
how to parse images by using Rome RSS Parser

Hello Do you know how to parse images by using rome parser?(java platform) I looked at some samples at rome parser documentation but it's clear. Can you provide me the sample code to parse images by using rome rss parser? Regards Altaico ...

How to Grab Feed Entry Images at Rome Parser

Hello Do you know a way to get feed entry images in rome parser? I can get description , title etc etc of entries. But I am not able to get images of entry. I can get syndImage but I do not need main image as well I need images of entries. I would be glad if you can help me soon. Regards Altaico ...

Generating RSS feed on the fly, from a list of links?

How might one dynamically generate a temporary RSS feed, on the fly, from a list of links that point to videos, for example? ...

php's simplexml_load_file() not loading all keys

I'm using simplexml_load_file() to fetch my Twitter RSS feed and process it: $feed = ''; $tweets = simplexml_load_file($feed) The data itself looks like this: <item> <title>Title</title> <description>This is a description</description> <pubDate>Sun, 15 Aug 2010 18:21:20 +0...

how to get feedparser to send a cache-control header?

I'm using python feedparser in an aggregator client that runs behind a squid proxy. I want it to send a cache-control: max-age=600 header in the request, so that we get a reasonably up-to-date response. (At the moment the feeds are returned by the proxy from its cache, even days after they changed, which is reasonable based on heuristi...

Writing an RSS reader in Java

I'm trying to write a basic RSS reader for a class project. Our book shows an example by walking the DOM tree. Is that a decent approach for an RSS reader? Would I just ignore certain tags that are of uninterest to me and not to be used by the RSS Reader? Thanks. ...

Is there a documented Google Reader API yet?

In late 2005, Niall Kennedy blogged about Google Reader’s API: He mentioned that a couple of guys at Google suggested to him that the API might be made official within a couple of weeks. Has the API ever been officially and publicly documented by Google? ...

how to find size of the feeds at JSTL

Hello I need to find the size of the JSTL and write it to end="size of the feed " at the following code. Could you please help me how to find the size of the feed? Regards Altaico <x:forEach begin="0" end="4" var="story" select="$doc/rss/channel/item" varStatus="status"> //end = "size of the rss" ...

How to add RSS feature to my web site?

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + IIS 7.0 + ASP.Net to develop a simple web application. I want to add RSS feature to some of the pages of my web site, so that people could use their popular RSS reader to receive notification of content update. Any easy way to do this in my development environment? I only need very...

What is the code for an rss reader that only accesses local content?

I need an rss reader for viewing feeds on our Intranet. The only rss readers I've found can only read web based feeds. I want to place the rss reader within an <iframe> or <object> within my page. ...

simple rss feed

hi, i am trying to make a simple rss feed but the problem is when i run the file is says would you like to open rss.php ... here is the code maybe im doing something wrong? i have put it in this format just to see it work. <?php header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8'); ?> &#60;?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'...

importing Yahoo News Feeds in my WebPage?

Hi, I am working on News means i want to include online yahoo news title and description in my page .For that i have to create 1 batch file , but the problem is that what to write inside that .bat file which will call the yahoo online news inside that file then how can i include that file in my page...... PLease Help.. Thanks ...

What's the best way to store whether or not an rss item has been read

As a non-professional programmer, I'm trying to self teach myself a little HTML and javascript. My learning project is a desktop gadget that will retrieve rss items from an rss feed. I would like an option to toggle so the user of the gadget can decide to display all items or only new items (unread items). It's displaying only the new i...

Convert to RSS feed?

I want to convert a discussion group ( to an RSS feed. What is the easiest way to do that? Similar question: ...

SAX parser ignoring CDATA - html tags

Hello, I have a simple Android RSS reader app in which I am using SAX parser to fetch the data. All the records are being fetched correctly except for the "desc" element. The XML structure is as below. <item> <title>Boilermaker Jazz Band</title> <link>;/link&gt; <type>Music Concerts</ty...

Some help with an RSS feed

I need some help with an RSS feed I'm working on. This is the code of an item: <item> <title>Team Fortress 2</title> <link>;id=228&lt;/link&gt; <description><[CDATA[Map with characters from Team Fortress 2.]]></description> <guid>228</g...

How to run batch process?

Hi, I am working on News means I need to include online yahoo news title and description in my page. For that I have to create 1 batch file , but the problem is that how to create that batch file which will call the yahoo online news inside that file then how can I include that file in my page? Thanks ...

how to check uniqueness (non duplication) of a post in an rss feed

when retrieving and caching/saving (in a database) some posts from an rss feed, how to determine that: it is the same post (example: when some typos are fixed in the feed or if the title changes, the date changes, etc...) find feeds that talk about the same topic (example: same story from different sources) are there any best practic...

What RSS parser should I use in PHP?

I am searching an RSS parser written in PHP. The problem is not that I cannot find one. The problem is that there are too many and it's hard to decide which one to use (especially when I have no experience with them and to try them is too time consuming). Can anybody recommend me a "good" RSS parser? The following requirements are impo...

Removing CDATA from XML/RSS feed using jQuery

Ok So I looked at this: But it didn't help with what I'm doing. I'm getting an rss/xml feed from a url. I'm having an issue with the CDATA in the title and description tag. Here's the feed item: <item> <title><![CDATA[Impact Sou...