
PostgreSQL / Ruby for commercial application

I am planning a web-based commercial application with front-end RoR and back-end PostgreSQL. I've some confusion about RoR and PostgreSQL Edition to use. For RoR, I have Aptana RADRails installed. For PostgreSQL, a free variant is also available at EnterpriseDB. Previously I installed a free EnterpriseDB PostgreSQL variant and it was v...

ruby keyword arguments of method

How can I declare a method with keyword arguments just like rails do. some examples may be Person.find(:all, :conditions => "..."). How can I use symbols to create methods similar to the above? I am very new to ruby. Thanks in advance! ...

Passing multiple codeblocks as arguments

I have a method which takes a code block. def opportunity @opportunities += 1 if yield @performances +=1 end end and I call it like this: opportunity { @some_array.empty? } But how do I pass it more than one code block so that I could use yield twice, something like this: def opportunity if yield_1 ...

Readline, the Input Record Separator and Ruby

In Ruby I'm looking to read data until I reach a delimiter or end of file. I found this is possible by redefining $/ or the $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR to my delimiter. However with all the "features" in the Ruby language it seems hokey to change the value of a global to do this. Also, readline used to consume the delimiter while not it is ...

Rails object based permission/authorization engine?

Hi I want to add "Sharing documents" feature to my app, like in google documents service. As i see: User can: can list/view/create/edit/delete own documents share own document to everyone - its a public document share own document to another user with read-only access share own document to another user with read-write access view li...

OpenID and Authlogic - login and password?

How can I get rid of validation messages telling me that: Login is too short (minimum is 3 characters) Login should use only letters, numbers, spaces, and .-_@ please. Password is too short (minimum is 4 characters) Password confirmation is too short (minimum is 4 characters) this happens even before map_openid_registration is called,...

How do I put an escape character (NOT "escaped" character) in a Ruby regex?

I'm trying to parse a text file that has ANSI color sequences in it, e.g. \e[0;37m How can I build a regex to match this in Ruby? ...

How can unwanted tags be removed from HTML using Nokogiri?

I need to strip out all font tags from a document. When attempting to do so with the following Ruby code, other elements and text within the font tags are lost. I've also attempted to iterate through all children elements and make them siblings of the font tag before unlinking the font tag--which also results in lost HTML. What is a g...

what's the best way to format an xml string in ruby?

given an xml string like this: <some><nested><xml>value</xml></nested></some> what's the best option (using ruby) to format it into something readable like: <some> <nested> <xml>value</xml> </nested> </some> ...

The speed of Ruby and Java.

In every benchmark that I found on the web it seems that Ruby is slow, much slower than Java. The Ruby folks just state that it doesn't matter. Could you give me any example that the speed of Ruby on Rails (and the Ruby itself) really doesn't matter? ...

Process incoming emails with script

Remember It was quite popular for what it did. ANyways, I'm looking to do something similar, but my question is, how does one process incoming emails? Let's assuming I'm using PHP or maybe even Ruby to do this. I would need a way to process the emails and dump them into a DB or something. Ok fine, but my main question is ...

Is it possible to convert a 40-character SHA1 hash to a 20-character SHA1 hash?

My problem is a bit hairy, and I may be asking the wrong questions, so please bear with me... I have a legacy MySQL database which stores the user passwords & salts for a membership system. Both of these values have been hashed using the Ruby framework - roughly like this: hashedsalt = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{}--...

Poor Ruby on Rails performance when using nested :include

I have three models that look something like this: class Bucket < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :entries end class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :submission belongs_to :bucket end class Submission < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :entries belongs_to :user end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :submissions end ...

rails migration version number and new model object crazy id.

hello, i have this crazy label for each time i create a migration that use the time instead of a integer. it makes things very hard to switch between the version of the database that you want to use. i also have this crazy ID for each object that i create : How can set up rails to have easy version and id numbers. thank you ...

What's the difference between the ruby irb prompt modes?

I can change the irb prompt mode with irb --prompt prompt-mode I can see what null and simple does, but I can't tell the difference between null and xmp and the difference between default/classic/inf-ruby. Can someone explain to me what these other modes do? It seems pointless to have multiple modes doing the same thing. ...

authlogic email as username

How do i override/set authlogic to use the email field instead of the username field for both signup and authentication, having a username + an email is occasionally too intense for some some registration scenarios ...

Format a time with Ruby (on Rails)

t = d = 10.minutes.from_now Using these two variables, how do I output a timer like 00:10:00? As d counts down, the timer would show 00:09:59, 00:09:58, etc. Note: I'd formatting uses Rails datetime format method somehow. ...

Finding related tags using acts-as-taggable-on

In tag#show I list all entries with that tag. At the bottom of the page I'd like to have something like: "Related Tags: linked, list, of, related tags" My view looks like: <h2><%= link_to 'Tag', tags_path %>: <%= %></h2> <% @entries.each do |entry| %> <h2><%= link_to h(, entry %></h2> <%- unless entry...

Ruby Pony alternative for Ruby 1.9?

Pony is broken in ruby 1.9. Does any recommend any alternatives for me so I can send mail through my Gmail account? Cheers ...

Ruby - Possible to pass a block as a param as an actual block to another function?

This is what I'm trying to do: def call_block(in_class = "String", &block) instance = eval("#{in_class}.new") puts "instance class: #{instance.class}" instance.instance_eval{ } end # --- TEST EXAMPLE --- # This outputs "class: String" every time "sdlkfj".instance_eval { puts "class: #{self.class}" } # This wil...