
How do I stop Rails from misidentifying this class in a polymorphic :belongs_to?

I'm moving some code from being pulled in via SVN's externals function to be part of the code base proper. It's all Rails plugins and doing this seems to have broken part of my code. It seems like Rails is misinterpreting a :belongs_to statement. I have belongs_to :target :polymorphic => true in one of my classes and previously that has...

Page Caching in rails 3

Is there is any good page caching plugins available for rails 3. I had used page_cache_fu till now. When I shifted to rails 3 its showing to_prepare method error? ...

page_cache_fu error

I am getting an error when I am starting rails server in rails 3.. undefined method `to_prepare' for Dispatcher:Module (NoMethodError) How to solve this issue ? Please help ...

searching for rails3 plugins

Hi, is there any working in rails3 alternative for following plugins Thanks a lot ...

Rails: How to disable a plugin from loading during startup

Hi, Is there anyway I can detect a exception and stop a plugin from loading in Rails? Thanks, Sivakumar. ...

Effect of Facebooks 'Deprecated REST API Methods'

Hi,I am using facebooker plugin in one of my application which is in production. I came across the following link I am worried if it will affect my application. I am using only Facebook Friends, Profile calls. Please guide. Thanks ...

Rails 3 - AutoComplete with jQuery

Hello, I'm interested in using the Rails 3 AutoComplete plugin for jQuery but the one tutorial provided doesn't match my use case. Hoping for some help... Plug In: I have a Permissions Controller where people can add team members. On the Permissions SHOW view I want to show a a...

Rails : Trouble installing attachement_fu on Heroku

I'm trying to deploy an app on heroku. My trouble is to install hattachement_fu plugin. I ran the following command to install it directly on the server. heroku plugins:install" and I get the following message : Unable to load plugin: some_plugin: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord...

In Rails, what is the difference between installing a gem, and then rake gems:freeze into the vendor folder vs installing it as a plugin?

Both methods put the gem into the project's folder to be a self-contained project. Is there advantage / disadvantage of these methods or one better than the other method? (the project is a Rails 2.2 project, so can't use Bundler) ...

In Rails, if "gem install ___" installs 6 gems total, will installing as plugin require installing the other 5 gems manually?

If installing a gem using gem install ______ actually install 6 gems, because of the dependencies, then if the gem is installed as plugin by script/plugin install git:// or script/plugin install _____ then we to manually install the gem it depends on? Does it matter if it is the later form, where it d...

In Rails, can "script/plugin install ___" install things from

If for some reason, the project cannot use bundler and gem install, we can use script/plugin install git://github/<author name>/ ... /foo.git but what if it is not on github and for sure it is a ruby gem, can script/plugin install install from the which is the official gems place? (that's the one gem install uses, isn't ...

In Rails, if not using Bundler, what is the most preferred way of freezing a gem into the project?

Our project is Rails 2.2.2, maybe it can't use Bundler? (or maybe for some other reasons, Bundler cannot be used) Then in that case, what is the most preferred way of freezing the gems into the project source tree? Some that I know of are: rake gems:freeze needs gemsonrails and it doesn't work with the current gem 1.3.7 rake gems:...

daemon process killed automatically

Recently I run a below command to start daemon process which runs once in a three days. RAILS_ENV=production lib/daemons/mailer_ctl start, which was working but when I came back after a week and found that process was killed. Is this normal or not? Thanks in advance. ...

How to render a partial in a plugin from a plugin helper

I have a helper in my plugin test_plugin/lib/test_helper.rb: module TestHelper def test_render render 'test_plugin/test_partial' end end I have a partial test_plugin/app/views/test_plugin/_test_partial.html.erb: <p>Hello World!</p> In my application app/views/tests/index.html.erb when I do this: <%= test_render %> I get ...

Rails, Uploading multiple Files to an Album

Alright this one's tricky - don't shy off! I've setup a multi-file uploader with Rails 3 + paperclip + Ajax Upload ( My controller is as follows (which works): def upload @photoalbum = PhotoAlbum.create @photo ={ :photo => params[:file], :title => params[:filename],...

In Rails, a standard way to include GEM is config.gem 'name' or gem 'name'; what about standard way to include plugin?

I think I understand it as, if it is Rails 2.x config.gem 'gem_name' # in config/environment.rb, and then rake gems:install and in Rails 3.x gem 'gem_name' # in Gemfile, and then bundle install these are the two standard ways to add a gem into a Rails project. Is there a standard way to add a plugin? It seems that it u...

In Rails, having a Gem extending all its methods to application controller, is it a good practice?

Is it actually common practice to extend all methods of a Gem into the application controller in Rails? Because it seems that Facebooker gem doesn't that, and there is no telling whether the method is from the facebooker gem, or from our internal code. So when we need to upgrade to Facebooker2, it is hard to find all methods that are a...

Rails 3 -NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename

Hello! I'm using Rails 3, Uploadify, to send images to S3. Right now all the images being upload have the MIME: application/octet-stream I'd like to fix that but I'm getting the following error: NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename' for #<ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess:0x107c81998>): app/models/photo.rb:29:in...

How to get Capybara to see Javascript in plugin directory when creating plugins?

We're developing a plugin for rails, and I've got Cucumber working with Capybara wonderfully. BUT, when developing, I've been (erroneously, I guess) putting the Javascript files in the parent test application's public/javascript directory. So when Capybara runs, it doesn't find the javascript file. How can we get Cucumber/Capybara to see...

how exactly do I install restful authentication plugin in rails 3 ?

I'm very confused on this restful authentication plugin on rails 3. I tried to install the plugin using the following command. It tells me it's already installed, then I tried to use the --force to reinstall this plugin it tells me that the plugin not found So if the plugin is already installed why do I get error Could not find generat...