
Installing a Ruby version with rvm froze my computer--can I test to see if it installed correctly?

I recently refreshed my Linux installation with Mint 9 (based on Ubuntu 10.04) 64-bit, no Ruby packages at all, and started with a clean install of rvm. But when I ran rvm install 1.9.2, after half an hour or so of some heavy CPU usage the computer froze altogether. I powered down and restarted it, and rvm tells me that ruby-1.9.2-p0 is...

Ubuntu 10.04 - RVM won't set a default ruby.

Hello, I've managed to install RVM on a Linode VPS before, but after a rebuild I'm running in to all kind of problems and thought I'd see if anyone here could advise. I'm trying to install RVM (and Ruby 1.9.2) on a Linode Ubuntu 10.04 (32 Bit) VPS. I've tried following the instructions on many sites, such as http://web2linux.com/insta...

rubygems 1.3.7 TypeError (in 'merge') during installation on Ubuntu

While installing ruby-1.9.2-p0 with rvm on an updated Ubunutu x86_64, I keep getting an error in `merge': can't convert String into Hash (TypeError). All apt packages in rvm notes and those found in the rubygems manual have been installed. I believe the error is resulting when RVM is attempting to install rubygems. I also get the same e...

Rails Script Segmentation Fault with RVM

I am getting a segmentation fault. Should which ruby return /usr/local/bin? rpi-wl-757:ellisberner maletor$ rails generate mailer ContactMailer /Users/maletor/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/mysql2-0.2.4/lib/mysql2/mysql2.bundle: [BUG] **Segmentation fault** ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [universal-darwin10.0] Abort trap...

rvm, irb and require - not working for installed gems under irb

Hi, I have just installed rvm today and it looks really handy/powerful. I think I am getting the hang of it, but... When using an rvm installed ruby, and running irb, when I require an installed gem, something, like 'rvm', I get: > kimptoc$ rvm use 1.8.7 Using /Users/kimptoc/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302 > kimptoc$ gem list *** LOCAL ...

Selenium can't launch firefox without sudo in Rails cucumber testing

I have a weird bug when trying to run selenium with cucumber testing in Rails 3. (This is under an RVM running 1.8.7) My colleague's dev environment works just fine but when I try and run "AUTOFEATURE=true autotest" or "rake features" I get the following error: unable to start Firefox cleanly, args: [] (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebD...

Installing ruby using RVM fails, without trace...

Ok, I installed RVM. I tested using: type rvm | head -n1 The output: "rvm is a function". So far so good. Then I tried: rvm install 1.8.7-p302 All went smoothly, but then: $ ruby -v The program 'ruby' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install ruby RVM says all went fine through the install....

Rails 2.3.8 application not booting after installing RVM...

After installing Rails 3, RVM and Ruby 1.9.2, I've been having trouble running this Rails 2.3.8 app. necromancer@factory$ script/server ./script/../config/boot.rb:5: uninitialized constant Rails (NameError) from script/server:2:in `require' from script/server:2 After running gem which rails, I got the following path: /Users/necrom...

How do I rename a gemset?

Is there an RVM command to simply rename a gemset? I couldn't find it on the RVM site. ...

Install hpricot on Mac OS X with rvm and brew

Having problems installing hpricot on Mac OS X. I suspect it might be an issue between rvm and brew? rvm 1.0.5 brew 0.7 Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks! $ gem install hpricot Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing hpricot: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /Users/dhaskin/.rvm/...

installing gems using rvm

When trying to install gems using rvm i get this error $ rvm gem install sproutcore ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES) Permission denied - /home/tee/.gem/specs but it says on the rvm site that you should not use sudo so I'm not sure whats wrong with my setup when i type $GEM_HOME it shows that the directory is pointing t...

RVM ruby 1.8.7 running debugger fails when starting web server

When using RVM with ruby 1.8.7 I am unable to run the debugger. I am using rails 2.3.9 and mongrel script/server --debugger returns: You need to install ruby-debug to run the server in debugging mode. With gems, use 'gem install ruby-debug' this is what my gem list looks like: ruby-debug (0.10.3) ruby-debug-base (0.10.3) ...

jRuby and Problems with Warbler, RVM, and Tomcat

I've been having a tough time getting jRuby on Rails 3 deployed on Tomcat 6. I got it to work exactly once. I modified my database.yaml and Gemfile to check for jRuby, something like this: if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) gem 'jdbc-mysql' #gem 'jdbc-sqlite3' gem 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter' gem 'activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter'...

Ruby on Rails and RVM: Problem including external gems in my Gemfile (Rails 3)

When I try to include an external gem in my Gemfile (e.g. from github), my RVM doesn't recognize the external gem. It keeps telling me to run "bundle install" even after already doing. For example, when I log into shell and do a "bundle check", I see that all "dependencies are satisfied" but in my browser, Passenger tells me that my gem...

Installing Ruby on Ubuntu 10.10 using RVM, problem with gem

I've decided to start fresh with ubuntu 10.10. I started with installing git and then installing rvm from the git repo. everything worked fine and I compiled and install ruby 1.8.7 and ruby 1.9.2 the gem is also installed and I run gem -v but when run gem list or gem install rake I get the following error ERROR: Loading command: li...

RVM vs MacPorts for managing RoR

Hello, I'm diving into Ruby on Rails and two tools were suggested to me right from the start, RVM and MacPorts. I'm using RVM at the moment to manage my ruby and rails installs, so MacPorts doesn't appear to offer me much that I don't already have. I certainly see the differences between the two, RVM is primarily used for Ruby installa...

Guidance in setting up some RVM environments

So I want to create environments for rails 3 and rails 2.1.1 How do I do this? Where do I look for the various versions of rails? I get an error when I try: rvm 1.9.2-head ruby ruby-1.9.2-head is not installed. I just followed what I read on: http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/gemsets/creating/ ...

Do I really need the @rails3 when creating a gemset?

I'm confused, what does the @rails3 do when creating a new gemset? I want to run both rails2.1.1 and rails3 applications, and switch between the two. I create a rvm for 1.9.2 and 1.8.7 And inside 1.9.2 I created 2 gemsets, and installed rails 2.1.1 in one gemset, and rails3 in another gemset. Am I doing this right? I'm reading othe...

Error -bash: ≈: command not found when starting a new bash after installing RVM

I installed RVM, and updated my .bash_profile with: [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" I get this error when opening a new terminal now: -bash: ≈: command not found what could be the reason? ...

Howto Uninstall RVM

How can I uninstall (or reinstall) RVM on Ubuntu 9.10? I messed up my current installation. ...