
drupal, rules, flag, date

Hi, Hope someone can advise. I am using drupal 6. I have a node called [classroom]. I would like to have a [vacancy register] associated with each classroom. vacancy register is a cck type with: - uid - nid - join date I would like for each user to [register] for a vacancy. I think I can use flag for this. When a user joins, I ca...

How to remove the inherited rules for a registry key

I want to allow read/write permissions to only administrators group for a registry key which is already created in the system. Other than administrators, no one should be able to access the key. I have written code to enumerate all the registryaccess rules associated with the registry key and start removing each rule. The problem i am...

drupal actions triggers rules

Hi, I'm looking at the code in the signup module. It seems that there are triggers and actions in place already for certain events. If I was to add rules events, would that confuse the situation? Or is it possible to use the triggers to call rules actions? I would like to add rules events and rules schedule to it. Thanks Ed ...

Which Python language rule allows the descriptor to be found first?

I bumped into the following last night and I'm still at a loss as to explain it: class Foo(object): @property def dave(self): vars(self)['dave'] = 1 return 2 f = Foo() print f.dave print f.dave Running this code produces: 2 2 The question is why? My understanding of attribute access is that the instance dic...

Configurable rule based system in C#

I have an algorithm that returns a list of classifications(strings) dependant on the two arguments given to the algorithm: a type variable, and an extra category string that allows certain special classifications to be added to the result list. The current implementation, is unreadable and unscalable due to the expression of the rules a...

What utilies you like of FxCop

I love Resharper, but Fxcop is free, and does some bits Resharper does. My question is what can do more to get best out of Fxcop? I am using VS2008, and planning to upgrade to VS2010 next March hopefully. ...

Convention result and code error C++ int foo (...)

In Linux for example when i use batch if error code is 0 thats good, but what is the convention in C++ ? when int (or bool) is equal to one we say that's true, but what must be the return of such function in C++ ? ...

Merging '<Files>' directives in .htaccess?

My .htaccess file looks like this: <Files misc> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> <Files computers> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> <Files products> ForceType application/x-httpd-php </Files> ...and several more. However, given that the directive is called File**s** (i.e. plural), it seems like there should be...

How many different rules are there in css?

Like @import,anything else? ...

How does rule-based verification with Petri nets work and what is this good for?

A friend just pointed me out to an new development in computer science called "rule based verification with Petri nets". He's not a computer guy but an artist, so I wonder if that's really something cool I must look at? Over the phone he told me from reading and translating an newspaper in Russian, that this fancy new technology is all a...

How does a rule system like the one used in Outlook Express work in theory? How could it be done?

I'm curious about this: In Microsofts Outlook Express (or Outlook, don't remember well, I'm a Mac user), they have something really cool. Generic rules: You can configure a set of rules to automatically sort or delete your emails, for instance. It's incredible powerful and easy to use. These rules looked pretty much like this: "If em...

Aggregating automatically-generated feature vectors

Hi all, I've got a classification system, which I will unfortunately need to be vague about for work reasons. Say we have 5 features to consider, it is basically a set of rules: A B C D E Result 1 2 b 5 3 X 1 2 c 5 4 X 1 2 e 5 2 X We take a subject and get its values for A-E, then try matching the rules in sequenc...

Segmentation rules for non latin based languages like Chinese, Japanese

Hi While exploring ,I came across the segmentation rules(link).It uses full stop(.) as a language delimiter. which segmentaion rules can we use for segment the non latin based Languages for which a dot(.) mean something other than a delimiter or for the languages which don't have any delimiters Example –Chinese,Japanese...

Replace relational DB (SQL Server) with rules-based/declarative implementation?

I have started working on a project in the financial services industry that is based (mainly) on SQL Server (2000), ColdFusion (8), and some Access/.NET applications. This project started as some simple Access forms/VBA and was slowly converted to web interfaces. I could say that the database design and application coding was done by pe...

Pros and cons of Java rules engines

What are the pros and cons to adopting the Java rules engines JESS and Drools? Are there any other players? I understand that Drools is Open Source and JESS is not, but how do they compare in other areas like ease of use, performance, level of integration with your code? ...

How do you implement Data Quality & Validation rules in a data warehouse?

I'm developing a datawarehouse to be part of my company's enterprise application suite. So I've been learning a lot about DW concepts but the rules engine seems difficult and I can't find much information about various ways to implement. The focus of the rules is to validate data quality, and also alert when certain business metrics ar...

What kind of rules for segmentation we can use in latin languages for writing test cases?

Hi, We need to write Test cases for segmentation Logic for Latin based languages. w.r.t that I have found many sites, doc's for rules of segmentation logic, related to that i got one link "" but we don't want to use this. Now we are looking for more relevant segmentation rules which can s...

Should I use Drools in this situation?

I'll use a university's library system to explain my use case. Students register in the library system and provide their profile: gender, age, department, previously completed courses, currently registered courses, books already borrowed, etc. Each book in the library system will define some borrowing rules based on students' profile, fo...

drupal rules adding field data to referenced node without replacing existing data

My question is about: "adding field data to referenced node without replacing existing data". For example, I have a project node with team members referencing the project. Each team member has on its node a location, ie, 'United Kingdom', 'United States', 'Australia'. On the project node I have those exact same fields. I need to create...

ruleML - benefits/bad points?

Hi guys, I'm currently looking into ruleML and I was wondering if maybe someone could give me a short list of advantages and disadvantages about it? Thanks ...