Is there some sort of application/API with which I can graph sets of numbers(line graph)?
I will be interfacing with an external device which will provide me with some readings(via a custom format through a /dev/cua file) at a rate of about 1000 readings per second. I want to be able to graph this as a line graph.
So I will need to be...
1) Is there a 'best' place for rake tasks inside of gems? I've seen them in /tasks, /lib/tasks, and I've seen them written as *.rb and *.rake -- not sure which (if any) is 'correct'
2) How do I make them available to the app once the gem is configured in the environment?
In Sinatra, if you have a "GET /images/photo1.jpg" request... you can save a lot of time by making a "public" directory. Any route not found is assumed to be inside your "public" directory.
However this seems to work just for GET requests. Is there a way to do something similar for POST requests?
Turning on some static method...
I am having a bit of trouble with my rails application. It short, its a social networking app where users have a profile, have submissions, and can comment on submissions.
My routes are as follows:
map.connect '/:username', :controller => 'users', :action => 'show'
map.connect '/:username/:id', :controller => 'submissions', :...
How to load a Web page and search for a word in Ruby??
I run the risk of palm-to-forehead here, but I can't quite figure out how to do this with Rails' ActiveRecord sugar.
I have a tickets table that has two columns (submitter_id and assignee_id) that should each reference a different user from the users table (specifically the id column in the users table). I'd like to be able to do things...
Hi All,
I'm new to ruby and came across an interesting problem yesterday.
I was parsing a file and some lines of the file ended with "\". I wanted to use gsub to find and replace it. I tried '\' and /\/ and neither one correctly matched "\".
I ended up getting around it by using a combination of chop and strip but it left me thinking ...
I want to write a desktop application using Ruby. I want it platform-independent and with rich GUI. How to start? What tools?
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to develop an application which modifies a couple of tasks of the famous Online-TODO List RememberTheMilk ( using the REST API.
Unfortunately the modifying takes a lot of time, so I want to give a feedback to the users.
My idea was just to display a couple of text lines (e.g. modifying task 1...
Does anyone know of a plugin / gem that will log any HTTP requests your rails app may be making when responding to a request? For example if you are using HTTParty to hit an API, how can you see what outbound requests are coming out of your rails app?
How can i learn regex for ruby? (for a dummie)
I hear that accessing to database is wrong in testing.
But what about file manipulation? Things like, cp, mv, rm and touch methods in FileUtils.
If I write a test and actually run the commands (moving files, renaming files, making directories and so on), I can test them. But I need to "undo" every command I ran before running a test ag...
I have the following Regexp to create a hash of values by separating a string at a semicolon:
Hash["photo:chase jarvis".scan(/(.*)\:(.*)/)]
// {'photo' => 'chase jarvis'}
But I also want to be able to have URL's in the string and recognize it so it maintains the URL part in the value side of the hash i.e:
I installed Ruby on WinXP. Used rubyinstaller-1.8.6-p383-rc1.exe.
Ran gem install rake
Get error:
Error installing rake: invalid gem format for C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache/rake-0.8.7.gem
I've tried deleting the cache folder but i keep getting the same error. Tried with Ruby 1.9.1 too. Same error. What am i doing wrong?
I'm kind of new at ruby on rails, and I've read many tutorials about this, but I still can't figure out what's wrong.
I already set up the environment.rb with the following lines at the bottom:
ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.default_content_type = "text/html"
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
How could I implement this? I think my solution is very dirty, and I would like to do it better. I think there is an easy way to do this in Ruby, but I can't remember. I want to use it with Rails, so if Rails provides something similar that's ok, too. usage should be like this:
fruits = ['banana', 'strawberry', 'kiwi', 'orange', 'grapef...
PHP code:
function compute_signature($key, $hash_string)
$digest = hash_hmac("sha1", $hash_string, $key, true);
return base64_encode($digest);
Ruby Code:
digest = HMAC.digest(, Base64.decode64(key), HashString)
return Base64.encode64(digest.to_s()).chomp()
Could this be a charset iss...
Is there a best practice in Ruby when it comes to explicitly specifying method targets even when unnecessary?
class Foo
def meth1
puts "bar"
def meth2
# is this better?
# or this?
I posted a similar question to this not too long ago in regards to formatting a MySQL query using a block and got very good responses, but they were very specific to the problem at hand. This time around, I'm dealing with getting the .sum()s of rows in a table. Here's what I've got now:
def balance
balance = 0
items.each do |item|
I have a small code snippet that I'm trying to get to work in Ruby.
digest = HMAC.digest(, Base64.decode64(key), HashString) return Base64.encode64(digest.to_s()).chomp()
I tried it as follows:
hashstring = "POST application/octet-stream
Thu, 05 Jun 2008 16:38:19 GMT /rest/objects date:Thu, 05 Jun 2008 16:38:19 GMT g...