
How to specify adress ranges for PIC code?

I want to use Claudiu Chiculitas tiny bootloader for PIC16 (i have modyfied it to suit my chip) but since that bootloader does not move code to prevent overwriting the bootloader, I must somehow manually see to that the bootloader is not overwritten. I have tried to use the --rom option like this: --rom=default,-0-4,-3f00-3fff What I ...

Can I upgrade my Handheld OS from Windows CE 5.0 to 6.0?

Hi, I've Motorola Symbol Handheld Model MC3090 (from symbol MC3000 series), having Windows CE 5.0. Is it possible that i can upgrade the Handheld OS from CE 5.0 to CE 6.0? ...

Boot from flash-rom with qemu-system-arm

Is it possible to emulate boot from flash memory using qemu-system-arm? (Using Integrator/CP motherboard) I'm able to boot using qemu's -kernel option, but if I try using an option such as -pflash, qemu generates an error telling me that I must use the -kernel option. Is there any way around this? ...

GBA ROM Programming Language

Does anyone know what language ROMs (such as GBA ROMs) are coded in? I'd also like to know if there would be a simplistic way to decompile these ROMs. ...

Using open source SNES emulator code to turn a rom file into a self-contained executable game

Would it be possible to take the source code from a SNES emulator (or any other game system emulator for that matter) and a game ROM for the system, and somehow create a single self-contained executable that lets you play that particular ROM without needing either the individual rom or the emulator itself to play? Would it be difficult, ...

A Reference on the layout and structure of GameBoy Color Roms?

Does anyone have a reference or source about how GameBoy Color roms are laid out - where the data and code, what machine code instructions are used, how the clock works etc? I'm interested in perhaps building an emulator myself but I can't find any information about the roms' setup other than looking at them in a hex editor. I'm interest...

How to determine if OS is a custom ROM from an App?

Hi. I'm developing an Android application, but I want to restrict my application to only be accessible by hardware that is not running a rooted/custom ROM. I know about Android's Forward Locking content protection, but would like to double check this protection from within my app. Is there any way to get the signature of the device along...

What is CMOS and how does it work?

Hi, im new to this forum but i get confused when people are like "Uhh yeh i can upgrade CMOS without causing damage to the random access memory" which i understand, but what is CMOS? There dont seem to be any wiki articles about it either sigh :P ...