I have a c++ program which performs one function. It loads a large data-file into an array, receives an array of integers and performs a lookup in that array, returning a single integer. I am currently calling the program with each integer as an argument, like so:
$ ./myprogram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I also have a ruby script, and I would like...
I changed my photo.rb model to be polymorphic and be usable to all sorts of other models needing to save images and it works fine except I can't figure out how to save new attachments properly through the parent model. Any ideas? Do I have to approach this differently somehow? As, its also not getting the imageable_type...which i'll h...
sample data:
This is a string
BaseQuality :
4 4 4 4 4 4 6 7 7 7
Metadata :
yet another string
BaseQuality :
4 4 4 4 7 7 4 8 4 4 4 4 4
Metadata :
I have a method that is using a case statement as follows to separate parts of a longer text file into records using the delimeter "\n\n"...
hi all
I have a rails app that is a sort of CMS and i alow users to create their own version of the applicaton on a sub domain.
I also want to let them style their app version the way they want but changing a few fields or small config file.
I was hoping to be able to use sass and compass and be able to let users change varialbes for ...
i have a link_to_function that shows a hidden div. now i would like to hide this div if the user clicks out of this div(onBlur or onclick). when should i call this function and how? this is my function that shows the hidden div:
<%= link_to_function "ShowHorse", "$('horsePic').show();" :class =>"links_02"%>
shoud it be from inside thi...
Hello, I'm wishing to figure out how many milliseconds a particular function uses. So I looked high and low, but could not find a way to get the time in Ruby with millisecond precision.
How do you do this? In most programming languages its just something like
I am working with some data I obtained that is read with a program using an embedded Advantage Database Server. The program was not written by me and does not have all of the functionality that I need. I would like to convert this data to a different format so that I can work with it more freely, such as MySQL.
I know that Sybase pr...
If block is a closure, why this code does not work? And how to make it work?
def R(arg)
Class.new do
def foo
puts arg
class A < R("Hello!")
A.new.foo #throws undefined local variable or method `arg' for #<A:0x2840538>
I have a Rails app where people have a profile page - http://prettylongdomainname.com/profile_username
To create the profile username, I use a before_create AR hook in my model:
before_create :generate_username
def generate_username
self.username = a_user_name_i_generated
I would also like to save a shortened URL to the user...
Let's say I have a blog application. On each Post there are Comments.
So, I have a collection of comments in "Post.comments"
Let's say I have an object called "this_comment"
Is there a magical keyword or construct in Ruby such that I can test "is 'this_comment' in 'Post.comments"?
In other words, I want to know if "this_comment" is a...
What's going on here? What is the subtle difference between the two forms of "unless"?
> irb(main):001:0> foo = true unless defined?(foo)
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> unless defined?(fooo) ; fooo = false ; end
=> false
Any recommendations for a module which keeps SQL queries external to the application, for Ruby programs? I'm looking to avoid hardcoding SQL queries and possibly to support multiple SQL backends in a set of programs that make direct SQL queries (that is, not mediated via an ORM).
# Production system is pg, dev environm...
I'm trying to use Ruby to load a webpage over HTTP and check what its status code is. My code looks like this:
require "net/http"
@r = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(myURL))
return @r.code
However, for some URLs (mostly ones pointing to weird stuff like web counters that won't give a proper response) I'm getting an undefined m...
I have two applications talking to each other using a queue, as of now they run exactly the same version of ruby (1.8.7), so I'm just marshaling objects back and forth; only objects from the standard lib mostly hashes, strings, time and date objects.
Right now I'm moving to Ruby 1.9.1, one app at the time, which means I'll be running o...
link_to_function raise an error with rails 3.
undefined method `link_to_function' for #<Class>
How can i do to have a link with a simple onclick, with the new rails 3 syntax?
how can I access all array elements from x to the last one?
my_array= [1,2,3,4,5,6]
puts my_array[3..last]
Hi all,
I have a model that relies on state_machine to manage its different states. One particular event requires a before_transition as it needs to build a join table fore doing the transition. Unfortunately it doesn't work.
class DocumentSet < ActiveRecord::Base
state_machine :state, :initial => :draft do
# Callbacks
I have an array like this
a = []
a << B.new(:name => "c")
a << B.new(:name => "s")
a << B.new(:name => "e")
a << B.new(:name => "t")
How i can save it at once?
Is it implied by default in str.scan? Is it off by default in str[regex] ?
Normally, when using form helpers in Rails, each field directly correlates to a method on the appropriate object.
However, I have a form (user signup) that needs to include fields that are not part of the user model itself (for instance, card details) but need to appear.
How can I build the form so that I can get the necessary fields, ...