
Ror + Paperclip: Why not work?

I've installed paperclip to my project as plugin using ruby script/plugin install Model: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :logo, :styles => { :large => "300x300>", :medium => "100x100>", :thumb => "50x50>" } validates_attachment_content_type :logo, :content_type => im...

Can ActiveResource POST a create instead of PUTTing it when an id is specified?

Hi, I'm calling a rails app from another using ActiveResource. I need to supply the id of the new object to the first app (yes, controller create in this app knows how to handle receiving an id), so I do something like this: a = => 1231231, :name => "test") However, instead of doing POST to create a ...

Rails: check if the model was really saved in after_save

ActiveRecord use to call after_save callback each time save method is called even if the model was not changed and no insert/update query spawned. This is the default behaviour actually. And that is ok in most cases. But some of the after_save callbacks are sensitive to the thing that if the model was actually saved or not. Is there a...

Repeat while changing... stop once change no longer occurs i.e. stabilise value.

I was wondering if there is a nice pattern or better yet a specific function which applies a function until there is no longer a change in it's result. url = "" unescaped = unescape(url) while unescaped != url do url = unescaped unescaped = unescape(unescaped) end Although the code above is ...

ruby mechanize in Facebook

I'm trying to click the Settings button on the home page, but when I do I get this page back: #<WWW::Mechanize::Page {url #<URI::HTTP:0x1023c5fc0 URL:;drop&gt;} {meta} {title nil} {iframes} {frames} {links} {forms}> which is.. kinda empty! Is there some problems with these iframes ...

How to check if a user is a member of a group in Windows with Ruby?

On Windows, how do I check to see if an authenticated user (ex: DOMAIN\User) is a member a local or domain group with Ruby? In this case Ruby is running on Windows Enterprise Server 2003. ...

accepts_nested_attributes_for and nested_form plugin

Hi folks, I've the following code in a _form.html.haml partial, it's used for new and edit actions. (fyi I use the Ryan Bates' plugin nested_form) .fields - f.fields_for :transportations do |builder| = builder.collection_select :person_id, @people, :id, :name, {:multiple => true} = builder.link_to_remove 'effacer' ...

Using Select with ruby sockets what is a good way to ignore a given socket if a certain condition is met?

A little background: I've written a script that will act as a receiver for incoming Syslog/Email/Snmp(v1) traps. It receives the data and stores it as a custom defined object. My "messageSocket" is a means to control the behavior from a script outside of this general listener. I want to send messages to this to either start/stop on ...

Ruby On Rails ORM Model Relations

I'm a bit confused as to how "relationships" are created/processed in ROR/rake. Can anyone confirm if the following is correct? Code the "insert xxx relation" in the DB Migration file. Migrate this once done. Code in the final relationship (has_xxx...) in the model file. If so, can ROR autogen the DB Migration file from changes in t...

Sinatra: What's the correct way to serve a plain old file?

This works, but it was a stab in the dark. I know little Ruby. What's the accepted way to serve a plain old file for a given resource? get '/xyz' do 'abc.html' end ...

Sed or Ruby for mundane text processing / dev-productivity tools creation.

I want to learn Sed. Can you please point me to good references so that I can fully utilize it. I want to learn it to perform more of the do-once-then-forget type administrative or dev-tools like tasks. So, I don't really care about performance or modularity or object orientedness etc when writing this type of code. Do you think it wou...

Difference between mattr_accessor and cattr_accessor in ActiveSupport?

I can't work out from looking through the source what the difference is between the cattr_* and mattr_* methods provided in Class and Module respectively. I read this question: which gives some details about both methods but doesn't highlight the differenc...

What's a good web framework and/or tool for a software developer?

I'd like to make a website, it's not a huge project, but I'm a bit out of the web design loop. The last time I made a website was probably around 2002. I figure the web frameworks and tools have come a ways since then. It's mostly the design aspect that I'd like it to make easier. I can do the backend language in any language. My qu...

Ruby methods similar to attr_reader

I'm trying to make a method similar to attr_reader but I can't seem to get the instance of the class that the method gets called in. class Module def modifiable_reader(*symbols) # Right here is where it returns Klass instead of #<Klass:0x1df25e0 @readable="this"> mod = self variables = symbols.collect { |sym...

Regexp.escape not escaping forward slashes?

In IRB if I pass a string like "/domain/path" to Regexp.escape it just returns it the same. I thought that forward slashes are supposed to be escaped with a backslash? Am I missing something here? ...

ruby - can't modify frozen string (TypeError)

Got ... '[]=': can't modify frozen string (TypeError) when trying to modify what I thought was a copy of ARGV[0]. Same results for each of arg = ARGV[ 0 ] arg_cloned = ARGV[ 0 ].clone arg_to_s = ARGV[ 0 ].to_s arg[ 'x' ] = 'y' arg_cloned[ 'x' ] = 'y' arg_to_s[ 'x' ] = 'y' ...

Getting rails to accept European date format (dd/mm/yyyy)

Hi, I want my rails app to accept dates for a date field in the format dd/mm/yyyy. In my model I have tried to convert the date to the American standard which I think the Date.parse method that Rails will call on it is expecting: before_validation :check_due_at_format def check_due_at_format self.due_at = Date.strptime(self....

Rails, Attachment_fu - deep copy of database storage attachments

I have a model, let's say Attachments, that uses attachment_fu to accept file uploads from the user. I want to "deep copy" (or in Ruby-ese, deep clone) an Attachment, thus creating a completely new binary object in the "db_files" table. I've found that it is not quite a solved problem yet. This blog posting: http://www.williambharding.c...

Get the subject of a binding in Ruby 1.8.6

In Ruby 1.8.7 I can do the following in order to get the subject of a binding object: binding.eval("self") However, in Ruby 1.8.6, the eval method is private, so I expose it like this: class Binding public :eval end Which seems to work fine, however, binding.eval("self") returns the binding itself, not the subject of binding. Ho...

Setting up a Proxy to record Firefox requests

I'm using Ruby+Watir to request pages through Firefox. I would like to record the headers and content of every http request made through the browser. Would it be possible to configure a proxy solution to store this information, either in a file or pipe it straight into an application? Could I use something such as squid or nginx to rec...