
How to copy file across buckets using aws-s3 gem

The aws-s3 documentation says: # Copying an object S3Object.copy 'headshot.jpg', 'headshot2.jpg', 'photos' But how do I copy heashot.jpg from the photos bucket to the archive bucket for example Thanks! Deb ...

RHTML to string - rails

Hi, everyone. In my rails application my models have a to_html method. This method is called in one of the views so the model's attributes can be displayed properly regardless of their classes (because all of my classes implement that method) That is a neat solution, but one thing bugs me. I need to write this html code inside the doub...

Problem with eager loading of nested models

Hi, I have some models - NewsArticle, Comment, User (as :author) and Profile. class NewsArticle < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "user_id" has_many :comments, :as => :commentable, :dependent => :destroy, :order => 'created_at', :include => 'translations' end class Comment < ActiveRecor...

How easy is it to swap parts of Rails stack?

I read that as you are using the default Rails stack you are happy, but if you try to swap something then the real headache begins. How hard is it to use jQuery instead of Prototype and Haml instead of ERB? (I'm not Rails developer, I just trying to collect some info about it). ...

Other Rails templates types

Hey, Erb is the default template type in Rails and I read about Haml. What other types exist and can be used in Rails? Thanks. ...

The Zen of Ruby

Hi, I have written a Ruby gem named 'this'. Get it here Purpose of 'this' is to show quotes of 'The Zen of Ruby' whenever you "require 'this'". As I could not find any equivalent zen quotes for Ruby, currently I am using 'The Zen of Python' (PEP 20). Extremely sorry for using it :) Can you guys suggest me...

Cycling "Given" information to a "When" action in Cucumber

I am trying to create a quizzing style skill drilling site and use Cucumber to drive the testing. As a rough estimate pretend I am presenting the user with two numbers, and asking the user to click a button representing their difference. Two obvious scenarios would be: Scenario: Difference drill, correct answer Given I am on the diffe...

How to do an if/else in HAML without repeating indented code

Depending on if a user is signed in or not, I'd like to print a different kind of %body-tag. This is how I currently do it: - if defined? @user %body(data-account="#{@user.account}") %h1 Welcome -# all my content - else %body %h1 Welcome -# all my content As you can see there's a lot of duplicated code in there. H...

How can I extract/parse from this SOAP envelope using Ruby?

I am using a gem which uses soap/wsdlDriver. When I post I get back a SOAP response and am unable to easily parse it. This is the response I get back: #<SOAP::Mapping::Object:0x159e95faf098 {}id="27b907f8-da51-f611-ab02-4c5f88a8ec8 8" {}error=#<SOAP::Mapping::Object:0x159e95fae33c {}number="0" {}name="No Error" {}description="No Erro...

Puzzled over palindromic product problem

Hi, I've been learning Ruby, so I thought I'd try my hand at some of the project Euler puzzles. Embarrassingly, I only made it to problem 4... Problem 4 goes as follows: A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99. Find the largest p...

Rails object relationships and rendering to JSON question

Disclaimer, I know very little about Rails. I'll try to be succinct. ModelA belongs_to ModelB ModelB has_many ModelA The JSON Show action of the ModelA controller should show all ObjectA's that are belonging to the ObjectB of which the ObjectA in question is a member of. So if I have an ObjectB that contains ObjectA's of ID 1, 2, and ...

Ruby error with CSV and << ...

Well, I think the code speaks out for itself :) # book_in_stock.rb class BookinStock attr_reader :isbn, :price def initialize(isbn, price) @isbn = isbn @price = Float(price) end end # csv_reader.rb require 'csv' class CsvReader def initialize @book_in_stock = [] end def read_in_csv_data(csv_file_name) C...

Rails custom method

Hi, I have a Place model that has both 'city_name' and 'name' as attributes. I would like to define a custom method that finds the place whose name matches the city_name for another place eg. = "foo" Place.city_name = "baz" then Place.find_city gives the record where = "baz". At the moment I've got something alon...

Reload rubygem in IRB

Is there a way to "reload" or "refresh" a rubygem in memory? As i'm playing in irb, occasionally I like to modify my gem files, and if i require the same gem, it does not update into memory and gives the output "false". Currently I have to exit IRB, get back into IRB and then require the gem again, there has to be a better way...what is ...

IO.popen(my_cmd) - when is the subprocess done?

pipe = IO.popen("my_cmd 2>&0") while ??? line = pipe.gets puts line if some_condition end This is using Ruby 1.8.7 on Windows. my_cmd is an application that prints database records to the stdout. One line per database record, and there's no way to know how many records there will be before I run the command. Each gets call retur...

Handling Massive (high precision) Floats in Ruby

I'm making an application which is listening to prices being updated regularly, but occasionally my data source throws me something like "1.79769313486232e+308". The numbers that get sent will never by really big numbers (eg. "179769313486232e+308"), but as with the example above, they come with a lot of precision. I'd be happy to drop ...

Debugging Stack Level too deep in Ruby

I have ruby program that is running into a stack level too deep (SystemStackError) error, ending on datamapper: from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/dm-core-1.0.0/lib/dm-core/collection.rb:510:in `each' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/dm-core-1.0.0/lib/dm-core/query/conditions/comparison.rb:616:in `map' from /usr/local/lib/ruby...

Authenticate OAuth from Script

Can anyone tell me how I could go about authenticating with the various OAuth login mechanisms on the internets (Twitter, Facebook) so that I can run scripts against these services. As an example, right now when I use Facebook data I goto and copy paste the access key from the URL. Obviously this is a bad approach, i...

Rails 3 - no such file to load -- openssl

Hello, when running a Rails server, I get the following error: no such file to load -- openssl I try a solution I find online. I go to ~/.rvm/src/ruby-1.9.2-head/ext/openssl. I type : ruby extconf.rb, but I get the following: === OpenSSL for Ruby configurator === === Checking for system dependent stuff... === checking for t_open() in -...

Ruby on Mac OSX via Mac Ports

I'm new to both Ruby and to Mac OSX, though I do have a fair amount of experience with Unix commands. I just installed Ruby 1.9 via a MacPorts command (port install ruby19). I then needed to do a find from root just to figure out where it went, which turned out to be: /opt/local/var/macports/software/ruby19/1.9.1-p376_0/opt/local/bin/rub...