This is the command I gave in command prompt:
gem install sqlite3-ruby > sqlite3-ruby.txt
This is the content of sqlite3-ruby.txt
Successfully installed sqlite3-ruby-1.2.5-x86-mswin32
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for sqlite3-ruby-1.2.5-x86-mswin32...
Installing RDoc documentation for sqlite3-ruby-1.2.5-x86-msw...
I'm trying to write code like this:
assert_throws(:ExtractionFailed) { unit.extract_from('5 x 2005')}
ExtractionFailed is a trivial subclass of Exception, and under test/unit, I'm trying to assert that it is thrown when I call unit.extract_from(... bad data...)
I've moved ExtractionFailed into the SemanticText module, so now test/un...
Hi, all.
I'm trying to convert an all-uppercase string in Ruby into a lower case one, but with each word's first character being upper case. Example:
convert "MY STRING HERE" to "My String Here".
I know I can use the .downcase method, but that would make everything lower case ("my string here"). I'm scanning all lines in a file and d...
Hi everyone,
I have a Transaction for a batch insert/update block and all of sudden it stopped working.
The are no errors or exception risen and it seems like Rails stops just before the end of the Transaction blog so the methods does not return.
I restarted both MySQL and the system but still.
Hi there,
I am trying to make a quick/efficient Mandelbrot implementation in Ruby. A long long time ago, one way to speed it up was using fixed point integers instead of floats.
So i made the following benchmark, comparing float and integer raising to a square, using multiplication or square ** operand.
require 'benchmark'
I'm using the Ruby-AWS gem to interact with Amazon. I was testing it out in my controller and it worked fine, but when I moved the code into my Model, it isn't correctly parsing the data back from amazon.
For instance, in my controller
@items[0].medium_image.url = ""
But in...
Lets say I have a wine and beer model/controller along with a wine_review and beer_review model with a has many relationship.
Each table has near identical data types, for example, wine_review and beer_review each has a rating and comment column.
Wine and beer each, have names.
How can I dry up my code so they can both share the same ...
I'm trying to create a simple application, written in Ruby via Qt. I designed a form (MainForm) in a Qt Designer and translated it via rbuic4 to the Ruby code representation. The pure untouched result has four methods, and looks like this:
** Form generated from reading ui file 'stackover.ui'
** Created: Р’С‚ 24. РЅРѕСЏ 21:15:...
Perhaps this is nitpicky, but I have to ask. I'm using Nokogiri to parse XML, remove certain tags, and write over the original file with the results. Using .remove leaves blank lines in the XML. I'm currently using a regex to get rid of the blank lines. Is there some built-in Nokogiri method I should be using? Here's what I have:
I just read this answer
There is the following line of code
What exactly is &:capitalize? Before I had put this into irb myself, I would have told you, it's not va...
I am working in a group that is writing some APIs for tools that we are using in Ruby. When writing API methods, many of my team mates use hash tables as the method's only parameter while I write my methods with each value specified.
For example, a class Apple defined as:
class Apple
I would inst...
Would it be possible to override the default "require" by adding automatic download-and-install code for any missing includes (provided that the missing include is published as a ruby gem).
Which would not work in situations where Ruby is not interfaced with a shell. But still I think it would be an interesting idea.
Is there such a me...
I've written some ruby CGI scripts (using the Ruby CGI class) that I serve from my production server using lighttpd. I want to test them on my development server using thin. Basically, I want to drop all my CGI scripts in a directory and start thin in that directory. Then, any requests to http://localhost:3000/<script> should just exe...
Hi. I am having some trouble with using hit test for htmllistbox in wxRuby. It seems to return some odd results, even when this is not over the control. The context is in a context menu event. I am able to use hit_test with ListCtrl, but I can't seem to get it to work.
when (ht = @htmllist.hit_test(@htmllist.screen_to_client ev...
I'm sorry if this question is noob-ish but I'm not having much luck with Google. Can Ruby be used for UI based Windows apps? I'm not looking for a Rails app, just Ruby.
I am starting a new rails project and is there any rails plug in I can use that will minify my javascript and combine it into 1 file?
I would imagine there might be a rake task for this.
What would be used for this in rails?
I have an application where we're having our clients upload a csv file to our server. We then process and put the data from the csv into our database. We're running into some issues with char-sets especially when we're dealing with JSON, in particular some non-converted UTF-8 characters are breaking IE on JSON responses.
Is there a way ...
What do you use for generating documentation for your Ruby files?
I'm trying to write a Sinatra app that will run on a shared Passenger server. For now, I'd be happy just getting a "hello world", but something isn't working quite right. I have:
require 'vendor/sinatra-lib/sinatra.rb'
set :environment, :production
disable :run
require 'myapp.rb'
run Sinatra::Application
get '/...
On my OS X development system:
$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [universal-darwin8.0]
$ script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.4)
>> require 'yaml'
=> []
On CentOS 5.3 production system:
$ script/console production
Loading production environment (Rails 2.3.4)