I am looking for a piece of software that will allow me to use Ruby on Rails 2.3.8 on top of MACOSX - basically, I teach at a college where students are not able to get terminal acccess to the rails built into OSX so I am looking for a piece of software like "Locomotive" that is an app that allows students to use rails without administra...
I want to find out files that are older than x days (time and weekends don't count for the purpose of calculating a file's age). I need to use only weekdays.
My script is working but only if the date from the range are within the same month. Otherwise the range size is 0.
I run the script via ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86...
I use php and there is a handy exit; that will stop the execution of the page and let me view the page thus far and then lets me view the debugging that i need ..anything like that in ruby on rails
Until now I'm setting up my own development environment with Vagrant/VirtualBox/Chef (Ruby).
I wonder if there is a hosting company that provides pre-configured VPS for...
...letting me just choose what I want to have installed and also which linux packages I would like to install in each VPS.
Are there h...
I need to
run ant remotelly
create/modify xml files for ant
pass back results from ant's execution
so I thought I am going to write a web/application server in ruby. But I do not know where to start.
The computer that will run ant is Win XP SP3 and there is no web server or anything else running.
I found this code but not sure wh...
<div>some text</div>
<div>some text</div>
more text here
<div>some text</div>
one more text here
<div>some text</div>
Using Rails 3, this scope works as would be expected:
scope :with_posts, lambda {
select("authors.*, count(posts.id) posts_count").
having("posts_count > 0")
The generated SQL is:
SELECT authors.*, count(posts.id) posts_count FROM `authors` INNER J...
Anyone know of an easy to use Ruby XML writer out there? I just need to write some simple XML and having trouble finding one that's straightforward...
I use system "java -cp xxx.jar" in my ruby script and it runs well on Mac OS. But when I run the script on Windows 7 x64, those java -cp xxx.jar did not get executed and no error was reported.
I am sorry for my bad english first.
I just installed ruby and rails few hours ago (you wouldn't believe it took me 3 days to install ruby,rvm,rails and etc, on this ubuntu 10.04 machine) and I am trying to implement basic Member scaffold. My version of rails is 3.0.0 and my ruby is 1.9.2.
When I #rails generate scaffold Member em...
I have just started using Yard to generate my docs and whilst it works great for my models and controllers, I can't seem to get it to generate anything for the views
I've tried a variety of different ways to get it to work. Currently I've set up a rake task to generate the docs that looks something like this
<a href="/videos/21-running">
<img height="120" src="/images/sample-image.jpg" alt="Running">
Please support me a way click link in cucumber by alt or src. Thanks.
I have used Heroku to push up my already coded Rails applications.
But now I wonder how the workflow would look like if I start coding a new Rails application from scratch.
For example if I use their addons (MongoHQ, Redis, Websolr, Sendgrid etc) in my application code, then I guess I shouldn't install MongoDB, Redis, Solr, Mail server...
So, I want to search in fetched records:
p = Product.added_today # Get records by scope
# wants something like
p.search(:name => 'Clocks')
Is there easy (rails way) to do it (gem or something)?
I have used ssl_requirement plugin for previous versions of Rails and it is awesome. But for Rails 3 I want to try out some new plugins or gems. Any suggestions?
What is the regex to match a string with at least one period and no spaces?
I have a PaymentDetail model with attribute 'home_address_country', so i can use
@payment_detail.home_address_country //where @payment_detail is object of that model.
I want to use something like this:---
country_attribute=address_type+"_address_country" //where address type is equal to 'home'
I try to open pptx file in PowerPoint 2010 programaticaly from Ruby using win32ole
@power_point = WIN32OLE.new('PowerPoint.Application')
@power_point.Visible = true
@power_point.DisplayAlerts = 1 # ppAlertsNone
@power_point.FileValidation = 1 # msoFileValidationSkip
@doc = @power_point.Presentations.Open(win_path(path), 0, 0, 0)
Hi all,
Here is a piece of code I wrote to implement itunes_verification.
But, its always throwing {"exception"=>"java.lang.NullPointerException", "status"=>21002} from the itunes server.
I have a form with a url option.
- form_for [@organization, @video], :url => organization_media_videos_with_session_path(@organization), :html => { :multipart => true } do |f|
That URL is specifically a helper that I wrote here :
def organization_media_videos_with_session_path(organization)
session_key = ActionController::Base.sess...