
Rails / ActiveRecord implementing a "Watch list" relationship.

I'm looking for advice on how best to construct a "watch-list" for the app I'm currently working on. Models as follows: # user.rb has_many :items # item.rb belongs_to :user I need to now add a watch-list, where users can favorite certain items, without taking ownership. I've tried the following: # user.rb has_many :items has_many ...

How to test/spec Sinatra & MongoDB API with Cucumber?

I want to spec a Sinatra server that receives HTTP requests, stores things in MongoDB, and responds with JSON. How would I spec both the MongoDB entries and the responses? I'd like to use Cucmber and RSpec to do this cause I hear they're hot, but I'm not really good with them yet. Thanks! Matt ...

Sinatra vs. Rails

I've worked through some of the Sinatra and Rails samples, but I'm having a hard time figuring out which features belong to which technology. What specifically do I gain by using Sinatra/Rails? Is it just ActionPack/ActionView? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I COULD just use Webrick/Mongrel and serve up my .erb files right? And I could us...

ROR + Replace the last character by detecting it using ruby code by another character

Is it possible to detect the last character of string in ruby on rails and replace it by "". Explanation :: Suppose I have string as "demo-" then i have to check its last character, If it is "-" then replace it by "", otherwise no action should be taken. Example - Code :: search_text.downcase! if !search_text.nil? now if seach_text h...

How Do I Get A User's Twitter ID or Screen Name If I Have The Access Token and Access Secret Using Twitter Gem

Ok, so am using the Twitter gem version 0.9.12 and I have successfully figured out how to do the OAuth dance and get the users access token and access secret that I can store securely in the database to send tweets on the users behalf from my rails app. The problem I am having is that I want to display a message to the user in their ac...

dynamic variable names using Ruby's instance_variable_set

I'm trying to create a set of instances that have different instance names using instance_variable_set to change the instance name and I can't seem to get it to work. for i in 0..3 do username_str = username_str = 'user_' + i.to_s username_new = username_new.instance_variable_set("@#{WHAT_DO_I_PUT...

Help understand validates_each Rails helper

class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates_each :name, :email do |model, attr, value| if value =~ /groucho|harpo|chico/i model.errors.add(attr, "You can't be serious, #{value}") end end end Confused as to how this works. Is :name, email the items it will loop? ...

Ruby won't read /proc/mounts IFF in a thread and on RHEL 5.5

I've been successfully reading the Linux file '/proc/self/mounts' from within a Ruby thread using stock Ruby in Ubuntu Lucid (ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux]). Now I'm trying to do the same on Red Hat 5.5 (ruby 1.8.6 (2010-02-05 patchlevel 399) [x86_64-linux]), but the thread won't complete. I wrote a testing script...

Rails wizard like form using jQuery

Hi, I want to build a wizard like multi-step input form for my model. I want to stick to rest practices as long as possible. The individual steps in the wizard don't have much inter-dependency so to avoid the round trip to the server, I want to store the whole data on client side using JQueryUI tabs or similar. I have following ques...

Rails: How do you render with a layout inside a JS template?

I'm familiar with using Ajax templates to update particular parts of a page, but how do you render with layout when doing so? For example, given a layout: #foo = yield :foo a simple view "show.html.haml": = render @bar and a partial: - content_for :foo = bar.to_html ... the HTML result would render within the layout and I'd...

uninitialized constant Tilt::CompileSite::Nokogiri error in sinatra/haml

I have a two line script that works nicely in ruby. I moved it to haml and getting the error NameError at / uninitialized constant Tilt::CompileSite::Nokogiri the haml code: %td - @doc = Nokogiri::XML( = @doc.xpath("//testsuite").each_with_index {|node,index| "#{index+1}. #{node.attributes["name"]...

Using kramdown in Rails 3

I'm trying to add some Markdown styling to my Rails 3 blog application. This should be something simple, but I can't get it to work. I have kramdown in my Gemfile: gem 'kramdown' I ran bundle install. I have an application helper called kramdown module ApplicationHelper def kramdown(text) require 'kramdown' return Kramdown...

Why doesn't this Ruby replace regex work as expected?

Consider the following string which is a C fragment in a file: strcat(errbuf,errbuftemp); I want to replace errbuf (but not errbuftemp) with the prefix G-> plus errbuf. To do that successfully, I check the character after and the character before errbuf to see if it's in a list of approved characters and then I perform the replace. ...

Installing Ruby on Mac 1.9.2, still getting 1.8.7 even though path changed

I'm on a Mac running 10.6.4 Snow Leopard, and apparently ruby comes ready to go. But I'm new to Ruby, trying to learn the Rails framework, and so i decided to install the latest version 1.9.2. I followed the instructions here, but after I compile and install, when I run ruby -v I'm still getting 1.8.7. Anyone can help a noob out? Whe...

What is a Ruby web crawler library that allow xpath access and the equivalent of save as webpage complete?

Hi. I don't need to crawl the whole internet, I just need to open a few URL, extract other URL, and then save some page in a way that they can be browsed on the disk later. What library would be appropriate to program that? ...

ignore before_update when save

some case I don't want execute before_update. please help me. case A: in case I want used before_update obj = Object.find(id) but case B I don't want used before_update obj = Object.find(id) # in case I want used before_update ...

In Ruby, isn't self.user_name the same as @user_name?

In Ruby, isn't an instance variable like @foo and a class variable, @@bar? In some code, I see a few self.user_name = @name or even a += 1 if name != user_name # this time, without the "self." # and it is the first line of a method so # it doesn't look like it is a loca...

Ruby: How do I convert a string (ARGV) representation of integers and ranges to an array of integers

In Ruby, how can I take an array of tokens representing either integers or ranges and parse them into an array of integers that include each integer and each element in each range? Example: Given input [ "5", "7-10", "24", "29-31"] I'd like to produce output [ 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 24, 29, 30, 31 ] Thanks. ...

Ruby, !! operator (a/k/a the double-bang)

Possible Duplicate: What does !! mean in ruby? Hi, I'm new to Ruby and can't find anywhere description of what "!!" means. Here's an example: def signed_in? !!current_user end If this is a double negative, why not to say: def signed_in? current_user end Please help. ...

Syntax highlighting with CodeRay and Markdown (RDiscount) in a Rails 3 application

I'm trying to add some syntax highlighting to my blog that currently uses RDiscount. I am converting the Markdown to HTML with RDiscount then parsing the HTML code blocks with CodeRay to add syntax highlighting. This is what I have so far: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base before_save :render_body def render_body self.rendered_bo...