
Does anyone know of a rails gem for managing bibliography/references?

Hi, Does anyone know of a gem/plugin for rails which can be used to manage bibliography or publication references? This tends to be quite standard format, so I am hoping there is something out there? thanks ...

Unable to install plugin in Rails

I'm running Windows 7 32 bit. I just installed Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.1. I set up my rails sample application and everything seems to be working fine. I tried installing the restful_authentication plugin from github and it's been a nightmare. I'm executing the following command: rails plugin install -force git://

heroku and vendor/plugins: does that work?

I have a RoR app 2.3.8 based on refinerycms. I had to add search functionality. For search, there is a gem for refinerycms, which is unfortunately for rails3. In order to use that, I had to git clone the plugin git checkout the specific version The plugin is in vendor/plugins. then I test everything locally, the search runs fine! If...

Rails In Place Editing

Hello, I'm using rails 3 and am trying to use the in_place_editing plugin: # Controller class BlogController < ApplicationController in_place_edit_for :post, :title end # View <%= in_place_editor_field :post, 'title' %> However I'm getting the error: id for nil, which would m...

Rails: Implementing a search form for compound filtering

Hi all I have a model containing products. I would like to create a search form to allow users to apply compound filters to products as required. For example: Products with a price of between '10' (text field) and '50' (text field) with a colour of 'Red', 'Green' or 'Blue' (check box fields) and a weight of 'Less than' (select field) ...

Switching from plugin to gem -- issues?

What, if any, issues can you expect to encounter if you replace plugin with a gem version? For ex, paperclip plugin to paperclip gem. ...