
Twitter-like login system (passing parameters in URL?)

How do you pass parameters in a URL? I'm trying to design a login system similar to Twitter's. Notice how you can either login to the main page of or you can go directly to customised pages such as and . That's exactly what I need for my project. Thanks. ...

Creating a System.Web.UI.Page programatically in IHTTPHandler

I am trying to use the ASP.NET (3.5) "Routing Module" functionality to create custom pages based on the contents of the URL. Various articles, such as this one: explain how to use ASP.NET Routing to branch to existing pages on the web serve...

ASP.NET MVC Html.ActionLink result URL - the way of encoding

Hi All, I create an amount of actions in MVC controllers. public ActionResult DoSmth1(string token) public ActionResult DoAnother2(string token) And when I have to call ActionLink.. =Html.ActionLink<SomeController>( x=> x.DoSmth(, =Html.ActionLink<AnotherController>( x=> x.DoAnother(, item....

Can have part of the domain name as a parameter in my routing rules?

I'd like to have a routing rule that accepted part of my domain name as a parameter. For example: {name}{id} Is this even possible? ...

IP Routing

I have a WinForms application that our customer install locally and it is accessing our webservers through a leased/private network. All WS calls is getting routed properly when adressing our web server, but when the application is trying to access some other external resource (RSS) that is on the WWW - .Net/Windows is sending this reque...

Problem with ASP.NET MVC routing

Hi everyone!! I have a page that I want it to have 2 different routes: "/Admin/Schedules" AND "/Schedules" "/Admin/Schedules" if for admin users and the page will render some admin features and it needs to log in... on the other hand, "/Schedules" is for non-logged users and it will render non-admin features... But, the page is t...

Advice needed on REST URL to be given to 3rd parties to access my site

Important: This question isn't actually really an ASP.NET question. Anyone who knows anything about URLS can answer it. I just happen to be using ASP.NET routing so included that detail. In a nutshell my question is : "What URL format should I design that i can give to external parties to get to a specific place on my site that will b...

My site has to support multiple languages, how do I route in rails?

I have several resources and I want to somehow have a :lang parameter in the header. So /en/posts/ would direct to posts_controller/index with params[:lang] == en. How is this usually done? It looks ugly to have to add ?lang=en on every link and feel very un-railsy. I think you know what I'm talking about even if I'm not very clear, wh...

simulated annealing for placement and routing

i am in need of a well documented source code of simulated annealing for placement and routing (in c++ or java). can anyone help me? ...

System.Web.Routing with WebForms - picking up variables in the target page

I have the pattern User/{domain}/{username} set up via Routing. Everything works except for one thing. I can't figure out how to get the domain and username variables passed to my redirected page. Below is my GetHttpHandler method from my IRouteHandler implementation. public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)...

How to repeat the same ASP.NET MVC action again?

I have an action called List that shows the results of a search. It receives parameters through the querystring because they are optional. My method signature looks like this: public ActionResult List(List<int> categoryIDs, string school, int? stateID, int? page) CategoryIDs is a multi-select box and I am doing everything over a GET r...

Linq Expression Confusion combined with defered execution

I'm trying to figure out a way of getting a particular piece of code called when a path is recognised. I'm going to be registering paths from different plugins. This allows them to fight over the paths that they want. The idea being that the plugins say here are the paths that I'm interested in, when you get a match create an instance o...

Multiple route parameters with clean URLs

I'm working a digg clone in ASP.NET MVC to help better teach myself ASP.NET MVC. I've been looking at how StackOverflow handles routing when passing in things like sorts and I guess I thought the whole point of using clean URLs is so you don't have things like ?sort=blah at the end of your URL for SEO. Is there a recommended way of inc...

Having issues with MVC Routing

I'm trying to implement routing such as the following: posts/535434/This-is-a-post-title posts/tagged/tags+here // Matches {controller}/{action}/{id} - Default // Displays all posts with the specified tags // uses PostsController : ActionTagged(string tags) posts?pageSize=50&pageIndex=4 // Matches {controller}/{action}/{id} - Default ...

How do you send a request with the "DELETE" HTTP verb?

I'd like to create a link in a view within a Rails application that does this... DELETE /sessions How would I do that. Added complication: The "session" resource has no model because it represents a user login session. CREATE means the user logs in, DESTROY means logs out. That's why there's no ID param in the URI. I'm trying to i...

How to use params with slashes with Sinatra ?

Playing with sinatra, I'm stuck on a little problem : when I use params with slashes, it confuses the router engine. So is there a nice way to handle this kind of param without having to encode it ? The code looks like get 'add/:url' do #.... end And I intend to get something like /add/ working ...

ASP.Net MVC View Architecture

Can the folders within the View have subfolders? if so, how does the Controller reach them? For example... I would like to have the following urls work correctly: Admin/Index Admin/Profile/Index Admin/Profile/Edit/1 Admin/Group/Index Admin/Group/Edit/1 So, would I create a folder for Profile and Group as a subfolder within Admin? I ... MVC Routing Type

i have 2 views in my App 1:Views->Season->ViewSeason 2:Views->Admin->Season->ViewSeason How i write Controller for this? pls help me..... ...

Looking for sample global.asax.cs files for routing information.

No matter what you read about ASP.NET routing or REST I think the best way to learn more about them is to read other people's routing files. In a video with Jeff once you could catch a glimpse of the stackoverflow routing file if you paused the video in the right place. I actually learnt quite a lot just looking at how it was organized. ...

ComponentNotRegisteredException Probs - ASP.NET MVC

Hi All, I recently upgraded a project I am working on to RC1 and I am absolute pulling my hair out. I am using AbsoluteRouting and I keep getting the following issue which is preventing me from upgrading. I have know cllue about whether you have any ideas but I thought I would see if you did (really appreciate any help you can provide :...