
Help me organize my rubies

So I think I have a bunch of rubies scattered around here. I want to install rails 3 and watch the railscast online and the person uses rvm to manage ruby versions. I went to install rvm and followed the instruction. I got to the point where I need to do rvm install 1.9.2 EDIT: and I did rvm 1.9.2 However after the installation, I ...

Rails: adding a field to a model-based object before passing it to the view

Hi all, I've got a "word" model in my rails app. In the index action of my words controller, I grab a set of words from my database and look up their definitions. I do not store definitions in my database and do not wish to store them there. However, I would like the controller to add the definition for each word to the word object bef...

how do i set up cron jobs with rails?

Hi, I have to implement a fairly database intensive task periodically. I am using rails for the application to which this task is related and thus for the sake of easiness and uniqueness in approach I want to know how can I best implement cron job with rails. I am aware that rake is one solution, but am totally unaware of how to use it....

How to write a helper in Ruby on Rails to capture Haml blocks?

I am writing a Rails helper method that will add wrapper html to captured content blocks and replace content_for method, such as - content_for :header do //haml code ..would become - content :header do //haml code In order to do this I am using Haml and Ruby blocks. This is what it looks like def content(name,&block) content_fo...

Ruby to_json method includes methods even when asked not to

Hi, I'm using to_json, and including associations. However, the resulting json object includes all of the methods for the associated objects, even when I ask it to exclude methods. I've tried these ways of doing it: render :json => @entries.to_json(:include => {:labels => {:only => [:label_id, :name], :methods => []}}) render :json =...

How to delete the first line of a csv? (ruby)

I have a large csv. I want to delete the first line of the file. How is this done? I don't want to copy every line into an array and rewrite them for the previous index and delete the first. There must be a better way. thank you ...

How can I get Capybara @javascript tags executing correctly in Cucumber on a Rails 3 project?

I've swapped out Webrat for Capybara on a new Rails 3 project. I ran through Tim Riley's great post on it here ( ), and also cloned his repository, executed the example cucumber feature, and saw the browser window fire open. So the whole Cucumber, Capybara, ...

embed ruby code in html

in php possible to made this: <input type="text" value=" <?php echo "Hello world"; ?> "> It's possible to embed ruby in html like that with or without Rails? ...

Ruby class inheritance and incremental definition

Let's assume that we need to define a common class for trees (or some other objects we need to have in order to solve a problem). Since our class structure can be quite complex, I prefer to define class methods after its definition. Our common class BaseTree and one of our specific classes Tree are class BaseTree class BaseNode; end ...

MySQL defaults vs ruby initialize method

You can initialize a db attribute to a default value in the following two ways - Configure your db to assign a default value to that attribute Use Ruby's initialize method to assign it a value during Object creation (using something like ActiveRecord to talk to your db) Is there a reason to prefer one of the above methods over anothe...

How to dynamically define a class method which will refer to a local variable outside?

class C end var = "I am a local var outside" C.class_eval do def self.a_class_method puts var end # I know, this is not correct, because the 'def' created a new scope; # I am asking a solution to make it; # I also know that use 'define_method' can create a instance method without creating a new scope. # but my...

How to execute some procedure in all ruby files in current directory?

I'm new to Ruby - I'm having troubles on every step... Imagine a Ruby script main.rb and a lot of unknown script files script1.rb ... scriptN.rb. Each scriptX.rb contains unique module with one procedure needs to be executed: Module X def some_procedure(i) puts "{#i} Module X procedure executed successfully!" end end ...

How do I see where in the Class Hierarchy a Method was defined and Overridden in Ruby?

Is there a way to know whether or not a method has been overridden by a subclass programmatically? Something that works like this: class BaseModel def create puts "superclass" end end class SomeModel < BaseModel def create puts "subclass" end end puts SomeModel.overridden_instance_methods #=> [:create] Any ideas? ...

How do you list included Modules in a Ruby Class?

How would you list out the modules that have been included in a specific class in a class hierarchy in Ruby? Something like this: module SomeModule end class ParentModel < Object include SomeModule end class ChildModel < ParentModel end p ChildModel.included_modules #=> [SomeModule] p ChildModel.included_modules(false) #=> [] Li...

Creating the same model from multiple data sources

This is mostly of a design pattern question. I have one type of model that I'm going to get the data to create them from multiple sources. So for example one record my be created from an API where another is created via screen scraping with Nokogiri. My issue lies in how best to abstract out these different data sources. Right now I...

RoR routing very basic problem

I have Exam controller. In routes.rb there is "resources :exams" In controller there are REST-like generated methods. I want to add my own method there: def search @exams = Exam.where("name like ?", params[:q]) end In view file: <%= form_tag(search_path, :method => "post") do %> <%= label_tag(:q, "Szukaj: ") %> <%= text_fie...

Programming Language: What language has both Python & Ruby features?

I came across this great comparison chart between Python & Ruby. I'm looking for a programming language that is truly a blend between Python and Ruby (with a slight lean towards Python). I really like in Ruby that everything is an object (unlike Python). However, I really like in Python that things are immutable, so that code maintenan...

Find all external resources in a css file

What's the best way to parse a css file, and get a list of all the css (using @imports), and the images that are referenced as background-images etc? Is there any parser for css available in ruby?? ...

Ror Active Record "component" classes

Hello, coming from my experience with nHibernate, I wonder how one maps (n)hibernate's component classes in ActiveRecord class Person < ActiveRecord::Base #somehow get a :name attribute here end class Name @fist_name @last_name end how can this be done with one table only (so this is no 1:1, but i want to have a :name_first_na...

making ruby 1.9 default on os x

How do I make ruby 1.9 the default version to use instead of the 1.8.x that is by default installed on os x? Thanks. ...