
How bad is 3 as an RSA public exponent

I'm creating an application where I have to use RSA to encrypt some stuff using a public key. I want this encryption to be really fast. Initially, I tried a 2048 bit key with F4 (=65537) as the exponent but it is not fast enough. So now I'm considering the following 2 options: 2048 bit modulus, e=3 1024 bit modulus, e=65537 Both sati...

Implementing poor man's ssl

want to implement poor man's ssl only to encrypt certain fields of only one form using RSA. Is JS better or should I go for Applet ? ...

OCR an RSA key fob (security token)

I put together a quick WinForm/embedded IE browser control which logs into our company's bank website each morning and scrapes/exports the desired deposit information (the bank is a smallish regional bank). Since we have a few dozen "pseudoaccounts" that draw from the same master account, this actually takes 10-15 minutes to retrieve. ...

[python] RSA encryption

I am doing on my project and there is about port knocking. I have 3 files that separated in server side and client. In the server contains : portknocking server as a daemon and configuration file [contains sequence of port that must be satisfied and many other configuration detail] In the client contains : portknocking client. Is there ...

Can you help me get my head around openssl public key encryption with rsa.h in c++?

Hi there, I am trying to get my head around public key encryption using the openssl implementation of rsa in C++. Can you help? So far these are my thoughts (please do correct if necessary) Alice is connected to Bob over a network Alice and Bob want secure communications Alice generates a public / private key pair and sends public key...

Crash in Aquatic Prime Carbon

I just released an app (32 bit/10.5 SDK) relying on the Carbon implementation of Aquatic Prime to deal with licensing. Now I've started getting crash logs pointing to a problem in APCreateDictionaryForLicenseData. The crash occurs on this line: if (!rsaKey->n || !rsaKey->e) return NULL; [rsaKey is a static RSA created with RSA_new(...

Creating RSA keys from known parameters in Java

I'm working on implementing Bing Cashback. In order to verify an incoming request from Bing as valid they provide a signature. The signature is a 160-bit SHA-1 hash of the url encrypted using RSA. Microsoft provides the RSA "public key", modulus and exponent, with which I'm supposed to decrypt the hash. Is there a way to create the Jav...

RSA algorithm library for Java

I want to provide my application with simple licensing mechanism based on RSA algorithm. Are there any free RSA libraries? ...

I'm using Crypto++ for RSA encryption. My plain text exceeds FixedMaxPlaintextLength. What should I do?

Should I break the text into chunks? Is RSA the wrong encryption scheme? ...

How do I create a PKCS12 .p12 file in C#?

Hi, this is probably a n00b question, but I don't really have any experience in this area. I need to create a p12 bundle containing an X509 certificate and the private key. I currently have two objects, the X509Certificate2, and the RSAParameters object which contains key information. How do I combine these into a p12 file? I just ...

How to read key file for use with HMAC_Init_ex()

I generated an RSA private key using openssl. I need to use the HMAC_*() functions of the OpenSSL library in plain C to hash/sign data, but I'm unsure on how to correctly extract the private key data from that file. From what I know, that file is B64 encoded, so I uncoded it and stored it in a buffer. However, it seems to me that the H...

get firefox to decrypt using private portion of client certificate

I am interested in having something that I encrypt using a public key on a LAMPhp server, decrypted using the appropriate private key on the web client (firefox at least, best if it is standard javascript) Note that what I want to do is -not- merely to have an encrypted connection using SSL/https. Or even to use browser-based client ce...

For sending passwords over the wire, which is more secure: Diffie Helman/AES or RSA? (It bothers me that AES doesn't obscure password length)

I was given advice that I am suspicious about so I'm looking for support here to go back and challenge the advice. I was advised to use Diffie Helman to get both sides to agree on a secret key, use the secret key to generate an AES key, and then use AES to encrypt/decrypt passwords that are being transmitted. Pretty much like the samp...

Generating an RSA Key Pair with Erlang?

Erlang has a crypto function which generates public private keys (documentation copied below). However the documentation seems vague and I can't find any example code that describes how to generate the shared prime number or the generator. Can someone post an example that generates a public/private key pair? Thanks in advance for any ...

Encryption key generated by java program is not accepted by Microsoft encryption API

We have generated RSA public key by our java program to encrypt the data in C++ before transmitting it but when we use this key to encrypt the data using Microsoft encryption API, it doesn't accepts this key. Do anyone has any ideas on this? ...

Convert public/private key strings to RSA xmlstring

My partner gave me an RSA public key that looks like this: MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCSK+roLfbUYf6PGNIf6Ej8R5EqSTjlRABTu7T0FxR/B6iurI80jktW9+zKu4jFnFJ8oYx24raD3x5KhJZR2VCBEEbtYpPq/5E25v+LIkFbx8sNkMvEACZdAWyeQcEookGfKDER4PGrB35bntcO2SnItTZc8BOI3jAOBXTeBO16NwIDAQAB I know that there are Modulus and Exponent in a public key,...

RSA: How to generate private key in java and use it in C#?

I would like to generate private key in java, save it as a 64 base encoded string in some file and then encrypt some phrase in C# using this saved file. I know to generate keys in java and encode it with 64 base. My question is how do I use this key in C#? This is a java code prototype to save private key into text file: KeyPairGenerato...

What is the size of a RSA signature in bytes?

I'm currently using Crypto++ to generate a signature for a block of data. I expected the signature to be 20 bytes ( SHA 1 Hash) , as my understanding was that the signature is just an encrypted hash. But when checking with maxsignaturelength and signature length , it seems that it is 192 bytes. Is it normal? ...

How do I use an rsa securId like device to secure a Joomla website?

I've got a joomla website (Community Builder with CBSubs) purchased through joomlapolis. The client wants to secure authentication with an rsa device. If someone could point me in the right direction, that'd be great. ...

How to encrypt Amazon CloudFront signature for private content access using canned policy

Has anyone using .net actually worked out how to successfully sign a signature to use with CloudFront private content? After a couple of days of attempts all I can get is Access Denied. I have been working with variations of the following code and also tried using OpenSSL.Net and AWSSDK but that does not have a sign method for RSA-SHA1 ...