
user model associated with comment defined in plugin has no methods?

I'm using the acts_as_commentable_with_threading plugin. It comes with a comment model in comment.rb: class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base .... # NOTE: Comments belong to a user belongs_to :user .... However, when I have a Comment object called comment, I can't call comment.user as I would have expected to be able to. In par...

Open Flash Chart 2 not showing in Ruby on Rails

My question is about my first Open Flash Chart not displaying at all in my Rails application (2.3.5 running on Vista). I am trying to implement: All the code is in but when I load the view using the server, there's nothing there! Pull up the blank page's source code and I see: sw...

Extending a plugin's model to validate additional fields

I'm using the acts_as_taggable_on_steroids plugin and I've added additional fields to the Tags table that I would like to validate. I would rather not modify the plugin code in /vendor. What is the best approach? Making a new subclass would require modifying a lot of code I've already written. Is there a way to inject code into the pl...

Using ActionMailer in a Rails Plugin

I'm trying to create my first Rails plugin and am having some troubles leveraging ActionMailer in it. The plugin just collects user feedback and emails it off a given address so in terms of functionality it's not too complicated... All the functionality was working perfectly in my original application until I decided to pluginise this s...

How to create a plugin/gem in rails

Hello Whats the best guide to start working like creating a plugin/gem. I got this tutorial from railscast but this is very basic.I got some other tutorials but all of them are too basic. Any other tutorial, you can suggest. and what the things we should kept in mind while creating a gem or plugin? ...

Trouble getting text_field_with_auto_complete to work on an overlay

Hey all I have a slight issue with getting Auto Complete to search when the text field is on a modal overlay. To achieve the auto complete I am using the plugin by Pat Shaughnessy (link) and the modal overlay is created using the helpers in the "Modal Overlay" plugin. I am trying to use the auto complete on a form that is displayed in...

How to version control a rails plugin and the testing app together

I'm in the process of creating my first rails plugin and am finding managing version control of the plugin and testing app rather annoying. Here's my problem: To actually test my plugin in action I need to run it within a test application (which is basically just a scaffold app where I install the plugin) When I'm making changes to th...

How do I publish vendor/_____/public/* files?

I have installed a plugin to my Rails app. The plugin has files in its public directory that I want to make available. For example, vendor/plugins/myplugin/public/javascripts/myplugin.js. Can I make this available via Rails at /javascripts/myplugin.js? I've got it working by copying the files from vendor/plugins/__/public/* to public/...

Exception Notification Gem and Rails 3

I'm trying to get this up and running, but I see "uninitialized constant ExceptionNotifier" whenever I start my server. In my Gemfile I have gem "exception_notification", :git => "", :branch => "master" I've tried putting the configurati...

Add initialization step to Rails 3 boot process only in server mode

According to, if I write a Rails 3 plugin and I want to hook into the initialization process, I write class MyRailtie < Rails::Railtie initializer "my_railtie.configure_rails_initialization" do # some initialization behavior end end However, this initializer appears to ...

Store data from filled form

Using restful_authentication and before_filter :login_required, :only=> [:create] on controller: Is it possible to store data from form, and after user logged in, continue with 'create'? So i mean: User logged off and he see Somecontroller#new Then he fill in the form Then he press "Save" As we have login_required, user now has ...

recaptcha plugin for rails

I am currently using ambethia's recaptcha plugin for rails. I want to disable the message "incorrect-captcha-sol" whenever the user incorrectly enters the wrong recaptcha. How should I go about doing this? In the source file I get the following tags surrounding the error message <p class="recaptcha_error">incorrect-captcha-sol</p> ...

Email client within a Rails applicaton

I need my application to have a module with email functionality. This will have all the functionality of an email client. Each user will have an inbox, outbox, sent folder, custom folders, sub folders etc. They should be able to send, receive,forward, reply to emails. Is there any gem/plugin I can use for this? If there is an alterna...

How to get Hoptoad Error Notification in Development Environment on Rails

Hi friends Please any one help to solve, how to get hoptoad Error Notification in Development Environment on Rails, I have configured the hoptoad correctly, and even I am getting test mail from hoptoad i.e. by running rake hoptoad:test but other then that i dont get anything, i.e. errors, expections, etc. Please help me to solve thi...

Why doesn't Delayed Jobs work with my ActionMailer production setup?

I am working on a Ruby (1.8.6) on Rails (2.3.5) application in which I am currently using Gmail to deliver email messages. I want to switch to sending the messages with Delayed Jobs. I have delayed jobs sending messages on my development environment but when I deploy to my production server and try the messages get rejected and an error...

In Ruby on Rails, what's the difference between installing something as a gem or as a plugin?

On it says: To install as a gem, add the following to config/environment.rb: config.gem 'delayed_job' Run rake gems:install versus To install as a plugin: script/plugin install git:// What is the difference between installing i...

gems/plugins for affiliate system?

Hello, guys. Do you remember any gems/plugins out there to support an affiliate (referral, partner) like system? e.g the 37signals affiliate program Any help/links would be appreciated. ...

Factory_girl has_one relation with validates_presence_of

I have 2 Models: # user.rb class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :profile, :dependent => :destroy end # profile.rb class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user validates_presence_of :user end # user_factory.rb Factory.define :user do |u| u.login "test" u.association :profile end I want to do this: @user = Factory...

i18n assets management / translation UI

Hello everyone, i'm building a multi-lingual webapp with i18n from the ground up, and while i myself can deal with an army of yml files, the languages i speak are ( very ) limited, and would eventually like to ask for outside help. I'd like to know if anyone here is using a UI plugin/gem ( not unlike django-rosetta on django ) to deal ...

Rails 3 Rspec Error - SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: comments.article_id

I am trying to test for a comment deletion using Rspec. I think my test is wrong because when I try to delete a comment in my browser, it works. Here is the Rspec test that I am running: before(:each) do @admin = Factory(:user, :admin => true) @user = Factory(:user, :email => "[email protected]") @article = Factory(:arti...