I am trying to decide if a string is a number in Ruby. This is my code
whatAmI = "32.3a22"
puts "This is always false " + String(whatAmI.is_a?(Fixnum));
isNum = false;
isNum = true;
rescue Exception => e
puts "What does Ruby say? " + e
isNum = false;
puts isNum
I realize that I can do it with a RegEx, but is there any standard way to do it that I'm missing? I've seen a can_convert? method, but I don't seem to have it.
Is there a way to add a can_convert? method to all Strings? I understand that it's possible in Ruby. I also understand that this may be totally unecessary...
Edit The to_f methods do not work, as they never throw an Exception but rather just return 0 if it doesn't work out.