
Extracting a Rails application into a plugin or engine

I have a Rails 2.3 application which I would like to extract into a plugin, or engine. The application has user authentication, and basic cms capabilities supported by ancestry plugin. I want to extract the logic for the application into a plugin/engine so that I can use this code for future projects, with a different "skin" or "theme" ...

How can I get ambethia's captcha plugin to work in rails 3?

I have installed ambethia's captcha plugin as a plugin in my rails 3 app. When I put the <%= recaptcha_tags %> in my view, it prints this on the page: <script type="text/javascript" src=";error=expression"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <noscript> <iframe src="

Sqlite3 error after Rails 3 (beta 4) install

After Installing Rails 3, I get the following error regarding Sqlite3 when I try to do a migrate: dlsym(0x1037e5f10, Init_sqlite3_native): symbol not found - /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.3.0/lib/sqlite3/sqlite3_native.bundle I am using Snow Leopard, if that makes a difference. ...

rails plugin for twitter, facebook and openID

Is there a rails plugin which can handle authentication with facebook, twitter and openID providers (ex. google, yahoo...) ...

Did we really always need to use Ruby/ rails plugin?

I been intersted in ruby and rails lately but what I always encounter in blog/ podcast / book is they will always teach how to use ruby or rails plugin/ ruby instead of writing one. Did we really always need to use plugin, even thing like authorization? Authenticate? Is it really waste time Or hard to write from start? Then if it hard an...

Initialize a Rails 3 plugin gem on installation

I'm creating a RubyGem, and I'm wondering if there's any way I can set it up so that when it's listed in a Gemfile and someone runs bundle install, my gem can copy some files into the Rails path. This would save the user from having to type rails generate blah, where blah is the name of a generator in my gem. Is there a callback that th...

How can I export a rails model to json schema?

I am looking to optimize how we build forms for some of our models and ideally I would like to build them from json-schema. Is there a gem or the like which would allow me to export a model definition to json-schema? Bonus: With validations. Bonus: While modelling association relationships. ...

Delivery issues with Rails + Gmail SMTP in Dreamhost

Hi! I just released a Rails app in Dreamhost and I'm using Google Apps for my domain to handle Emai. I created the [email protected] account to serve as the sender authentication. I installed smtp-tls plugin and my smtp conf is: config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :enable_starttls_auto =...

Disable/configure HoptoadNotifier per controller

How could I disable or configure the HoptoadNotifier per controller? Background is that I configured the notifier to report "Method not allowed" exception, eg this is raised when an action is accessed with GET instead of POST. But I have an autocomplete controller which is scanned by bots (probably to find exploits) by sending GET reque...

why should_change macro causes deprecation warning in shoulda 2.11.0

DEPRECATION WARNING: You are using deprecated behavior which will be removed from the next major or minor release. (called from should_change at /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/shoulda-2.11.0/lib/shoulda/macros.rb:40) How e.g. this kind of test should be changed to work without a warning with new shoulda: fast_context "a" do setup ...

Integrating Twitter Oauth AND Facebook Connect for login on a rails app

I'm developing a rails app where the user needs to be able to create an account & login with either facebook OR twitter. It seems pretty straightforward if I want to do one or the other, but implementing both looks like it could present some difficulty. Does anybody else have any experience with implementing both Twitter's oauth and Fa...

Extensible Rails application that connects to several databases

I am implementing a Rails application that needs to aggregate search results from N independent heterogeneous databases. An example use case would be: User queries "xpto" The query is submitted to all the databases registered on the system The results are transformed and combined in a predefined format User gets the results The appli...

Looking for simple poll/survey Rails plugin or gem

I am trying to find a simple poll plugin/gem (the type of single question poll that's usually found in site's sidebar). All plugins that I've found are either too complex (like having their own DSL) or they are out of date (i.e. older than couple years). Does anyone knows a Rails plugin/gem that handles simple polls? ...

Creating a Ruby on Rails 3 gem with a generator (incl. namespace)

I am trying to create a gem with a generator for Rails 3 (beta 4). I followed these instructions, and but I couldn't get it running. The problem is that when I am defining a module in the generator file, the generator gets listed with 'rails generate', but can't get executed because the generator isn't found. From the instructions (does...

Why I'm getting stack level too deep while triggering a job using resque-status?

Here is the stack trace which appears on resque-web interface: There you can check some gem versions that I was using. Now I have made some upgrades trying to solve the problem, here are the current gem versions: redis (2.0.3) redis-namespace (0.5.0) redisk (0.2.1) resque (1.9.5) resque-scheduler (1.9.2) re...

Why is attachment_fu saving everything at the same size?

I have this Photo class: class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base has_attachment :storage => :s3, :content_type => :image, :max_size => 500.kilobytes, :resize_to => '600x600>', :thumbnails => { :thumb => '100x100>', :mid => "300x300>" } validates_as_attachment end ...

Can acts_as_ferret be used without the DRb server?

I'm considering AAF for a Rails project, but there seems to be quite a bit of chatter that gives AAF a reputation for being very buggy & unstable. From what I've been able to determine, most problems result from multiple processes trying to write to the Ferret index, but I've not been able to determine whether problems also result when...

Setup a testdirectory for a Rails Plugin

Hi. I started to create a rails plugin which includes some class and instance methods of Controller and Model. I fist tried to setup the tests for the Model. Add a models directory in my test dir. But i noticed - i need the geokit-rails plugin for my model to be able to "acts_as_mappable" How to get the plugin into the test dir? I try...

Need for Rails plugin management tools?

Hello, I've been searching for a while, and I can't find any modern rails plugin management tools. I found several gem management tools (such as bundler and isolate), but no plugin management tools. The closest thing to that I found was piston, and that's not exactly what I was looking for was it was for plugin svn:externals managemen...

Best way to implement calendar/event program in RoR?

Hi, I need a way of implementing a calendar for a webpage to show events this month for a local society i am a member of. I am looking at doing this project in RoR. But have no experience of calendars in RoR can any one recommend any good plugins for RoR for me to play with? Thanks in Advance Dean ...