I was hoping someone would spot why this wouldn't work.
I am getting an error thats being called because the attributes I specify with Factory_Girl are not being applied to the stub before validation.
The Error:
undefined method `downcase' for #<Category:0x1056f2f60>
it "should vote up" do
@mock_vote = Factory.create(:vote...
I installed rails 3 with rspec 2, but when i run controller generator it creates rspec tests only for controller helpers and does not create them for controller itself.
Here's my code I'm spec'ing:
def vote_up
@vote.value += 1 unless @vote.value == 1
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :action => "vote", :layout => false }
Seems pretty straightforward. This is what I'm trying to spec it with :
it "should vote up" do
@mock_cat = Factory.create(:ca...
I'm trying to Factory a Post associated with a Vote. So that Post.votes would generate the Vote's that are associated with it.
Factory.define :voted_post, :parent => :post, :class => Post do |p|
p.association :votes, :factory => :vote
And my rspec2 is relatively straightforward :
describe "vote scores" do
it "should show me t...
Created a new app with rails generate new_app -T and ran rails generate rspec:install.
$ rails generate controller Test foo bar
create app/controllers/test_controller.rb
route get "test/bar"
route get "test/foo"
invoke erb
create app/views/test
create app/views/test/foo.html.erb
The following Spec is failing and failing over again. I've tried everything but can't get it to work. If I test it manually all looks fine :( Some help/tips would be really nice!
The join-action should add an logged-in user to an guild/group if he/she got the right token (in the url). If the user isn't logged in the action redirects to ...
I would like to test a controller that directly renders some JSON output (by using "render :json => @entity_names"). For that task I tried in my spec file "response.should have_text('["enim", "enita"]')". Unfortunately I always get that error:
Failure/Error: response.should have_text('["enim", "enita"]')
undefined method `has_text?' for ...
How do I turn off transactional fixtures for only one spec (or Steak scenario) with RSpec 2?
I tried some things found on the web without any success.
This leads to an undefined method exception.
describe "MyClass without transactional fixtures" do
self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
This simply does nothing (transac...
Hi, i create a customized devise registration controller and i want to test it with rspec.
I've tried it with a very simple test :
it "creates a new parent" do
Parent.should receive(:new)
post :create
but i get this exception:
1) Parent::RegistrationsController POST create creates a new parent
I am in the process of upgrading my application to Rails 3. I started using Rspec 2 with Rails 3. I need to turn off transactional fixtures for some of my rspec tests. Prior I used the following code in my model specs
before(:all) do
ActiveSupport::TestCase.use_transactional_fixtures = false
after(:all) do
I have this in my spec_helpers.rb file:
config.before(:each, :type => :view) do
@widget = Factory(:widget)
view.stub!(:widget => @widget)
@widget is accessible in my views, but the view.stub! part returns:
undefined method `_routes' for nil:NilClass
/Users/mdarby/.rvm/gems/[email protected]/gems/activesupport-3.0.0...
I'm attempting the following functional test on the controller. I'm using the following
Rails 3
Here's the test
context "POST on create should be successful" do
before(:each) do
post :create, :model => {}...
I'm following the rails tutorial @ http://railstutorial.org
On chapter 11, I'm having issues with showing microposts from users.
Based on the tutorial, the RSPEC test should pass. However, it fails
1) UsersController GET 'show' should show the user's microposts
Failure/Error: get :show, :id => @user
undefined method `model_name'...
I am trying to write a view spec to drive out a form with a nested model. In my example every Organization has many Users. When you create a new organization you create the first user at the same time. This part works:
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'organization/new.html.erb' do
let(:organization) do
I'm trying to generate an easy macro for a Rails app that uses Devise for authentication. Basically I want to ensure that when a user accesses a page that requires authentication, they're redirected to the login page. So something like this:
it_requires_authentication_for :index, :new, :create, :update
The desired results here shoul...
I am trying to test the render method in a controller with RSpec (2.x).
Here the code in my controller:
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.json { render :json => @entities, :include => :properties, :overview => options[:overview] }
And here the test I try in my spec file:
I'm learning RSpec 2 with Rails 3 and while it's been going along quite nicely so far, I'm having a problem testing the helper link_to_unless_current in a view. What I've been trying to do is use a simple assert_select from a view spec to determine if a link is being generated in the following partial view (HAML):
%article.post{ :id => ...
I know
rake spec:models
to spec all models.
Is there a way to spec only one model, or only a given collection of models?
Something like this would be desirable:
rake spec:model user
or with a collection of models
rake spec:model user role order
BTW: Brian Hogan wrote created something similar (see here) but maybe there is some...
I'm learning RSpec 2 with Rails 3. In order to set the contents of the tag in the layout for each page, I have a helper that can be used to set the title and then return it:
def page_title(subtitle=nil)
if @title.nil?
@title = ["Site Name"]
unless subtitle.nil?
@title << subtitle
@title.reverse.join " - "
I'm using Factory Girl/Rspec2/Rails 3.
In factories.rb, I have:
Factory.define :user do |user|
user.name 'Some guy'
user.email '[email protected]'
user.password 'password'
Factory.define :org_admin, :parent => :user do |user|
user.email '[email protected]'
Factory.define :user_with_memb...