
Rails 3: config/initializers errors for gem configuration

I'm trying to setup this plugin (Crumble), and the docs say I need to add a configuration file for the plugin in config/initializers/ like this (breadcrumb.rb): Breadcrumb.configure do ... end I add in my directives in that block, and reloaded the page, and I'm immediately greeted with a Passenger error: uninitialized constant Bre...

in Rails3 beta 4 where is the code that gets executed when you type 'rails server'?

I'm tracing my way through the source code and can't seem to find where the command "rails server" would be for a generated app. Where is it? Also is there some way I can track down these things in the future? ...

Joining a one-to-many association with a many-to-many association in Rails 3

I have a many-to-many association between a User class and a Table class. Additionally, i have a one-to-many association between the User and the Table (one User ultimately owns the table). I am trying to access all of the tables which the user may access (essentially joining both associations). Additionally, it would be nice to do this...

Rails 3 and Sunspot, rdoc or good tuto

I'm new to sunspot and rails 3, so I followed this little tuto: But there is not a lot of details, and the official github of outoftime/sunspot do not speak much about the rails 3 version. ex: How can I do a rake sunspot:reindex So if anyone know where I can find some good rdoc for the rails 3 versio...

Can't get controller test working with RSpec 2 and edge Rails 3

Not sure if this is a Rails 3 issue or an RSpec 2 issue, but I can't seem to get a standard controller test working - it seems that the 'get' method can't be found. I have a controller test that looks like this (named discrepancies_controller_spec.rb in spec/controllers directory): require 'spec_helper' describe DiscrepanciesControlle...

undefined method `eq' for nil:NilClass with rails 3 and ruby enterprise on ubuntu hardy

I am not sure what causes this error but since I came across this issue in passenger and now in the console as well I am thinking maybe the mysql driver is the problem? Everything works as expected on osx/10.6. It just won't on Ubuntu 8.04 hardy. I nailed down the problem to either the "destroy" method or also when I call a method of a...

Rails3.0.0Beta4 setting session store to database

I am porting a Rails 2.3.8 app to Rails 3.0.0Beta4. I can't get the session to be written to the database instead of cookies. I do the following in config/environments/development.rb: config.session_store(:active_record_store) The session store is set correctly - I verify that by dumping config after the set. What am I missing? ...

Rspec2: undefined method 'post'

I'm having trouble runnng rspec2 and rails. Here's my log: 1) TrackController home path should be /track Failure/Error: Unable to find C to read failed line undefined method `route_for' for #<#<Class:01x5ffe7c2f>:0x77d36efb> # ./spec/controllers/track_controller_spec.rb:5 # :1 Here's my spec: describe UsersController,...

How to update my rails 3.0.0 beta 4 app to rails 3.0.0 RC and eventually to Rails 3?

My first problem is a bundler conflict $ bundle install Fetching source index from No compatible versions could be found for required dependencies: Conflict on: "bundler": * bundler (0.9.26) activated by bundler (= 0.9.26, runtime) * bundler (>= 1.0.0.rc.1, runtime) required in Gemfile All possible v...

Rails 3.0.0 RC ActionController::RoutingError "No route matches"

Had a working app with Rails 3.0.0beta4 and just updated to the RC. Getting a new strange error. For some reason when I try to: <%= link_to "test", user %> The user is routed as resources :users yet it complains about no route for "action => destroy" despite I'm not even trying to link to destroy: ActionController::RoutingError...

Install Facebooker on Rails 3RC With Ruby 1.9.2-RC2

I am trying to install the Facebooker plugin on Rails 3 RC with Ruby 1.9.2-RC2 but I am having some problems. when I run rails plugin install git:// I get the following error Plugin not found: ["git://"] and the facebooker.yml configuration file is not being generate...

rails 3 is printing html tags to screen instead of rendering them

I'm using vhochstein's fork of active_scaffold, which runs quite nicely on rails 3, except for a few small bugs - In rails 2.3, the following code disables a link: return "<a class='disabled'>#{text}</a>" unless authorized But in Rails 3, it causes the escaped html tags to be printed out ...

Rails 3.0 or Old Rails

I am a developer who has stepped into the world of Rails very recently. I have learnt Rails 2.3.8 and have now landed into a major project in rails. The question we are facing is this: "Should we use Rails 3.0 for development or the older version?" Our project has a time frame of 4 to 6 months for its release. Will Rails 3.0 be out of b...

Migrate from Merb to Rails3

What is the best way to migrate from Merb to Rails3 ,i had a look at merb-to-rails3 gem but i don't thing only with that gem i can completely migrate because the helper methods the gem provides are very less. ...

Creating Surveys with accepts_nested_form_for

Hello, I have been working with rails3 and have been trying to create a simple survey application but some issues have come up. I can create questions just fine but when it comes to creating a survey that people can take I come accross some issues. For one the answers aren't being assigned a :user_id or :survey_id. The following is a co...