I would like to use create a rails route for a user's open id. The url would look something like
This would be so that the site could be queried for an open id and either view info for that identity or receive an xml document contai...
I have a model, Thing, that has a has_many with ThingPhoto, using Paperclip to manage everything. On the "show" view for Thing, I want to have a file upload, and have it relate to the Thing model.
For some reason, I'm totally glitching on how this should be done. I've tried doing this (Haml):
- form_for @thing.thing_photos, :html => {:...
I'm doing an ActiveRecord find operation (via the "will_paginate" library) like this:
contacts = Contact.paginate(:all,
:conditions => conditions_specified,
:select => "DISTINCT contacts.*",
:joins => joins,
:include => [:addresses, :emails, :phone_numbers, {:addresses => :organization}],
:page => page,
It's the weirdest thing. When I ran the Rails WEBrick debugger yesterday I could do things like
cookies[uid] = s.session_id
where 'uid' is a passed argument that has a user id in it, and then expect
to give me back, say:
Today, I always get back 'nil'. I can read existing va...
I'm a big fan of ruby on rails, and it seems to incorporate many of the 'greatest hits' of web application programming techniques. Convention over configuration in particular is a big win to my mind.
However I also have the feeling that some of the convenience I am getting is coming at the expense of technical debt that will need to be ...
Rails gurus: I've just discovered named_scope thanks to another SO user. :)
I'd like to get the count of a set of rows - i.e. a SELECT COUNT(*). Additionally, I want to still be able to chain named scopes in the call.
Is this a legitimate (albeit weird) usage of named scope?
named_scope :count, :select => "COUNT(*) as count_all"
In a Rails 2.2 project, I'm having users put together a list of projects into a portfolio object (i.e.: PortfolioHasManyProjects). On the page is a Rails form for regular text, titles etc., as well as 2 sortable lists; the lists are used for dragging projects from the global-project-list into your portfolio-project-list.
It is s...
I'm trying to implement a "Popular Products" feature. Basically, every time a Product is viewed, I want to log to the database the number of views of that product. Where do I put the hooks for something like this? I have seen things that are based on building some sort of traffic analytics, but I am looking for ideas that would keep this...
Can anyone point me to a master detail implementation in Rails? I Googled but couldn't find any good example sites.
I seem to run into this very often. I need to build a Hash from an array using an attribute of each object in the array as the key.
Lets say I need a hash of example uses ActiveRecord objecs keyed by their ids
Common way:
ary = [collection of ActiveRecord objects]
hash = ary.inject({}) {|hash, obj| hash[obj.id] = obj }
Another Way:
I created a model ruby script/generate model Article (simple enuff)
Here is the migration file create_articles.rb:
def self.up
create_table :articles do |t|
t.column :user_id, :integer
t.column :title, :string
t.column :synopsis, :text, :limit => 1000
t.column :body, :text, :limit => 20000
t.column :published...
Hi all,
I'm getting this error when I'm trying to connect to a mysql database. The problem is that the application works for weeks, and then randomly I get this message. When I get this error message the application is not able to reconnect to the database until I restart it.
I'm using a configuration file to connect to the database, a...
Is it possible to integrate MS Outlook/Exchange tasks with Rails? I know how to send emails with Rails, but that isn't using anything "special" about exchange, just pointing it at the server.
What is "special" about an Outlook Task and how I can I create/read/update/delete them from Rails. (Even a subset of CRUD would be great.)
PS. I ...
I have a submit button that is a block of HTML code because of styling and images to make it look better. (I stole most of it from Wufoo).
This is one every form in the application and I was wondering if there is a cleaner way to do this. Something like a partial or helper?
The name of the button "Submit" or "Add Contact" needs to be ...
Is there a CRUD generator utility in Java like Scaffolding in Rails? Can be in any framework or even plain servlets. Must generate controllers + views in jsp, not just DAO code...
Hi All,
I am trying to create an ActiveRecord object via a JSON request. However the controller fails to set the variables passed in the parameters in the newly created object. As an example, a person object has two fields: firstname and lastname.
The JSON generated by the JSON.stringify function of the JSON.org library produces:
In one form I am creating a territory and editing multiple users. The "user_attributes" below are for the users and the "name" is for the territory. So for each user_attribute I wanted to update the user model.
{ "territory"=>{"name"=>"Central Canada",
create action...
After freezing edge rails, all my controller examples are failing with
MissingTemplate errors.
e.g., "Missing template attachments/create.erb in view path app/views"
Trying to actually render the views gives me the same error.
I noticed I can fix most of them by using respond_to but I usually
never use it. I almost always only need to ...
What are some of your favorite rails plugins that you would consider "must haves"?
This entry lists some of my favorites that I use in a large majority of my rails applications: My favorite rails plugins
Hi! I'd like to know which is the preferred way to add records to a database table in a Rails Migration. I've read on Ola Bini's book (Jruby on Rails) that he does something like this:
class CreateProductCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
#defines the AR class
class ProductType < ActiveRecord::Base; end
def self.up