admin" and an action with the following: [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] public class AdministrationController... If the user is not logged in, he gets the login screen. That's ok. Whe...

Common CMS roles and access levels

I am currently writing a CMS and remember someone (it might have been on here) criticise the existing CMS for not having a robust enough user permissions system. I've got a method planned out but it I feel it has fallen into the usual trap of being a bit too fine-grained which makes understanding and implementing it a horror for end use...