
Deadlock in ruby code using SizedQueue

I think I'm running up against a fundamental misunderstanding on my part of how threading works in ruby and I'm hoping to get some insight. I'd like to have a simple producer and consumer. First, a producer thread that pulls lines from a file and sticks them into a SizedQueue; when those run out, stick some tokens on the end to let the...

Is there any way to control RAM that Ruby's Thin server uses?

I have VPS with 1GB of RAM. One ruby-app that runs on thin server takes about 60+ MB of RAM, no matter if application is used right now or not. Is there any way to control this? Because right now Im runnin' out of memory. Any suggestions are accepted. Thanks in advance. ...

What is your prefered ODM in Ruby ? MongoMapper, MongoID or MongoDoc ?

In ruby, there are currently 3 ODM maintained: MongoMapper MongoID MongoDoc What is your prefered and why ? ...

Why don't more projects use Ruby Symbols instead of Strings?

When I first started reading about and learning ruby, I read something about the power of ruby symbols over strings: symbols are stored in memory only once, while strings are stored in memory once per string, even if they are the same. For instance: Rails' params Hash in the Controller has a bunch of keys as symbols: params[:id] or par...

static variables in ruby

i just learned about static variables in php.. i was just wondering is there any thing like that in ruby... say.. if we want to create a student class and for each student(object) we create, its id no should get incremented automatically.. I thought creating class variable as a static will do... thanks, regards, levirg ...

Problems with validates_inclusion_of, acts_as_tree and rspec

I have problems to get rspec running properly to test validates_inclusion_of my migration looks like this: class CreateCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :categories do |t| t.string :name t.integer :parent_id t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table :categories end e...

Extract data from Mysql::Object in ruby on rails

I have code to run sql query in ruby as follows sql = ActiveRecord::Base.connection() sql.begin_db_transaction report = sql.execute("select * from users;") sql.commit_db_transaction So after this report is an Mysql::object. Now I want to extract all fields and its corresponding data to array or hash. thanks, ...

Writing a simple webserver in Ruby

I want to create an extremely simple web server for development purposes in Ruby (no, don’t want to use ready solutions). Here is the code: #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'socket' server ='', 8080) while connection = server.accept headers = [] length = 0 while line = connection.gets headers << line ...

How to implement Mumble with RoR Application?

Hello to All, We need one voice chat application integration in RoR application existing room users. How we can achieve that? Have any reference links or existing sample voice chat reference sites using mumble, it will help me lot. Thanks, Mars ...

Changing created_at for seed.rb data

I'm using seeds.rb to load some dummy data into my project as I develop it. I'd like to use a random created_at date for my records, but the created_at date is always set to on create. #seeds.rb Project.create :name => 'Dummy Project', :created_at => - rand(10).days ...

What is the difference between referencing vs object[:id] when you return a Model dataset?

Hey guys, busy learning ROR... I wasn't quite sure how to look for this problem on stackoverflow so sorry if this has been asked before :p Basically I'm in the Console environment busy reading all the rows from a table into a variable and I noticed that you can reference the results by specifing OR my_object[:id]. Can some...

Ruby regex MatchData to Integer conversion

I have a string, populated from the *nix "hostname" command, that I need to parse for a number. That's the easy part. The difficulty comes from a need to have to Do Math(tm) on that captured number. Apparently regex captures are always of type MatchData, which doesn't have any math functions like 'add' or 'modulo', nor does it have a ...

How to mock a before filter variable assignment? ActionController::TestCase

The idea is as follows: when visiting a purchase page, the pre-initialized (using before_filter) @purchase variable receives save if the item in question is not free. I make two gets, one for a paid item and one for a free item. purchase.expects(:save).returns(true) expects :save to be called only once, so the below test works. But th...

Ruby on Rails - Access controller variable from model

Hey, I am trying to access an instance variable which is set in the controller in the model. The controller is the products controller and the model is the products model. The instance variable is a instance of another model called account. The instance variable is @current_account When I run the code nothing happens, I do not get an ...

Ruby reuse methods in DataMapper classes (helper)

Hi I'm trying to reuse methods in DataMapper classes. This might be as well a ruby question I think. class Foo include DataMapper::Resource property :name property ... def self.special_name self.all(:name => 'whatever') end end class Bar include DataMapper::Resource property :name property ... def self.specia...

How do I find the object with the oldest updated_at column in RJS?

Hello, I'm trying to remove the object with the oldest updated_at value when the rjs is executed. page.insert_html :top, :messages, :partial => @message page[@message].visual_effect :grow page[:message_form].reset Message.old_messages.each do |m| page.remove( end page.delay(1) do'.message').last.visual_effect :fad...

Make all subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base methods say their name.

For cruft-removal purposes I would like to log whenever a method from one of my AR models is called. I can get get all those classes with something like this: subclasses = [] ; ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) {|m| subclasses << m if m.ancestors.include? ActiveRecord::Base } ; But then I need a list of only the ...

rmagick: doing the polaroid effect, changing the pictures caption

Hi, it's about rMagick and the polaroid effect. image = image.polaroid do self.font = "Tahoma" self.caption = name #self[:caption] = name self.shadow_color = "gray40" self.pointsize = 12 end This is how I tried to change it's caption, but both versions don't work. Any ideas? Yours Joern. ...

ruby regular expression not working with match

text = "I fixed bug #1234 and #7895 " regex = /#(\d*)/ m = regex.match(text) puts m.inspect #<MatchData "#1234" "1234"> In the above case why I am not seeing 7895? What's the correct solution? ...

Zombie Processes Appearing When I Spawn Processes

I have a pieces of code where i spawn off children processes to make it more efficient. However, they appear to create all sorts of zombie processes which block sockets and bring down the site. spawn(:method => :thread) do if @login_user.suggested_group_info.new_record? xxx end end 1) Why is this creating zombie processe...