I am new to rails, but not to ruby, and the book I am reading (Pragmatic Programmers Agile Dev. with Rails 4th Ed.) just introduced me to unit tests in Rails. The book showed me the default rails testing suite (a subclass of Test::Unit). In the Rails community, is this the main testing framework that is used, because I use RSpec when doi...
In Ruby on Rails,I got a string number is made of 3 parts : prefix , counter , suffix
In model Setup:
def self.number
prefix = setup.receipt_prefix.blank? ? "" : setup.receipt_prefix.to_s
counter = setup.receipt_counter.blank? ? "" : setup.receipt_counter+1
suffix = setup.receipt_suffix.blank? ? "" : setup.receipt_suffix.to_s
each i...
I'm trying to get started using the Google Data API for Google Book Search in my Ruby on Rails 3 application, and I don't even understand how to get started. What gems do I need? What do I need to do in order to do something simple like searching for books with a title of Foobar?
I'm using ActiveRecord and Ruby (outside of Rails) to track some statistics.
I added a method (total_cost) to one of my models to do calculations using a couple of the columns in the current model as well as a column from another model.
I'd really like to be able to use some of ActiveRecord's provisions for math (averaging, sums) and ...
On a page in a model, I'm showing two links 'Choose Picture' and 'Take
Picture'. I'm suceessfully successfully returning to that page after
choosing picture and the chosen image is being shown correctly.
However, when I click 'Take Picture', camera opens up, I take picture,
the calling page loads with image shown and then immediately the...
I have a problem validating a perfectly valid XML with it's schema file in Ruby. It works OK on my development machine (OS X 10.6) but fails everytime on the production system (Debian 4.1).
The part of the XML that gives errors is this:
And the XSD pattern is this:
<xsd:element name="ROUNDINGS">
I need to transform ["a", "b", "c", "d"] to {:a => {:b => {:c => "d" }}} ?
Any ideas ?
What I want to do:
In a model.rb, in after_commit, I want to run rake task ts:reindex
ts:reindex is normally run with a rake ts:index
Can someone please spend me some line of codes, that add a text at the bottom of an image?
I want to use Rmagick but I'm open for other tools also.
thank you!
I'm looking for an equivalent of the haskell instersperse function in Ruby. Basically that add something (like a separator) between each element of a list.
intersperse(nil, [1,2,3]) => [1,nil,2,nil,3,nil,4].
I'm not asking for any code (I can do it , and I'd probably have done it before you read the question). I'm just wondering ...
I have an Foo module, that it is namespace for many classes ie: Foo::Bar, Foo::Baz an so on. Is there an way to return all class names namespaced by Foo?
I want to execute some ruby code on the start of application. Actualy this is some SQL for creating all my tables if they are not already exists.
Nowaday I should run my sql manualy (creating new tables ordinary), but I want to write somewhere in my helloworld.rb sql, which will execute sql once my app is started or restarded.
I am using Ruby 1.9.1p430 (2010-08-16 revision 28998) on MS Ws7 with MS Office 2010
I have launched a copy of Word from Ruby using WIN32OLE:
wd = WIN32OLE.new('Word.Application')
All works fine, I can manipulate my document as required.
However, the Word window is in the background and I would like to bring it to the foreground so th...
Netbeans 6.9
JRuby 1.5.0
rails 2.3.4
Error example:
NoMethodError in Report#week
Showing app/views/report/_list_record.html.erb where line #26 raised:
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.sorting
I can set up breakpoints, the debugger works fine. But when I have a NoSuch...
Often within the console, I'll interrogate an object
pp obj.methods.sort #or...
pp (obj.methods - Object.methods).sort
In Ruby it's pretty common for a developer to provide aliases for methods. I am wondering if there is a reflective way of identifying aliases so that I might be able to display aliased methods, something like...
hi, i'm getting an error when pushing to heroku using rails 3. I'm on windows with ruby 1.8.7
Administrator@WIN-DQC3IH63U7C ~/nasha (master)
$ heroku rake db:migrate
rake aborted!
no such file to load -- mysql
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
(in /disk1/home/slugs/280561_...
I have an array that looks something like this:
[[100, "one"],
[101, "one"],
[102, "one"],
[103, "two"],
[104, "three"],
[105, "three"]]
What I would like to do is create an array of hashes that looks like this
[{"one" => [100,101,102]},
{"two" => [103]},
{"three" => [104,105]}]
The number portion will always be unique, the ...
This is a newbie question around nginx and thin in the rails environment. In reading/learning on rails I frequently hear about nginx and thin being a great combination for a rails site. In reading the descriptions of each, they both describe themselves as web servers, so I'm a little confused at what the combination brings to the tabl...
In my view i want to diplay current date in mm/dd/yyyy format
I am working on a very large Rails application. We initially did not use much inheritance, but we have had some eye opening experiences from a consultant and are looking to refactor some of our models.
We have the following pattern a lot in our application:
class Project << ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :graph_settings
class Graph...