
call from Flex to Ruby

Hi, I am very new to Ruby technology. In my current Project the Backend application is develooping ruby and Fortend is developing Flex with HTTPServices. I try to find any where how the Flex will call to Ruby. Please any one haing sample code, please send me asap. Actually i have a httpService in my applcation like.. And i could n...

What does the error Client.Data.UnderFlow mean in an AMF transaction?

During RubyAMF and AS3 interaction, I keep getting the error "Client.Data.UnderFlow" in a NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS on the AS3 side. On the Ruby side I get "ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find {type} without an ID)", where {type} is the defined type that I'm looking up. A google search suggests that this issue seems to have com...

after refactoring to RubyAmf Rails doesn't seem to complain about authenticity_token

Hi, I'm building a Flex 4 + Rails 2.3.5 application. First I was using XML to pass date through and I used to get an error complaining about Authenticity Token which I passed manually then to get through the error. After that I re-factored my code to use RubyAmf which seems to be working but I didn't pass in the authenticity_token at f...

How can I send multiple objects with RubyAmf

Hi, I'm new to RubyAmf. I noticed that you can send an object with RubyAmf as follows: format.amf { render :amf => @user} Which works fine. But I wasn't sure what to do what when I have two ,or more, objects: @projects = @user.projects @tasks = @user.tasks How can I can send @projects and @tasks without having to do multiple reque...

Handling cookies with Flex for Authentication

Hi, I'm using Flex 4(beta2) with Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 and using RubyAMF to transfer data back and forth between Flex and server. I set up Authlogic on the Rails side for authentication. I wasn't sure what's the best method to handle user sessions. I know this is done automatically with Rails by sending session id with cookie which Rail...

Can I send a file to Flex using RubyAMF?

I'm generating a PNG file in Flex from graphics drawn by user. I would like to send the file to Ruby on Rails backend and I'm using RubyAMF in other parts of the application. I found ways to upload the file using FileReference which uses HTTP but I prefer to send using RubyAMF ,if possible, as it's more efficient. If this is possible w...

Rubyamf with attachment_fu problem.

This my class test. has_attachment :storage => :file_system, :max_size => 1.megabytes Rubyamf_config.rb ClassMappings.register( :actionscript => 'TestVO', :ruby => 'Test', :type => 'active_record', :methods => ["created_at","has_attachment"], :attributes => ["id","document_uri", "lock_version"]...

RubyAmf and Rails 3

I have recently been trying to upgrade my app form Rails 2.3.8 to newly-releases Rails 3. After going through fixing some Rails 3 RubyAMF doesn't seem to work: >>>>>>>> RubyAMF >>>>>>>>> #<RubyAMF::Actions::PrepareAction:0x1649924> took: 0.00017 secs The action '#<ActionDispatch::Request:0x15c0cf0>' could not be found for DaysControlle...

Problem with ActiveRecord::Dirty with RubyAmf.

I am using changed?,changes methods on console and that's working fine ... But inside my model it's not returning expected result .. I am using flex as my front end .. Any idea about it ?? RubyAmf causing problem ?? ...

Utilizing A Devise Session Through Flex With Rails3-AMF

I have a Flex front end and a Rails 3 back-end that I would like to establish a session to. Before you can access the page embedded with the flex front-end, you are prompted with a html login page through Devise. I am able to login fine through the html page but cannot get access to the session with Flex using amf requests. I have the...