I have a Ruby script that generates a UTF8 CSV file remotely in a Linux machine and then transfers the file to a Windows machine thru SFTP.
I then need to open this file with Excel, but Excel doesn't get UTF8, so I always need to open the file in a text editor that has the capability to convert UTF8 to ANSI.
I would love to do this pr...
I know there are libs in other languages that can take a string that contains either either a path to a local file or a url and open it as a readable IO stream.
Is there an easy way to do this in ruby?
Is there any Ruby equivalent for Python's builtin zip function? If not, what is a concise way of doing the same thing?
A bit of context: this came up when I was trying to find a clean way of doing a check involving two arrays. If I had zip, I could have written something like:
zip(a, b).all? {|pair| pair[0] === pair[1]}
I'd also acce...
I am trying to export a Ruby framework via XML-RPC. However I am having some problems when trying to call a method from a class not directly added as a handler to the XML-RPC server. Please see my example below:
I have a test Ruby XML-RPC server as follows:
require "xmlrpc/server"
class ExampleBar
def bar()
return "hello ...
i.e. as I compose my test suites to include other suites as well as test cases,
is there a global count of how many tests the TestRunner has executed, will be executing?
Any way I can progammatically access that count?
I am using attribute_fu to render a nice block of rows for a particular table.
<%= f.render_associated_form(@foo.bars, :new => 5) %>
I would like to have the bar partial have some notion of a bit of state. (Because the notion is specific to the view, I do not want to externalize this to the Bar model itself and calculate it in the co...
First some background. I am trying to run Community Engine on a fresh install of Ubuntu. CE is a open src social networking plugin running on Rails. I was able to get CE up and running on my windows box w/o issue. I have decided to use Ubuntu 8.10 as my development environment now, and am stuck on this issue. I have researched this for t...
I've been using vim, but after reading this question was wondering what is being used in the linux world.
I have some constants that represent the valid options in one of my model's fields. What's the best way to handle these constants in Ruby?
I would like to implement a payment solution with my Rails site using Paypal Website Payments Standard. (See https://www.paypal.com/IntegrationCenter/ic_standard_home.html). I don't want fancy gateways, and I don't want to go through the hassles related to storing credit card information. I also want to use Paypal IPN for notificat...
I am interested in using/learning RoR in a project where I have to use a .NET dll. Is Ruby capable of importing a .NET dll?
I have two models indexed for searching (User and Item). I'm trying to do a geo-search across models:
ThinkingSphinx::Search.search('keywords', :geo => [
But I only get an error:
Sphinx Error: index item_core,item_delta,user_core,user_delt...
Where is the best place to add a method to the integer class in Rails?
I'd like to add a to_meters and to_miles methods.
I'm writing a Rails plugin that includes some partials. I'd like to test the partials, but I'm having a hard time setting up a test that will render them. There's no associated controller, so I'm just faking one:
require 'action_controller'
require 'active_support'
require 'action_pack'
require 'action_view'
class MyTest < Test::Unit...
I'm trying to extract all matches from a EBML definition, which is something like this:
| + A track
| + Track number: 3
| + Track UID: 724222477
| + Track type: subtitles
| + Language: eng
| + A track
| + Track number: 4
| + Track UID: 745646561
| + Track type: subtitles
| + Language: jpn
I want all occurr...
What's the best way to unit test protected and private methods in Ruby, using the standard Ruby Test::Unit framework?
I'm sure somebody will pipe up and dogmatically assert that "you should only unit test public methods; if it needs unit testing, it shouldn't be a protected or private method", but I'm not really interested in debating t...
I am writing a Rails app that processes data into a graph (using Scruffy). I am wondering how can I render the graph to a blog/string and then send the blog/string directly to the the browser to be displayed (without saving it to a file)? Or do I need to render it, save it to a file, then display the saved image file in the browser?
I found piston seems a decent tool for managing rails plugins, but when I try to do piston convert for my project with git based plugins, it just went dead completely and seems its trying to look for .svn with svn tools.
I am on piston 1.4.0, is that git natively supported or I would have to build from edge?
What good ruby gem sources would you recommend, besides http://gems.rubyforge.org/ and http://gems.github.com/? It seems that RubyForge is missing most of the gems I look for these times...
I am trying to write an interface between RSPEC (ruby flavoured BDD) and a Windows application. The application itself is written in an obscure language, but it has a C API to provide access. I've gone with Ruby/DL but am having difficulties getting even the most basic call to a DLL method to work. Here is what I have so far, in a fil...