
jquery create css rule / class @ runtime

usually i have a css file which has the following rule: #my-window { position: fixed; z-index: 102; display:none; top:50%; left:50%; } how can i avoid creating such a static css file by adding the css-information during runtime actions to the body or what else. (only using jquery) i want to define it once but with...

Recurrence Rule +vCalendar

Recurrence Rule: This property is identified by the property name RRULE. This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for a recurring vCalendar entity, based on the Basic Recurrence Rule Grammar of XAPIA's CSA. The value for the property is a pattern specification for the recurrence. The following is an example of this property: RR...

How to balance DRY principle with minimizing dependencies?

I'm having a problem with the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself) and minimizing dependencies that revolves around Rete rules engines. Rules engines in large IT organizations tend to be Enterprise (note the capital "E" - that's serious business). All rules must be expressed once, nice and DRY, and centralized in an expensive rules en...

iPhone Sandbox rules file

Where can I find the application sandbox rules file for 3.0 firmware? I remember seeing it somewhere around in 2.x, but now can't find it. ...

StyleCop specific config / MSBuild & Visual Studio various behaviours

Hi, Here is a problem with specific StyleCop configuration. I've got a total of two Settings.StyleCop files in my Visual Studio .Net solution folders. The first is placed at the folder root with chosen rules for the team. As I want to disable some rules for a specific project, I've put another Settings.StyleCop file in the correspond...

jquery validation rules and a weird IE7 error

I have the following validation: phone1: { required: { depends: "#pri_noPhone:not(:checked)" }, number: true, minlength:3, }, If a checkbox is checked (yes, contact me via phone) then go validate the phone1, phone2 and phone3. In FF and Firebug, there are no errors. However, IE7 throws an error saying: a...

WF Rules and CodeTypeReferenceExpression

I moved some variables into classes in my workflow. Unfortunately, now the rules fail, I've been trying to set the Type, but keep getting this error. Activity 'ifRequestComplete' validation failed: Property "Condition" has invalid value. Condition expression is invalid. The type name specified ("Request, ApprovalWorkflow")...

how do wild character % work in makefile rules

I have a makefile. I need to build a set of targets under C:/bin/ from the source files under src1 and src2. let them be required in the order say ${DEST_DIR}/a.o ${DEST_DIR}/b.o ${DEST_DIR}/c.o ${DEST_DIR}/d.o in some part of makefile DEST_DIR = C:/bin SRC_DIR1 = C:/src1 SRC_DIR2 = C:/src2 and i've the rules for them as follow...

Persistence Pattern - Rule based Observer

I'm trying to add functionality to an app where a user can subscribe for changes made either: To another entity (by any user) By another user (to any other entity) A combination of the two (this last one's optional, but makes the problem more challenging) I'm wondering how best to persist these rules to the database. I'm naturally t...

Forcefully trigger a rule in Drupal?

How do I force a rule to be trigger in Drupal? I.e. From code? ...

Parsing rules - how to make them play nice together.

So I'm doing a Parser, where I favor flexibility over speed, and I want it to be easy to write grammars for, e.g. no tricky workaround rules (fake rules to solve conflicts etc, like you have to do in yacc/bison etc.) There's a hand-coded Lexer with a fixed set of tokens (e.g. PLUS, DECIMAL, STRING_LIT, NAME, and so on) right now there a...

Facebook Development - is it possible to build an application that ...

Hello all, I am trying to build a small facebook application, though first I want to find out if its even possible: My application invovles the user writing down some content in the setup phase. Then, once data is submited the application needs to alert the user within a range of time. Here starts the tricky part, if the user doesn't r...

A rule-based system in Java and C# environments

I need to build a "rule-based" system that can be run and developed in both C# and Java (for a chemistry application). The system needs to be able to get computed properties of objects (through existing libraries) and make decisions on those values. I am not sure what the system will look like but the rules need not be formally consisten...

AppleScript rule action appears to be passed the wrong message in Apple Mail

In Apple's Mail application, one can specify that an AppleScript script be run when a rule matches a message. However, when I write a script to take advantage of this ability, the script is passed the message previous to the new one in the list (or maybe the currently selected message - not sure). Searching around, I see other folks expe...

Rules to Develop a Delphi Windows 7 App

Where can I find the best set of rules to follow for developing a Delphi application for Windows 7? ...

In Drools Rules, how to use two different ArrayList objects,obj1 is used in rule 1 and obj2 used in rule2?

I am doing ksession.insert(list) and after that I have to fire rule 1 in the drl file, then ksession.insert(list) and fire rule 2 in the drl. Could someone tell me how to achieve this. I read about agenda filters and facthandles but do not really know how to get this to work Below is some code: ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list....

Best practices in modelling user constraints in a webapp?

I'm building a webapp with role based access control using Acegi (Spring) security. So i have different users with roles: ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER and etc. However, i need to implement various user constraints. Let's consider an example: Suppose, there is a site where users can watch movies online. There are users with roles ROLE_STA...

JQuery Validation - Single rule for multiple fields?

This might be a simple question but I'm just picking this up so please be kind :) Using JQuery validation, if I want a textbox to be a required field I can just add a css class of "required" to the element and it is picked up by the validation. If I want a slightly more complex rule, ie. required with a minimum length, can I use a cust...

Force rules for build and deployment

Our web project is source-controlled with SVN. It contains MSBuild file to build local, test and production builds. We also use CruiseControl.NET to deploy production and test versions to servers manually (not after every commit). The question is how to check that if production deployment is being done using CC.NET web project is built ...

How to apply a sifr rule to a hyperlink and also its counterpart

Have a hyperlink inside of a h1... like so: <h1 id="site-name"><a href="blah">blah</a><h1> I apply a sifr3 rule to the css: h1#site-name then inside sifr3-rules.js i apply the following rules... "a": { "text-decoration": "none" }, "a:link": { "color": "#FF0000" }, "a:hover": { "color": "#00FF00", "text-decoration": "none" } Bu...