I have two controllers for two respective models, by example, photos and categories. index and show methods are very similar in each controller, and the views are identical. What is the best method for share the view by the two models?
I've though two options:
Use a helper. In the helper will put the code for the view, and will call t...
I asked a question earlier which elicited some great responses.
Here's the earlier question
On the back of some advice given there, I've tried moving the following controller logic
if params[:concept][:consulted_legal] == 0 && params[:concept][:consulted_marketing] == 1
@concept.attributes = {:status => 'Awaiting Compliance Approva...
This may be a bit of a nooby question, I have been trying to get better at ruby recently, and started reading the fantastic The Ruby Programming Language. Something that was mentioned is that string literals are considered mutable, so in a loop it is better to use a variable then a literal, as a new string will get instantiated at every ...
I am trying to use oauth with the rares-branch Ruby gem. I keep getting the error:
instance of OAuth::Consumer needs to have method `marshal_load'
My code, activate.rb is below. Any thoughts on how to fix this? THANKS! -Henry
require 'oauth/consumer'
def index
@consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new("CONSUMER KEY","CONSUMER SECRET", ...
So I have some models set up that can each have a comment. I have it set up using has_many_polymorphs, but I'm starting to run into some issues where it's not working how I think it should.
For example:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many_polymorphs :consumers,
:from => [:projects,...
I'm following this tutorial (seems good) for Rails. After I run
ruby script/generate scaffold Post
then this link works in one of the erb files:
<%= link_to "My Blog", posts_path %>
WHY? I've looked for "posts_path" in the whole app and it's nowhere to be found. On the other hand, this
<%= link_to "My Blog", home_path %>
does no...
I am sorry to bring out a separate question from here, but it really confused me these days. Here is the definition of add_mapping method:
def add_mapping(regexp, &proc)
@test_mappings << [regexp, proc]
How could proc here get executed and return result without using call method?
I have a collection of people that is paginated with will_paginate
@people = Person.paginate :page => params[:page],
:limit => 10,
:conditions => ['company_id = ? ' , @company.id ]
The people are shown on the company/view page and rendered with a partial. Note that the partial is in the views of 'people'
<%= ...
This is a tale of two scripts and is related to a previous question.
The two scripts are at http://gist.github.com/50692. The ansi.rb script displays all 256 colors on all 256 background colors. The ncurses.rb script displays all 256 foreground colors but the background displays the basic 16 and then seems to cycle through various attri...
What is the purpose of the RAILS_GEM_VERSION setting in config/environment.rb? Is it supposed to stop your app from running under an unexpected version of Rails?
I just keep Rails updated to the latest release on my laptop and in production. Since I do that, can I comment out RAILS_GEM_VERSION or should I set it for some reason?
I checked out both of these previously-asked questions, and they're a help but not a full solution for my case.
Essentially I need to validate a user-submitted URL from a form. I've started by validating that it begins with http://, https://, or ftp:// :
class Link < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_format_of [:link1, :link2, :link3,
MVC is a great concept, but choosing among all the variety and flavors out there is not a simple task. Very soon we are going to start a new web development project and we want to do it in a solid, enterprise class, long lasting language. We are choosing linux friendly language. Even we know that MONO will allow us to run .NET in linu...
In Matlab, I recall being able to declare an array and initialize it and it resides in memory during the entire Matlab session. I could copy it, modify it, and run it through tests. Is this option available in Ruby? Basically I want to create and populate an array of 12 million 32-bit integers. Then I want to run code that accesses t...
OK, as is often the case, I have a controller action in my app that is protected from unauthorized access by a before_filter. The only thing is that I need to redirect this action if another condition is true:
class Payment < ApplicationController
before_filter login_required
def new
redirect_to some_other_path if @order.is_fre...
I have written a Ruby application which parses lots of data from sources in different formats html, xml and csv files. How can I find out what areas of the code are taking the longest?
Is there any good resources on how to improve the performance of Ruby applications? Or do you have any performance coding standards you always follow?
I looked in the Rails docs under inflector and found this message...
Module deprecated
This module is deprecated on the latest stable version of Rails. The last existing version (v2.1.0) is shown here.
There was no explanation or reference to any further detail.
I recalled seeing a Rails Trac website. I hunted that down and f...
I'm working on a socket app in Ruby Shoes, and want to send a message to the server. The server expects the XML message, and then a null (0) character.
How can I send that in TCP Sockets in Ruby?
I recently started digging into design patterns. Generally speaking, I thought the design issues that most of the design patterns solve do not generally occur in Ruby. Most of the design issues were because of datatypes (No dynamic typing and arrays can hold objects belonging to same class at a time etc. and many more.). Being a ruby and...
I was wondering if anyone knows of any nice GUIs for autotest?
I already know about all the plugins distributed with autotest (growl, knotify etc.), what I want is a little more.
I would like a GUI that displays the total count of failed tests at all times.
I would like the GUI to allow me to click through to the failing test (have t...
I am trying to decide if a string is a number in Ruby. This is my code
whatAmI = "32.3a22"
puts "This is always false " + String(whatAmI.is_a?(Fixnum));
isNum = false;
isNum = true;
rescue Exception => e
puts "What does Ruby say? " + e
isNum = false;
puts isNum
I realize that I can do it with a RegEx, ...