
undefined params and session hashes in before_filter

Does anybody know why, when using ruby-debug by calling debugger in a method called as a before_filter, the params and session hashes are not defined? class MyExampleController < ActionController::Base before_filter :test_hashes def test_hashes pp session pp params #both work as expected.. debugger #calling the ...

problems with jruby version of ruby-debug

Whenever I use 'n' to step over a line it steps into it instead. This happens to me on all the versions of jruby i've tried, the latest being 1.3.1 Does it work right for anyone? If so any idea how to fix it, because it's too painful when it steps into every function every time. Also, I use it like this if it makes any difference. re...

Debugging/Breakpoint-ing the Rails Core with Ruby-Debug?

How do I debug the rails gems? I've just found the beauty of ruby-debug and am real excited, but I want to step through the routing code in action_controller, but the debugger isn't set up at this time, it seems like it's just skipping over my "debugger" calls in action_controller/routing/route_set.rb for example. What am I missing? ...

Ruby-Debug Gem Install Problem on Windows

I'm having trouble installing the Ruby-Debug Gem on windows. What does this error mean? How can I fix this? Thanks C:\Users\Steve>gem install ruby-debug Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing ruby-debug: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby19/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb Can't han...

Problem Installing Ruby-Debug on Windows

Any suggestions? C:\Users\Steve\barcoden>gem install ruby-debug Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing ruby-debug: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb creating Makefile make 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable progr...

Debugger in class method ends up in the controller

I have a controller with a action similar to this class EventsController < ApplicationController .... def test Events.first.test end .... end and a model similar to this class Event < ActiveRecord::Base .... def test debugger end .... end What confuses me is that, when the action is tri...

Rails: Ruby debugger shows old code unless I stop the server and start it again.

Using ruby-debug, when I issue a list command, it shows old code. So if I update the code surrounding (especially before) the debugger command in the model it still shows the old code. The only way I have found to 'refresh' this code is by stopping the server and running it again. Is there a better way? Thanks, Josh ...

Ruby - ruby-debug terminating without error on 'if __FILE__ == $0'

I'm trying to use ruby-debug to debug this script I've written and it keeps terminating on the line, if __FILE__ == $0. I step through each line before it, and then when it gets to that line it just quits. No errors or anything, it just quits. How do I fix this? ...

Is there any way to tell which gems and plugins are loaded at runtime for a Rails process?

Is there any command either in debugger or ruby-debug to get a list of all gems and/or plugins loaded in memory for a Rails process? I understand only the 'require' gems are loaded but I would like to quickly see what got loaded during runtime. ...

Ruby Debug IDE error : ruby-debug-ide-0.4.9/lib/ruby-debug-ide.rb:109:in `debug_load'

I hope someone can assist me. I have RubyMine 2.0.2 installed on Windows 7 32 bit computer. Since a week ago (I presume it must have been after I have update some gems) I cant seem to debug form the IDE. I am trying to debug a rake task which I could before. Running the rake task normally works perfect, just debug doesnt. Its not just li...

using ruby-debug with jruby-1.5.0

Release notes say that ruby-debug is installed by default. I'm using rvm. In my rails app I figured something as simple as script/server --debugger would suffice, but it complains that the ruby-debug gem isn't installed, suggests using gem install ruby-debug, which of course doesn't work (building native extensions) and is contrary to ...

Debugging Rails application with Textmate

How do you guys debug your Rails apps? I have seen a link to that is supposed to show how to use ruby-debug with Textmate using a bundle.. but it looks like the page is down. Does anyone know how to set this up? Thanks! ...

RVM + Ruby 1.9.1 + ruby-debug = error?

I am trying to get a decent navigation between my methods in TextMate. I would love to have a list of them in a drawer, but I guess there is no such solution yet, right? Therefore I am trying to set up RubyAMP to work with Ruby 1.9.1-p378 installed via RVM, but have some troubles. RubyAMP needs ruby-debug, and here is what I get if I try...

What do i need to do to make ruby-debug19 run on ubuntu 10.04 with the ruby-full package from the repository?

Hi, i just installed the latest ubuntu version and the ruby-full package from the repository. Additionally i installed rubygems (1.3.7) and tried to do gem1.9.1 install ruby-debug1.9 as mentioned on but whatever i do i can't install the gem. Installation ter...

How to debug a plugin / gem? (with useful notes to setup and use ruby-debug gem)

Is there a way like how we debug models / controllers with logger.debug? Or even a better method? Thank you! Edit 1 Using ruby-debug seems like a steep learning curve for me, could anyone point me something similar to logger.debug, perhaps? Edit 2 Alright, I think I started to get a grasp on ruby-debug. Some useful notes for newbie...

frame, thread, and some other jargons in ruby-debug gem, what do they mean?

Hi, I am now trying to learn ruby-debug gem, but there are many jargons I am unable to catch up. Wondering if anyone could help with the explanations? I couldn't find them in either. The author assumed we already understand them (where can I learn about them anyway?). For example here is a ...