
Which thread should I process the RxTx SerialEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE event?

I'm using the RxTx library over usbserial on a Linux distro. The RxTx lib seems to behave quite differently (in a bad way) than how it works over serial. My application has several threads and one of my biggest problems is that out of nowhere, I seem to be getting one to two extra bytes on my stream. I can't figure out where they co...

Writing data over RxTx using usbserial?

I'm using the RxTx library over usbserial on a Linux distro. The RxTx lib seems to behave quite differently (in a bad way) than how it works over serial. One of my biggest problems is that the RxTx SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY does not work on linux over usbserial. How do I know when I should write to the stream? Any indicators...

NoSuchPortException using RXTX Java library on Windows?

I have followed the instructions to setup rxtx on windows from http://www.jcontrol.org/download/readme_rxtx_en.html. What I did exactly was copy rxtxSerial.dll to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\jre\bin" and copied RXTXcomm.jar to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\jre\lib\ext" (my JAVA_HOME variable is set to C:\Program Files\Java\j...

unsatisfied link: SolarisParallel using rxtx to replace java comm api in Windows XP

Hi everyone, i'm trying to use the rxtx 2.0 jars and dll to use the java comm api in windows xp, i copied the RXTXcomm.jar to jre\ext and rxtxSerial.dll and rxtxParallel.dll to jre\bin When I run the program I got the following error: Error loading SolarisSerial: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no SolarisSerialParallel in java.library....

java inputstream read blocking

According to the java api, the InputStream.read() is described as: If no byte is available because the end of the stream has been reached, the value -1 is returned. This method blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is detected, or an exception is thrown. I have a while(true) loop doing a read and I a...

Dynamically loading a native library inside Java applet

I am trying to write a Java applet that will read from a user's serial port. For this I am using the Java Comm API in conjuction with the RXTX library. I've successfully managed to read data through a local Java application but I can't seem to do the same from within an applet. The problem is that the RXTX library is a native library and...

Why SerialEvent.RI doesn't work?

Hi, I have two computers running this code: import java.io.; import java.util.; import gnu.io.*; public class Deb implements SerialPortEventListener, Runnable{ public static final int TIMEOUTSECONDS = 30; public static final int BAUD = 9600; static String telefono; static Boolean llamar = false; CommPortIdentifier cpiModem = null; ...

Problem with ring event in serial port communication

Hi, I have a modem in a computer where there is running a program that dials a number or waits for a call. When dialing a number the modem works fine, but I doesn't detect the Ring event when it's the one being called. My program is in java and it works perfectly on my laptop with its modem. When I use the modem to receive a fax, it wor...

rxtx com port

Hi, I am using rxtx api to read data from a GPS device over a com port. Right now I'm finding the correct com port by reading a config file and looking for the port listed. The problem that I'm having is that if the device is unplugged the com port could change then the user has to know to change the config file. I wrote an app similar t...

Serial Port Not getting closed. I want to release the COM port ...

Serial Port Not getting closed. I want to release the COM port ... Below is my code.... import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import gnu.io.*; public class ReadCommPort implements SerialPortEventListener { static CommPortIdentifier portId; static Enumeration portList; InputStream inputStrea...

Problem receving in RXTX

I've been using RXTX for about a year now, without too many problems. I just started a new program to interact with a new piece of hardware, so I reused the connect() method I've used on my other projects, but I have a weird problem I've never seen before. The Problem The device works fine, because when I connect with hyperterminal, I...

Is constant polling in RXTX necessary?

While trying to figure out this problem (any help there is appreciated), I ran RXTX while monitoring its activity using PortMon and noticed that RXTX constantly checks if data is available, even when the Java client reads from the gnu.io.SerialPort object only through a SerialPortEventListener. Why is this? Is it a poor implementation ...

Serial Communication between Java RXTX and Arduino

I'm trying to communicate between my PC (Windows 7 using Netbeans and RXTX) with an Arduino Pro, using the serial port. The Arduino is actually connected to the PC using an FTDI cable. The code is based on the Java SimpleRead.Java found here. Currently the Arduino simply prints out a string when it starts up. My Java program should pr...

SerialPortEventListener Implementation

I am playing with the Firmata protocol which allows you to control Arduino through a serial protocol. I am reading sensor values using SerialPortEventListener listening for DATA_AVAILABLE event. But i notice a lot of latency it takes a second for the updated sensor values to be registered by my application, protocol runs at a baud rate o...

How to access USB ports in java

Hi I'm trying to write a java application that accesses the usb ports to some read and writes to a device connected through usb. The problem I face is that I don't know what exactly to use in java to do such a thing. I searched online a found something called jusb but all the post seem fairly old. Currently I'm using the RXTX librarie...

java serial I/O: handling USB serial connection/disconnection in a robust manner

I'm using rxtx for serial I/O handling in Java with an FTDI2232H that provides a USB comm port. It works great, with one exception: if I unplug the USB cable, so that the COM port disappears at runtime, it spews exceptions left and right: java.io.IOException: No error in nativeavailable at gnu.io.RXTXPort.nativeavailable(Native Method) ...

RXTX and Serial USB : Hotplug management on linux/windows

Hi everybody. I'm writing an RXTX based code in order to detect the plug and unlug of a USB serial device on linux/windows. public class PortMonitor implements Runnable { String portname; boolean life = false; CommPort p = null; public PortMonitor(String name) { this.portname = name; } public void s...

RXTX virtual serial port read problem

Background: Windows Server 2003 R2,Wire Service virtual serial port created with RealPort software, Serial Port configured as COM5, 9600 baud,8 data bits, no parity bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control, Using RXTX 2.1-7. The port COM5 is found, the serial port is created using the portId.open method and port parameters and flow control ar...

Java/RXTX issue Windows XP

Hi Guys, I'm currently testing a Java/MySQL POS system I've written for a small bar, and am having problems with the cash draw. The cash drawer has an RJ11 plug connected via a USB->Serial box, and writing any data to the device triggers the draw to open. I'm having problems with RXTX, and wasn't sure if it was my code, the library or...

Thread interrupt not ending blocking call on input stream read

I'm using RXTX to read data from a serial port. The reading is done within a thread spawned in the following manner: CommPortIdentifier portIdentifier = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(port); CommPort comm = portIdentifier.open("Whatever", 2000); SerialPort serial = (SerialPort)comm; ...settings Thread t = new Thread(new SerialRea...