
Getting Image height before the image loads in HTML

I have a table that is dynamically created using DIVs. Each row of the table has two images. I want to set the height for the div (that represents a particular row) to the height of image that is greater of the two images being displayed in that particular row. The images to displayed will always change, and they are from an external ser...

Regex - Match a Pattern Before a Character

Hi, I'm currently building a toy assembler in c# (going through The Elements Of Computing Systems book). I need to match a very simple pattern, I thought this would be a good time to learn some regex but I'm struggling! In the following examples I'd just like to match the letters before the '=' M=A D=M MD=A A=D AD=M AMD=A I've ...

Sql Server 2008 - BEFORE triggers?

Hi all... I've long been waiting for BEFORE triggers. But we have some systems which are written in ORACLE. When a potential new client asked why, our president told them that it was because there are no BEFORE triggers in Sql Server (among other things). To this, the client responded, "Yes, in 2008 you CAN write BEFORE triggers." No...

Flex Combobox preChange event

Hi, I have a project in which i need to pop up an alert to the user before a combobox value is changed. This feature is to allow the user to stay in current state if modifications were not saved. Meaning that the user will be able to cancel the change. I have sub classed ComboBox and tried to hook on ITEM_CLICK of ComboBox.dropdown but ...

Datepicker BeforeShowDay CSS problem with content styling

I think I'm not the only one having this problem. Whenever I try to apply a BeforeShowDay a new CSS class, the content of the "special date" is not being modified. I tried changing the default theme, adding a new class, but this is affecting only the outside border and not the inside content. Using Firebug I found that the html code be...

Placing label before radio button with JSF

Hi, i have the following in my page. <h:selectOneRadio layout="pageDirection" > <s:selectItems value="#{usageList}" var="entry" label="#{labels[entry.label]}" itemValue="entry" /> </h:selectOneRadio> With this code I get a radio Button and after it the label of the same. [ ] User [ ] Administrator But I want to do the ...

How to use JQuery ajaxForm with nicEdit?

I am using ajaxForm function to submit my form that has nicEdit html editor as well but when I tried to submit the form for the first time the content of the nicEdit is not included... Is there a way that I can intercept the data submitted so I can edit the form data? or maybe add values to the form-data before it actually gets submitted...

PHP - How to get the element before the last element from an array ?

How can I get the element before the last element from an array in PHP5 ? ...

Doctrine date in save override / before save

I have Doctrine model with a date field "date_of_birth" (symfony form date) which is filled in by the user all works 100% it saves to the db as expected, however in the model save() method I need to retrieve the value of this field before save occurs. My problem is that When trying to get the date value it returns empty string if its a n...

How can I get IE8 to accept a css :before tag?

I have the following CSS code .editable:before { content: url(../images/icons/icon1.png); padding-right:5px; } this is used in conjuntion with the following markup: <span class="editable"></span> In every other blessed browser in the world my icon is appearing, but IE8 seems to have a problem with this. Isn't the :before ps...

Javascript register window/tab closing event before window/tab close

This has / may have been asked before, but, as far as I remember, the question was not satisfactory answered at that time ^^ How can I register a window or tab closing event with Javascript? I have tried body.onclose and body.onunload, and dozens others whose names I made up myself and thought they might possibly exist, but none of it w...

WPF - data binding trigger before content changed

How do i create trigger, which fires BEFORE binding changes value? How to do this for datatemplate? <ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=ActiveView}" Margin="0,95,0,0"> <ContentControl.Triggers> <--some triger to fire, when ActiveView is changing or has changed ?!?!? --> </ContentControl.Triggers> public Object...

RSpec: in-depth differences between before(:all) and before(:each)

Ok, so I've ran into a very strange issue, directly connected with before blocks. I'm doing a integration testing via Watir and RSpec. For a simple test to check if user can perform a login I'm creating a 'user' record in the db by means of factory_girl. So I put the following code: before(:each) do @user = Factory(:user) end if "s...

PHP output text before sleep

Hello, I want PHP to output some text, then sleep for a minute and a half, and then output some more text. <?php echo 'Output one.'; usleep(1500000); echo 'Output two.'; ?> My problem is that all text is being put out simultaneously - after having waited those 1.5 seconds. I have read something about a function called flush - but...

Help need to merge two functions for jquery cycle?

I have two functions I would like to use in my before callback with jquery cycle. One slides the pager over as the user cycles through, and other other centers the image horizontally and vertically inside the containing div. Both work great separately, yet I can seem to get them to work together both on the before callback. I have an exa...

Jquery: How do I address :before classes?

My goal: Mousehover a link, have a certain element on the page change the .class:before content to something from the link title. Therefore: I want to change the content of a .class:before, namely .test:before. However, $("#test:before").css("content","whatever the content should be"); does not do the job. How do I adress :befor...

insertHTML execCommand BEFORE cursor caret in a contenteditable div

People seem to love to answer this question everywhere online while ignoring the CONTENTEDITABLE div requirement. Using code that seems to only work on input fields or textareas and not divs. Additionally, most questions people have wanted to put the cursor caret INSIDE the newly inserted HTML... which is weird, because it does it autom...

:before and :after multiple border/background trick on images?

Hello, I've been using the :before or :after CSS trick (explained in this article: to achieve multiple borders and backgrounds. It works great on div elements but I noticed it doesn't work on images at all. Here's my code: .author img { ...

DEPRECATION WARNING in Rails3 for before_create, before_update, before_save, before_destroy

Hello There! I just upgraded my application from Rails 2.3 to 3 and I'm getting some DEPRECATION WARNINGS for my before_create ,update, save, destroy etc. Does anyone know how ot fix the issue? These are my Warnings : DEPRECATION WARNING: Base#before_create has been deprecated, please use Base.before_create :method instead. (called f...

Doing something before program exit

How can you have a function or something that will be executed before your program quits? I have a script that will be constantly running in the background, and I need it to save some data to a file before it exits. Is there a standard way of doing this? ...