
issue with factory_girl , rpsec 2.0 and rails 3.0 => can't get has_one relation working nicely together!

I'm running rails 3.0, rspec 2.0 and factory_girl. Here is the simplified scenario I'm working with: a user can subscribe to only one plan at a time # user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :plan attr_accessible :login, :plan_id end # plan.rb class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :plan end # user_factory.rb...

Ruby On Rails: Couldn't find 'rspec' generator?

Hi, trying to learn ruby on rails at the moment and currently learning about testing. The tutorial I'm following uses rspec, so I ran the commands: sudo gem install rspec sudo gem install rspec-rails script/generate rspec only to get an error message "Couldn't find 'rspec' generator". I've searched for an answer on this topic but I ca...

RSpec mock_models don't appear to be working for request specs: Should they?

I'm building an app in rails 3 using rspec 2 for specs. All my specs are working fine, except my request spec (only have one at the moment, as I'm building specs as I work): def mock_account(stubs = {}) @mock_account ||= mock_model(Account, stubs).as_null_object end before (:each) do Account.stub(:find_by_id).with(1) { mock_account...

Continuous Integration for all version ruby?

I'm know CruiseControl.rb used for Continuous Integration but it Prerequisites ruby 1.8.6. please sugguest me a lib sloved for all version ruby. Thanks ...

How do I test that a 301 redirect takes place with rspec?

I need to test two things: that certain old paths are correctly redirected to certain new paths that the redirect is a 301, not a 302. I'm using Capybara for my acceptance tests, but that can't handle #2. I can test that the redirect happens, but it happens silently, so I can't see that it was a 301. Controller tests can't handle #...

how to run rspec with no observers in rails 3?

I have a rails3 app that has some observers. I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn these off for my rspec tests! ...

How to test view page(paginate) with rspec-rails2?

rails 3 rspec-rails 2 in controller def index @users = User.paginate :page => params[:page],:per_pae => 5 end in view User list <% @users.each do |user|% <%= %> <% end %> <%= will_paginate @users %> Now I use rspec-rails 2 to test view. require 'spec_helper' describe "/users/index.html....

How to test if correct layout was used in controller using RSpec and Rails 3

I want to write a rspec test that tests if correct layout is used for controller. (Actually I want to test that no layout is used :) ). I did some googling and also Looked here But all of this does not work for Rails3. I have used: controll...

How do you test an AJAX request with RSpec/RoR?

I'm fairly new to RoR and recently started learning BDD/Rspec for testing my application. I've been looking for a way to spec an AJAX request, but so far I haven't found much documentation on this at all. Anyone know how to do this? I'm using rails 2.3.8, rspec 1.3.0 and mocha 0.9.8 for my stubs (which I'm also in the process of le...

Verifying page title with rspec

I'm running through Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial. I'm trying to verify the title of my page. The test looks like this: it "should have the right title" do get 'home' response.should have_selector("title", :content => "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App | Home") end The HTML head section looks like this <head> <...

Should I test controller helpers or the controller itself with Rspec?

I have a PathsHelper that overwrites foo_url and foo_path by processing additional parameters as well as the context from the current url. This is included in ApplicationController. Right now, I have: describe ApplicationController do describe "#foo_url" do ... end describe "#foo_path" do ... end end I'm wondering w...

Rails RSpec Tests for a has_many :through Relationship

I'm new to testing and rails but i'm trying to get my TDD process down properly. I was wondering if you use any sort of paradigm for testing has_many :through relationships? (or just has_many in general i suppose). For example, i find that in my model specs i'm definitely writing simple tests to check both ends of a relationship for r...

How do I write methods that insert rspec examples?

In a bunch of rspec rails unit specifications I do something like: describe Foo do [:bar, :baz].each do |a| it "should have many #{a}" do Foo.should have_many(a) end end end For cleaner code I'd rather do something like: describe Foo do spec_has_many Foo, :bar, :baz end So how do I write a helper method like spe...

Test the render method in a controller with RSpec

I am trying to test the render method in a controller with RSpec (2.x). Here the code in my controller: respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.json { render :json => @entities, :include => :properties, :overview => options[:overview] } end And here the test I try in my spec file: controller.should_receive(:r...

RSpec : want to have many tests for one shot method, including fixtures

Hello, I'm working on a Rails app. I want to test with rspec my method "start!" of my model Backup. So here the specs (all are methods, too): Backup should copy files to folder /backups Backup should check md5 sum Backup should delete original files For my tests, I create fake files, based on fixtures : MyFile.all.each{|r| system(...

Rspec is giving an error with my layout links from the rails tutorial: “Failure/Error: Unable to find matching line from backtrace”

Same question, but solution did not work:, I've tried several versions of rspec: dpalacio:sample_app dpalacio$ rspec -v 2.0.0.beta.18 dpalacio:sample_app dpalacio$ rspec spec/ controllers/ factories.rb models/...

rspec validates_presence_of polymorphic attributes ruby on rails

I am writing an rspec for an address model that has a polymorphic attribute called :addressable. I am using factory girl for testing. This model has no controller because I do not wish to create a standalone address but that doesnt stop the rspec from creating a standalone address. My model, factory and rspec are class Address < Act...

Testing a model spec that uses an after_create callback

Guys, Here is a model that I'm using, I've simplified it a bit down to the simplest form that still fails my example: class User < ActiveRecord::Base after_create :setup_lists def setup_lists List.create(:user_id =>, :name => "current") List.create(:user_id =>, :name => "master") end end And I'd like t...

How to test/spec Sinatra & MongoDB API with Cucumber?

I want to spec a Sinatra server that receives HTTP requests, stores things in MongoDB, and responds with JSON. How would I spec both the MongoDB entries and the responses? I'd like to use Cucmber and RSpec to do this cause I hear they're hot, but I'm not really good with them yet. Thanks! Matt ...

How to test link_to_unless_current in RSpec view example group

I'm learning RSpec 2 with Rails 3 and while it's been going along quite nicely so far, I'm having a problem testing the helper link_to_unless_current in a view. What I've been trying to do is use a simple assert_select from a view spec to determine if a link is being generated in the following partial view (HAML):{ :id => ...